2012 Okinawa Menu

On October 17, 2012,  as a stop on the  Nobuyuki Tsujii 2012-13 Japan Tour, Nobu performed to a full house in Okinawa, during a severe storm.

Apparently Nobu had a little fun while on the island, a favorite vacation spot of his family,  storm not withstanding.

Image via Internet link  

He enjoyed at least one great meal while there, as mentioned in this  blog post:

http://chiyu0706.ti-da.net/d2012-10-20.html (Oct 20 blog post by a chef at the 那覇市泉崎 Hotel Route Inn Naha Izumizaki in Okinawa)





その辻井さんが大絶賛、とても喜んでくれたそうです、さすが(^-^) ...

...Today, I will write about  KO-CHAN catering. He is used to offering a catering service to Yuming (famous Japanese singer/song-writer) on her tour and prepares her meals too.

He cooks her food on the spot, so that the food is freshly prepared.

He told me this time he was in charge of catering for a celebrity: blind pianist Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.

He is originally a Western cuisine cook, but the menu is a mix of original Western dishes and Okinawa cuisine.

He told me that Mr. Tsujii raved about the food. He was so very pleased.

 I'm impressed. (as may be expected of a good cook)...

The image below of the menu was posted with the blog, and is shown below via Internet link - translation and photos of dishes (not from the blog post) are compliments of a Nobu fan


御品書 Menu  <posted with the blog, and is shown  via Internet link>

石垣の栗/粟?塩焼???.... Chestnut ... broiled in salt

ゴーヤーフライ?こん塩  bitter melon tempura and ??

クーブイリチャー(こんぶ) Fried & boiled kelp

スンミー?イリチャー(竹のこ) Something with bamboo shoots

まこもと海老の甘煮 Sweet boiled wild rice stems & shrimps

六種の野菜和風? Six kinds of wild vegetables?

二色?か卵? Two colored ? Eggs?

アスパラとフルーツトマト Asparagus and tomato balls

西京焼 Grilled fish marinated in Miso (fermented soybean paste)

首里そば Shuri noodle

According to  wikipedia: "Okinawan cuisine (沖縄料理 Okinawa ryōri) is the cuisine of the Okinawa Prefecture of Japan. The cuisine is also known as Ryūkyūan cuisine (琉球料理 Ryūkyū ryōri), a reference to the Ryukyu Kingdom.[1] Due to differences in culture, historical contact between other regions, climate, vegetables and other ingredients, Okinawan cuisine differs from mainland Japanese cuisine."

Below are photos found on the web, of some of the dishes.

Fried & boiled kelp

Bitter melon tempura

Wild rice stems 

西京焼 Grilled fish marinated in miso 

首里そば Shuri noodle

アスパラとフルーツトマト Asparagus and tomato balls

You can see why Okinawa people are among those who live the longest on earth!