Notable web postings - January 2015

Older notable web postings are collected at Notable web postings archival

♪ January 30

【速報】しらかわホール「プレミアタイム2015」主催東海テレビ。 ◎5/23 田中彩子(S) ◎7/14 辻井伸行(P) ◎10/23 シプリアン・カツァリス(P) ◎12/5 吉田恭子(Vn) ◎2016/2/7 エルンスト&ダニエル&アンドレアス・オッテンザマー(Cl) Breaking] Shirakawa Hall "Premiere Time 2015" sponsored by Tokai TV. ◎ 5/23 Tanaka Ayako (S) ◎ 7/14 Tsujii Nobuyuki (P) ◎ 10/23 Cyprien Katsaris (P) ◎ 12/5 Kyoko Yoshida (Vn) ◎ 2016/2/7 Ernst & Daniel & Andreas Ottenzama (Cl)   -tweet

tweet by Yura:

この写真 映画 「マエストロ!」の中に登場するんですか⁉️ 2人とも、めちゃいい表情 いい写真。素晴らしい才能を持った 同い年。ピアニスト辻井伸行君と俳優松坂桃李君。♪(*^^)oo(^^*)♪   In this photo for movie "Maestro!" ⁉️ A nice photo of two good-looking guys. The same age with a great talent. Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii and actor Tori Matsuzaka

明 日辻井伸行のチケット買う為に早起きする!!フレンド以来のチケット電話だな〜˚✧₊⁎( ˘ω˘ )⁎⁺˳✧༚  Getting up early tomorrow to buy tickets for Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert.  Friends have phoned.  - tweet

辻井伸行さんのラフマニノフの協奏曲第3番、早く発売して欲しい! いくらyou tubeやらiTunesで音源探しても、David Helfgottに近いのは辻井伸行さんしかない。 結局Davidさんが好きなのか?な?私は。辻井さんの演奏するテンポ、Davidのそれと似てるよね Tsujii Nobuyuki's Concerto No. 3 of Rachmaninov of, I hope it will be releasde soon! I looked up YouTube, and the only one close to Nobuyuki Tsujii's is  David Helfgott's.  I think the tempos are similar.  -tweet

♪ January 29

ゲ ルギエフのミュンヘンフィルが聞きたいだけなのにまた辻井伸行さんが出演するおかげか値段が法外に高くて泣いてる I just want to hear the Munich Philharmonic with Gergiev and also Tsujii Nobuyuki you, but  the price is prohibitively high; crying  -tweet

This blog post "Today I learned about Nobuyuki Tsujii" is by a Japanese lady who lives overseas and who has just discovered Nobu on YouTube. She was surprised that Nobu is Japanese, and blind. "My impression of Asian musicians has been that they have good technique but lack lyricism and dynamic". This is a myth propagated by critics and kura-ota. Nobu changed her mind, thankfully. [blog of a Japanese woman living overseas, a financial planner]

今日、辻井 伸行というひとを知りました。Today, I got to know about a man named Tsujii Nobuyuki.

2015-01-29 22:21:32



最 近、やる気がなくなるとピアノの練習をすることにしていますので、指の練習のあと、今の課題曲である展覧会の絵を練習してました。後半まだなれないし音が 頭に入っていないのでたどたどしいなあと思いつつ、YouTubeでチェックしておいたピアノ演奏に聞き入ってました。




ところがこの演奏には日本人なのに信じられないほどの透明な叙情性があふれているのです。もちろん すぐこの人のほかの演奏Videoを探して、また愕然、このかた全盲です。そしてまだ26歳でも、すでに世界に名を知られるスターになりつつあります。 ヴァン,クライバーン国際ピアノコンクールで優勝したそうです。詳しくはこちら

ラクマニノフのピアノコンチェルトが再生160万回とかあったので、こちらも聞いて、今度はちがう 意味でびっくり。私実はラクマニノフ余り好きでなかったのです、美人で若いのに厚化粧のロシア娘みたいで、いまいち垢抜けない。彼のは、だいたいオケから して少しゆっくりで、ピアノが最初に入る所がとてもダイナミックで力強い。で、しかもとても泣ける演奏なのです。



Recently, I felt a lack of motivation in practicing piano -- I have been practicing Pictures at an Exhibition, so I went on YouTube to find inspiration.

Then my eyes wondered to the side panel of a video labeled 'water play' and was enchanted ...

I was genuinely surprised.  How can a Japanese, I thought, play with such combination of  delicacy and dynamism. And in the comments people write about sparkling grains of sound.

My impression of Asian pianist  has been that they have good technique, but lack lyricism and dynamics ....

However, although this is a Japanese performing, his lyricism is incredibly clear.   Of course I immediately started looking for other video of this person, and was also astonished that this person is completely blind! And still only  at the age of 26, already becoming a star, known all over the world,  It seems that he won the Cliburn International Piano Competition. For details, click here

His Rachmaninoff's piano concerto has had 1.6 million  views times.   To  tell the truth, I did not Rachmaninoff too much.    His music is like a young and beautiful Russian daughter wearing heavy makeup, it is not really refined.   The orchestra is a little slow to start, but the piano is very dynamic.  The performance made me cry.

I am buying his CDs so I can listen t him while driving ....

Such a  genius. Hopefully he will not succumb to the Japanese media. It would be okay, but I am a little worried about stories of groupies.

♪ January 28

辻井伸行くんのticket当たらないやて泣いてる。  I'm crying.  Didn't get tickets for Tsujii Nobuyuki -kun.  -tweet 

♪ January 26

This article was published a while back and has been mentioned often on the web, but it has just been posted on a Yamaha site and is the first time that I see its text, so that I can translate it,

♪ Jan 26

A promotional article appeared today on

Popular pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii opens up: "Music is my body." 'Maestro!' [a movie for which Nobu composed some music] opening on the 31st ... "I will continue to play with a fun feeling of works by Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart and the major composers in the world."   He dreams of composing an orchestral work.

image via Internet link

♪ January 22

There is a gossipy article  about Nobu in the Yomiuri (magazine?) in Japan, mentioned on its blog in a    post titled "The Surprising side of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii"   -- about his love interest, etc. I wouldn't mind hearing the answer to the question: "Does he bring his exercise equipment with him when he is on tour?" (I think yes - having seen the numerous suitcases that he and his manager travel with.)




Surprising side of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii

Without being able to see with his eyes, how does he visualize the opposite sex?...

We hear that he exercise in gyms while on tour - does he bring his own gym clothes and swimming goggles, etc.?...

Click to enlarge image, shown via Internet link

♪ January 22

1 月25日のフェスティバルホールの辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサートめっちゃ見に行きたい(´・ω・`) I look forward to a great piano concert on Januaary 25 of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii at the  Festival Hall  -tweet

棟方道子 tweeted

ライナーノーツ(曲目解説も)を書かせていただいた辻井くんの新しいアルバム『マエストロ! 辻井伸行 with オーケストラ自作集』の見本盤が届く。話題の映画《マエストロ!》(1/31公開)のための書き下ろし曲も入ってお薦め!1/28発売

I was allowed to write the liner notes (track commentary also) for the new album "Maestro! Nobuyuki Tsujii  own collectionwith orchestra " ...

Munakata Michiko @ Soendolce  tweeted

辻 井伸行さんソロの関東公演のチラシが入っていました。こちらもワクワクしています♪  Flyer for Tsujii Nobuyuki's solo Kanto performances.  I have put in for tickets. Thrilled ♪

昨日の夕刊で 辻井伸行さんが取り上げられていました。







練習を始めてから本番まで1ヶ月ほどしかなかったけど 毎日7~8時間、集中して ピアノに向かっていたそうです。

テレビでラフマニノフの協奏曲を演奏する場面の放送を見ましたが さすが。

Tsujii Nobuyuki was featured in yesterday's evening paper, with a cool photo


He learns from recordings of the notes for the left hand and right hand separately.

Once he learns a work he remembers it, no matter how difficult.  Amazing!  [Editorial: I can say from first-hand experience that this is truly amazing. I myself sight-read and I cannot play any piece without going back to the written score.]

The music that he deciphers with  the "mind's eye" is to be cherished.

Last year, he seems to have played the No. 3 of Prokofiev and No. 3 of Rachmaninov piano concerto at a concert.

And to prepare for a performance he practices every day 7-8 hours for almost a month.  It seems to require a great deal of concentration.

image via Internet link

♪ January 21

amazon から届いたよ♪辻井伸行&オルフェウス 日本ツアー生演奏を録音した新CD「皇帝&戴冠式」もうめっちゃくちゃ最高に美しい ホンマに奇跡の音♫✨去年のコンサートが蘇ってきた 〜 (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) It arrived from amazon! Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus  new CD, "Emperor & Coronation" which was recorded live while they were on Japan tour.  The beautiful sound of last year's concerts has been revived.

image by Yura

♪ January 19

タワーレコード渋谷店 ‏@TOWER_Shibuya tweeted with a photo of its store display:

【7F CLASSICAL】★入荷しました★『辻井伸行&オルフェウス室内管/皇帝&戴冠式』。ピアノを弾くのが楽しくて仕方ない、そんな気持ちが伝わる演奏で す。心が洗われる! (KA) Has arrived ★ "Tsujii Nobuyuki & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra / emperor & coronation".   Playing the piano is fun, such a feeling is transmitted in his playing . Heart is washed

♪ January 19

An article came up today in Liverpool Echo, the local newspaper of Liverpool, U.K. It says the Liverpool Phil is leaving for Japan tomorrow.

"Far East visit described as most important tour in Liverpool Phil's history"

"Nobu Tsujii is a bit of a pop star-type figure in Japan."

"In recording terms, Japan is the biggest classical music market in the world at the moment."

 "Many of the concerts are already sell-outs at the 2,000-plus capacity venues." 

Read the full article here:

♪ January 18

My search for Nobu news today came up with a cache of Nobu photos on Getty Images for sale, but you can see them in spite of the water marks, such as this one from Nobu's 2014 "Emperor" performance with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra -  please click here to see the whole collection.

♪ January 17 [blog of Mr. Masahiro Kawakami, Nobu's long-time childhood piano teacher]


2015-01-17 Sat


ラ フマニノフのパガニーニの主題による変奏曲の第18変奏(あの有名なメロディです)を自分なりにソロに編曲したものを弾き、そのあとに番組のテーマソング をピアノの椅子に後ろ向きに座って両手をひっくり返して演奏したのですが、その奇抜なパフォーマンスは一体誰の発案だったのか…。でも、そんな遊び心は少 年モーツァルトの逸話にも共通するものだから、まさに辻井君らしいとも言えるのですが。



Two TV programs

Because I had heard that yesterday Tsujii Nobuyuki kun was to appear on  "Tetsuko's Room", I was able to watch it  in video recording.  When I look at this kind of program, I really feel that he is a "TV personality".

After playing the18th Variation of Rachmaninoff's "on a Theme of Paganini" (a famous melody) that he arranged himself for piano solo, he turned and played the show's theme music with his back to the piano.  I don't know whose idea it was for the wacky performance, but such a playful thing is common in anecdotes about the boy Mozart, exactly the way Tsujii is to me.

He and I will meet more frequently this year than last year.  In two weeks we are planning to see him perform two concertos at Suntory Hall (Prokofiev No. 3 & No. 3 of Rachmaninov)

[Mr. Kawakimi goes on to talk about another TV program, one that teaches the French language, and states that he feels strong about foreign language learning programs offered on NHK TV.]

Little Nobu and Mr. Kawakami

♪ January 16 noon Nobu appeared on the popular Asahi-TV show 「徹子の部屋」 "Tetsuko's Room". As expected, today's show drew immediate responses -- tons of tweets, many with still photos taken from the show, including this of Nobu playing "Mozart's trick" of playing the piano while seated backward.   More at Nobuyuki Tsujii on 「徹子の部屋」.

If you would like to see a short video of Nobu doing the "Mozart trick", try this link Vimeo.Com/116931986

♪ January 20

Nobu appeared in a press conference promoting the film "Maestro!", for which he wrote the ending music.



俳 優の松坂桃李(26)が20日、都内で映画『マエストロ!』(31日公開)公開直前イベントに出席。ピアニストの辻井伸行氏も登場し、エンディングテーマ 「マエストロ!」の生演奏を披露すると、横で聴き入っていた松坂は「勇気をいただきました。ありがとうございます」と目を潤ませた。


Tori Matsuzaka: Live performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii drew tears of gratitude: "He gives me courage"

Actor Tori Matsuzaka (age 26)at a press conference in Tokyo on the 20th to promote the film "Maestro!" (opening on the 31st). Pianist  Mr. Nobuyuki also appeared, and gave a  live performance of the ending theme "Maestro!"  Matsuzaka listened emotionally and said, "Thank you for giving us the courage.  I had goose bumps. The gentle sound caressed my back.  I felt goose bumps.  It's healing."


謎 の指揮者と負け組楽団員が巻き起こす、笑いと涙の音楽映画『マエストロ!』(1月31日公開)の公開直前イベントが、1月20日によみうり大手町ホールで 開催。松坂桃李、miwa、西田敏行、小林聖太郎監督、ピアニストの辻井伸行が登壇。松坂は「改めて音楽の力って偉大なものだとつくづく実感しておりま す」と感無量な表情で語った。

謎の指揮者・天道徹三郎役の西田は、世界的指揮者・佐渡裕の指導を受けた。本日は、劇中の演奏曲であるベートーヴェ ンの「運命」の指揮を生披露。見事に、弦楽四重奏(ヴァイオリン2本、ヴィオラ、チェロ)をまとめ、「運命」の“ジャジャジャジャーン”を成功させた。西 田は「ちょっとドキドキしましたが、素晴らしいみなさんのお力でなんとか格好がつきました」と安堵の表情を浮かべた。

その後、辻井が登場し、エン ディングテーマ曲「マエストロ!」を披露。松坂は深く感動し「辻井さんと僕は同い年。同じ年の生まれの方がこんなに素晴らしいものを生み出していらっしゃ るのかと思うと、元気をもらいます。今回音楽というひとつのものに引き寄せられたんだとつづくづく実感してます」とコメント。

西田は思わ ず感涙し「ああ、素晴らしかった」とうなずく。映画初出演のmiwaは「撮影やいろんなことを思い出しました。これからも、この曲を聞く度に鮮明に戻って くるのかなと」と感激。辻井は「前から音楽に関わる映画のお仕事がしたかったので、本当に光栄に思っております」喜びを口にした。【取材・文/山崎伸子】

Tori Matsuzaka, the same age as Nobuyuki Tsujii, and Respect

The mysterious conductor who stirs up the orchestra members.   The music movie "Maestro! drew laughter and tears at its preview (opening on January 31) held on January 20 in theYomiuri Otemachi Hall.   Tori Matsuzaka, Miwa, Nishida Toshiyuki, director  Shôtarô Kobayashi director, and pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii were on stage.

Matsuzaka said emotionally, "Music moves  me when it is great and we are really feeling"

Nishida plays the mysterious conductor, under the guidance of global conductor Yutaka Sado


Then, Tsujii appeared  to show off the ending theme song "Maestro!"  Matsuzaka and others appeared deeply impressed.  "Tsujii and I are the same age, born in the same year .  It is great for him to create something so wonderful.  I was attracted to the power of the music," said he.

Nishida shed tears  of gratitude,  nodded and said,  "Oh,  that was great."

Miwa recalls"the shooting and various things" about her first movie appearance, and said in the future, "every time I listen to this song will bring back the memory and the inspiration.  "We are really honored that Mr. Tsujii wants the job of creating music related to the movie," she said cheerfully.

image via Internet link

yura ‏tweeted

辻井伸行❗️「マエストロ!」試写会に登場❗️エンディングテーマ曲をサプライズ演奏❗️なんとあさってからリヴァプールフィルと、大曲を弾く 弾丸日本ツアーが始まるとゆうのに ノブ君ホンマに忙しいお人やね でも若いからタフやわ(^O^☆♪    Nobuyuki Tsujii ❗️  Appeared at preview of "Maestro!"  Surprise performance playing the ending theme music!  And day after tomorrow will begin the strenuous Liverpool Phil tour!  This young man has a tough and Busy schedule ahead of him.

Image by Yura

Nobu appears in this video, starting at time mark 2:00 [This Fukuoka blogger balks at the high ticket prices for the Nobu-Liverpool Phil concert]

辻井伸行 さんの コンサートの料金 7000円 ~ 21000円 あまりにも高過ぎ! Concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii  7000 yen to 21,000 yen  ticket prices are too high! ...

A big thanks to Tower Records in Japan for their concerted effort to promote the New CD by Nobuyukki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. This tweet is from a Hokkaido store タワーレコード札幌ピヴォ店: "Today is the latest release by miracle pianist Tsujii Nobuyuki! Recordings of his acclaimed 2014 tour. Co-star is one of the world's leading prestigious Orpheus Chamber Orchestra!】奇跡のピアニスト・辻井伸行の最新作が本日発売!今作は昨年大いに話題を呼んだ2014年ツアーの録音となっています。共演は世界屈指の名門、オルフェウス室内管

♪ January 19

タワーレコード渋谷店 ‏@TOWER_Shibuya tweeted:

【7F CLASSICAL】明日1/20入荷予定♪『辻井伸行&オルフェウス室内管/皇帝&戴冠式』2014年、大好評だったコンサートが、来場者の多数要望に より待望の発売!澄んだ音色に感動。 (め)  Tomorrow 1/20 it will be in stock ♪ " Tsujii Nobuyuki & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra / emperor & coronation ".  In 2014, concerts were very popular is, the long-awaited release demanded by a number of  visitors! Impressed by the clear tone to clear.

 ♡ミス♂おたか♡後遺症アリ♡ ‏tweeted

ついに今週(♡ˊ艸ˋ♡) 楽しみや~(*´ェ`*) 『セキスイハイム presents 辻井伸行 with ヴァシリー・ペトレンコ&ロイヤル・リヴァプール・フィル プロモーションムービー』 …" Finally this week, fun: Sekisui Heim presents Tsujii Nobuyuki with Vasily Petrenko and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic. A  promotion video.

♪ January 17 [blog of Mr. Masahiro Kawakami, Nobu's long-time childhood piano teacher]


2015-01-17 Sat


ラ フマニノフのパガニーニの主題による変奏曲の第18変奏(あの有名なメロディです)を自分なりにソロに編曲したものを弾き、そのあとに番組のテーマソング をピアノの椅子に後ろ向きに座って両手をひっくり返して演奏したのですが、その奇抜なパフォーマンスは一体誰の発案だったのか…。でも、そんな遊び心は少 年モーツァルトの逸話にも共通するものだから、まさに辻井君らしいとも言えるのですが。



Two TV programs

Because I had heard that yesterday Tsujii Nobuyuki kun was to appear on  "Tetsuko's Room", I was able to watch it  in video recording.  When I look at this kind of program, I really feel that he is a "TV personality".

After playing the18th Variation of Rachmaninoff's "on a Theme of Paganini" (a famous melody) that he arranged himself for piano solo, he turned and played the show's theme music with his back to the piano.  I don't know whose idea it was for the wacky performance,but such a playful thing is common in anecdotes about the boy Mozart, exactly the way Tsujii is to me.

He and I will meet more frequently this year than last year.  In two weeks we are planning to see him perform two concertos at Suntory Hall (Prokofiev No. 3 & No. 3 of Rachmaninov).

[Mr. Kawakimi goes on to talk about another TV program, one that teaches the French language, and states that he feels strong about foreign language learning programs offered on NHK TV.]

♪ January 17

Yura tweeted:

辻井伸行 プロコフィエフ「ピアノ協奏曲第3番」この凄い演奏聴けるチケット 大阪は完売❗️横浜みなとみらいホールと、サントリーホール数席だけ❗️あと1週間ない  . 

Tsujii Nobuyuki's Prokofiev "Piano Concerto No. 3" great!  Tickets sold out for Osaka❗️ Only limited seats remain at Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall and Suntory Hall ❗️  In less than 1 week !

♪ January 16 noon Nobu appeared on the popular Asahi-TV show 「徹子の部屋」 "Tetsuko's Room". As expected, today's show drew immediate responses -- tons of tweets, many with still photos taken from the show, including this of Nobu playing "Mozart's trick" of playing the piano backward.   More at Nobuyuki Tsujii on 「徹子の部屋」.

I have mentioned this before but I heard today directly from the director of the U.K. site that Nobu is listed among the top 10 "busiest" pianist in the world (based on events listed on the site) .  "These statistics have been written up by international press from London to NYC, Norway and Estonia."  See here


Yefim Bronfman

Yuja Wang

Emanuel Ax

Nobuyuki Tsujii


♪ January 15


音 楽と、クラブと、オリンピックは?いい関係かな? ロンドンオリンピックの演出は最高だった。やはり最高の映画監督が演出したから、音楽はアンダーワールドでDJはファットボーイスリム。 オリンピックで日本の良さを伝えたいなら、芸能では無いと自分は思う。小沢征爾と坂本龍一、辻井伸行。 And music, and the club, the Olympic? Wonder if there is a good relationship? Director of the London Olympic Games was the best ... because it was directed by the best film director ...

If we want to convey the Japanese good points at the Olympics, I myself think that it should not just be entertainment. Seiji Ozawa and Ryuichi Sakamoto, Nobuyuki Tsujii.

♪ January 15

Tower records, which is everywhere in Japan, posted this campaign article


カテゴリ : Classical

掲載: 2015年01月15日 16:00



1 月16日にはテレビ『徹子の部屋』に出演、1月22~30日にはコンサート『辻井伸行withヴァシリー・ペトレンコ&ロイヤル・リヴァプール・フィル 日本ツアー』が7都市8公演で行われ、1月31日より彼がエンディング・テーマを作曲した映画『マエストロ!』が全国ロードショーされる等、彼に対する注 目はますます高まることでしょう。


TV appearances, Live performances, CD hits

A beloved pianist and composer,

Nobuyuki Tsujii special feature

Category: Classical

Published: January 15, 2015 16:00

Nobuyuki Tsujii, pianist and composer, attracts not just classical music fans.

Numerous appearances on television programs around New Year show cased not only his outstanding technique and poetic piano music, but also his sincere and cheerful personality full of tenderness.

Attention on him will only grow further.  There will be an appearance on TV's "Tetsuko's Room" on January 16; a concert tour, from January 22 to 30 -- "Tsujii Nobuyuki with Vasily Petrenko and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Japan Tour" --  will include 8 performances in seven cities; a movie "Maestro! for which he composed the ending usic will open nationwide on January 31,

In this article, we will look at his latest recordings as well as his many past albums which have touched people deeply.

[The article goes on to list his two upcoming albums: "Maestro!" (in details) and "Emperor and Coronation", as well as several of his past albums.]

♪ January 14

As Billboard Japan put it: ピアニスト辻井伸行が一挙5アイテムチャートイン - Billboard (Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii has a whopping 5 items on Japan Billboard's  January 19 classical music chart ). Truth is, there was a heavy promotion and discount sales of Nobu CDs, along with his many year-end TV shows. Nobu has two new CDs coming out later this month.  More on this at The Business of Concert Pianists January 2015.

♪ January 15


音 楽と、クラブと、オリンピックは?いい関係かな? ロンドンオリンピックの演出は最高だった。やはり最高の映画監督が演出したから、音楽はアンダーワールドでDJはファットボーイスリム。 オリンピックで日本の良さを伝えたいなら、芸能では無いと自分は思う。小沢征爾と坂本龍一、辻井伸行。 And music, and the club, the Olympic? Wonder if there is a good relationship? Director of the London Olympic Games was the best ... because it was directed by the best film director ...

If we want to convey the Japanese good points at the Olympics, I myself think that it should not just be entertainment.. Seiji Ozawa and Ryuichi Sakamoto, Nobuyuki Tsujii.

I have mentioned this before but I heard today directly from the director of the U.K. site that Nobu is listed among the top 10 "busiest" pianist in the world (based on events listed on the site) .  "These statistics have been written up by international press from London to NYC, Norway and Estonia."  See here


Yefim Bronfman

Yuja Wang

Emanuel Ax

Nobuyuki Tsujii


♪ January 15

Tower records, which is everywhere in Japan, posted this campaign article


カテゴリ : Classical

掲載: 2015年01月15日 16:00



1 月16日にはテレビ『徹子の部屋』に出演、1月22~30日にはコンサート『辻井伸行withヴァシリー・ペトレンコ&ロイヤル・リヴァプール・フィル 日本ツアー』が7都市8公演で行われ、1月31日より彼がエンディング・テーマを作曲した映画『マエストロ!』が全国ロードショーされる等、彼に対する注 目はますます高まることでしょう。


TV appearances, Live performances, CD hits

A beloved pianist and composer,

Nobuyuki Tsujii special feature

Category: Classical

Published: January 15, 2015 16:00

Nobuyuki Tsujii, pianist and composer, attracts not just classical music fans.

Numerous appearances on television programs around New Year show cased not only his outstanding technique and poetic piano music, but also his sincere and cheerful personality full of tenderness.

Attention on him will only grow further.  There will be an appearance on TV's "Tetsuko's Room" on January 16; a concert tour, from January 22 to 30 -- "Tsujii Nobuyuki with Vasily Petrenko and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Japan Tour" --  will include 8 performances in seven cities; a movie "Maestro! for which he composed the ending usic will open nationwide on January 31,

In this article, we will look at his latest recordings as well as his many past albums which have touched people deeply.

[The article goes on to list his two upcoming albums: "Maestro!" (in details) and "Emperor and Coronation", as well as several of his past albums.]

♪  January 12

# 東京オリンピックで活躍してくれそうな日本人ミュージシャン YMO 電気グルーヴ 辻井伸行 上原ひろみ オノ・ヨーコ Polysics 小沢征爾 テイ・トウワ 砂原良徳 穐吉敏子 小山田圭吾 THE MAD CAPSULE MARKETS TKAAKI ITOH ケン・イシイ  Japanese musicians most likely to appear in the Tokyo Olympics ... Nobuyuki Tsujii ... -tweet

This blogger went to her first concert of Nobu, and in addition to writing about her enchantment, she made two good points: The difference in seeing Nobu in  livperformance from listening to him on CD; and in addition to (instead of?) his film music, she looks forward to his great success in classical music.





TV では彼の特集が何度も放映され、この年末年始にも再放送を含めて見ていますが、やはりライブ演奏の素晴らしさに圧倒されました。彼の演奏の仕方というか、 鍵盤上での指の動きは何度もTVで目にしてはいるのですが、生で見るとスゴいですね。席は二階の左側で辻井君の右斜め後方から見る位置でしたが、指の動き がTV画面でアップした時以上に生き生きと目に入ってきました。40分弱の演奏ですが、大変なことをしていることが視覚的に強く感じられました。

帰 宅して、記憶(それとも興奮?)の冷めないうちにと思って、彼の同じ演目の演奏をCDで聴き比べてみました。当たり前のことですが、全く違いましたね。ピ アノ演奏としては、CDのほうがまとまっているようで(素人が勝手な表現ですが)、演奏会では多少荒っぽいというような印象もあったのですが、演奏会現場 では彼のエネルギーが溢れてくるような、そんな感じすらありました。静かなパートになるとCDでは私には印象が弱まるのですが、コンサートでは、その静か なパートを柔らかく丁寧に弾いていることが視覚を通して伝わってきました。CDとコンサートの違いを改めてひしひしと感じさせられました。


視 覚障害のせいなのでしょうが、頭をよく動かすスタイルはTVで見ているものですが、指揮者&オーケストラと協奏していることがよく伝わってきました。演奏 終了後には余韻にひたることなく、直ぐに立ち上がってお辞儀するのも彼のスタイルですが、お辞儀の深さは驚かされます。他の人を見てのものではない筈です から、親に言われたのか、小さい頃からの習慣なのでしょうね、見ていて大いに好意をいだかせるもので、ますます辻井君のファンになりました。



My first Nobuyuki Tsujii concert

The day before yesterday, I went to athe long-awaited Tsujii Nobuyuki concert, the first time that I go to a concert after a long time.

Venue was  Suntory Hall, repertoire Piano Concerto No. 1 of Tchaikovsky, it was great!

I have seen him on TV many times, and a performance of this work was rebroadcast around New Year, I was overwhelmed by the splendor of a live performance.  I have watched many times on TV  the way he played, his finger movements on the keyboard.  It is ever nmore amazing when seen live.  My seat was on the second floor to the left , diagonally behind Mr. Tsujii; his fingers seemed even more lively than seen on TV.

Although he was playing for less than 40 minutes, the visual was riveting.  After I went home I could not shake the memory and tried to listen to the same work on CD. It is a matter of course, but it felt  completely different.  It is just my own amateurish assessment, but compared to the CD, I feel that he is somewhat unrestrained in concert, his energy coming in full in the concert scene. When it comes to a quiet part on my CD, the impression is weakened but, in concert, it was transmitted through the vision that he is playing the part softly and politely.  Once again I was made to acutely feel the difference of the concert and the CD.

Separately, also impressive is his movements.  Because of his visual impairment,on TV we often see the swaying of his head. And TV often switches to show orchestra and conductor.  Because he cannot see other people, his parents probably cultivated the habit from a young age. And it becomes a great favor to watch him, so that I have become increasingly a fan of Mr. Tsujii.

The encore was also good. I had imagined he would play one composed by himself, but it is not so, it was the most popular variation, the 18th, in "Rhapsody Theme of Paganini" Rachmaninoff. I also love that song, and I was very happy.

If I have a chance, by all means I want to go to a Mr. Tsujii concert again. At the same time, in addition to (or instead of  the film music), I look forward to his future increasingly of success in the world of classical music.

♪  January 11

blog post by classical music writer 伊熊よし子

2015.01.10 Saturday










彼は最近アシュケナージ、ゲルギエフ、ペトレンコをはじめとする多くの著名な指揮者と共演を重ねている。その指揮者の話から始まり、ショパン・コンクール やヴァン・クライバーン・コンクールの思い出、ショパンゆかりの地を訪ねたときの話、ロシア作品に関すること、ベートーヴェンのピアノ・ソナタについて、 そしてこれからの夢など、多岐に渡ることを話してくれた。








Tsujii Nobuyuki

Talking to  Nobuyuki Tsujii is really fun.

Today, after the concert ends at Suntory Hall, I interviewed him.

He had just performed Tchiakovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 with conductor Tatsuya Shimono and the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra.  The first movement opened with a burst of energy in the lengthy first movement; I heard an eloquent dialogue with orchestra

The second movement was lyrical and beautiful, with the unique melody of Tchiakosky that is full of poetic sentiment. Tsujii sung an expansive theme adapted from sonorous and French folk songs in tempo.

The third movement is rich with Slavic-style subjects; here the tone  evokes the smell of rustic scenery and Russian soil. The music explodes violently towards the finale.

After the show, we interviewed him in the dressing room, for the newsletter magazine "Lady Bug"  of the UC card,

Although I often greet him after concerts, but it has been a while since I interviewed him.  He greeted me, "Ikuma-san thank you, Happy New Year.  We have a lot to talk about ..."

No, no, here now, let's do the interview immediately, he said.

He has performed with prominent conductors, including  Ashkenazi, Gergiev, and most recently Petrenko. We talked about the conductors, the  Chopin Competition and the Van Cliburn Competition, the story of when he visited the land of Chopin, things related to Russian works, piano sonatas of Beethoven, and dreams for his future.  Many diverse things.

Nobuyuki Tsujii always answers my questions willingly, without pretensions.  At times I had to desperately stifle my tears.

But, he is dedicated to talking happily and with  humor, speaking more rapidly gradually.

Because we wanted a photograph also, I ended the interview in a short time.

I saw his schedule this year.  There is a long-running Japan tour, and many overseas performances.  It looks to be a super busy year for Nobuyuki Tsujii.

On New Year day, I appeared a little bit on a TV program aired on New Year Day  about Nobuyuki Tsujii.  And this was his first interview this year.

Today's photo was taken in one shot after interview.   It was taken quickly.  The lighting was great; the photo came out very professional.

Although he was talking expressively and happily during the interview.  He seemed a little nervous while the photo was being taken.

image via Internet link

♪ January 11

昨 日は、辻井伸行さんと下野竜也さん指揮の都響を聴いた。すばらしいの一言。 辻井さんのピアノの音が、ぶれなくしっかりと都響の音に負けずに響いてくる。タッチをすばらしい。音がきれいであることが改めて心にしみた。最高の組み合 わせであった。辻井さんのピアノはもっと聴いてみたい。 Yesterday, I was in Tokyo listening  Nobuyuki Tsujii and conductor Tatsuya Shimono.  Wonderful beyond words.  The sound of Tsujii's piano has not lost its Tokyo feel , and great touch.   To my mind the sound is as clean as ever.  It was the best combination.  I want to listen to the piano of Tsujii more.

本当に素晴 らしかったです。アンコールのラフマニノフ、パガニーニの主題による狂詩曲も心に染みました。 It was really great. The encore, Rachmaninoff's Rhapsody Theme of Paganini, was a stain in my heart  -facebook posting

サントリーホールに辻井伸行さんの演奏聴きに行ったら、アンコールでラ フマニノフのパガニーニの主題による狂詩曲を演奏してくれた!!!最近ずっと頭に回ってた曲だったからびっくりした~~嬉しかった!!!!感動~~~ #辻井伸行 I went to Suntory Hall to listen to Nobuyuki Tsujii's playing, and he was playing Rachmaninoff's  Paganini Rhapsody for enore!  I was surprised because lately I have had that song in my head ~ ~ Happy!!!! Impressed  # Tsujii Nobuyuki  -tweet

サントリーホールにて、日本赤十字チャリティ コンサート。辻井伸行さんによるチャイコフスキー ビアノ協奏曲1番に心が震えました。ミキモトさま、ご案内ありがとうございました! At Suntory Hall, Japan Red Cross charity concert. My heart was trembling during the Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto  No. 1  by Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Mikimoto clients, thank you for your support!  -tweet



日本赤十字社 第50回 献血チャリティコンサート

辻井伸行 ピアノ

下野竜也 指揮




ニコライ: オペラ「ウィンザーの陽気な女房たち」序曲

チャイコフスキー: ピアノ協奏曲第1番 変ロ短調 op. 23

シューマン: 交響曲第3番 変ホ長調 op.97 「ライン」








チャイコフスキー: ピアノ協奏曲第1番 変ロ短調 op. 23



パガニーニの主題による狂詩曲 から 第18変奏曲




















Nobuyuki Tsujii, blood donation charity concert

Today, I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert.

Japanese Red Cross Society 50th blood donation charity concert

Tsujii Nobuyuki piano

Tatsuya Shimono conductor

Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra

At: Suntory Hall

Works performed

Nikolai: opera "The Merry Wives of Windsor" overture

Tchaikovsky:. Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, op 23

Schumann: Symphony No. 3 in E flat major op.97 "line"

I been a fan ever since  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii came into the limelight. I wanted to go to a concert of his, but because of his great popularity we could not get tickets.  This time, we were lucky.

It's been a long time since I were in Suntory Hall, and even longer since I listened to a classical music concert.

Mr. Tsujii played twoworks

Tchaikovsky:. Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, op 23

Piano solo encore Rakhmaninoff's  18 Variations from Rhapsody Theme of Paganini

I was entranced by the delicate and sweet playing of Mr. Tsujii.

I was happy that those are popular songs that even I know.

A woman in the next seat was crying with excitement.

The orchestra was a full group of about 70 people, the powerful sound struck my heart.

At Suntory Hall, there are P seats in the back of the stage for the audience.  The ticket price was cheap and I had sat therebefore, but I remember that the sound heard was poor.

The hall was designed to resonate to the front.  This time I was in the sixth row on the second floot and heard good sound ...

[I especially like two sentences in the blog post below, about yesterday's Red Cross charity concert.  "Seen from above, Nobu's fingers are like swallows flying at ultra-low altitude."  And, "The temperature of the concert hall felt noticeably warmer" when Nobu came on stage (I feel the same at the concerts of his that I have attended.)]


「第50回日本赤十字社 献血チャリティ・コンサート ニューイヤー・コンサート2015 」を聴く

第50回日本赤十字社 献血チャリティ・コンサート ニューイヤー・コンサート2015

指揮 下野竜也

出演 ピアノ:辻井伸行


曲目 ニコライ: オペラ「ウィンザーの陽気な女房たち」序曲

チャイコフスキー: ピアノ協奏曲第1番 変ロ短調 op. 23

シューマン: 交響曲第3番 変ホ長調 op.97 「ライン」

アンコール ラフマニノフ:パガニーニの主題による狂詩曲 から 第18変奏曲

公演日 2015年1月10日(土曜日)午後2時開演

場所 サントリーホール 2階LB7列8番

料金 8000円

公演時間 2時間(20分の休憩あり)


ソニー音楽財団の公式Webサイト内、「MIKIMOTO 日本赤十字社 献血チャリティ・コンサート 」のページはこちら。


シェークスピアの「ウィンザーの陽気な女房たち」がオペラになっていたんだろうか。だとすると、確かシェイクスピアの「ヘンリー四世」(だったと思う)を 見たイギリスの時の女王エリザベス一世が、そこに登場するファルスタッフという人物を気に入り、ファルスタッフを主人公に戯曲を書くよう求め、そうして書 かれたのが「ウィンザーの陽気な女房たち」だとどこかで聞いたように思う。













もちろん拍手は鳴り止まず、アンコールには「パガニーニの主題による狂詩曲 から 第18変奏曲」が演奏された。タイトルはピンと来ないけれど、私でも知っている曲だけど、辻井伸行のピアノだからなのか、少し違う印象を受けた。



[translation to come]


I listened to "The 50th Japanese Red Cross Society Blood Donation Charity 2015 New Year's Concert"

Conductor Tatsuya Shimono

Cast piano: Nobuyuki Tsujii

Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra

Track Nikolai: opera "The Merry Wives of Windsor" overture

Tchaikovsky:. Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, op 23

Schumann: Symphony No. 3 in E flat major op.97 "line"

Encore Rachmaninov: 18 Variations from Rhapsody Theme of Paganini

Performance date Saturday, January 10, 2015 14:00 curtain

Second floor LB7 column 8th place Suntory Hall

Rates ¥ 8,000

Performance time  2PM (20 minutes intermission)


I am here because on the official website of the Sony Music Foundation, there is a page of "MIKIMOTO Japanese Red Cross Society blood donation Charity Concert" .


Then the temperature of the venue was noticely raised when Tsujii Nobuyuki appeared.

And the work that he performed is one that even I knew, No. 1 Piano Concerto of Tchaikovsky.  I was lucky that from where I sat I was able to see his hands quite well.  His fingers were like "swallows flying at ultra-low altitude", as seen on television.  I was looking from above.

It is uncanny how he played together with the orchestra, perhaps a gift of repeated practice.

At first, I felt there was a resonating sound from the midrangeof the piano ...  The gorgeous sound can only come from full virtuosity; it has a powerful draw.

I have never heard a performance by other orchestra and pianist (or maybe I have forgotten), so I do not know how it compare.  My impression of the performance is that it is cool and clear.

And not only the famous first movement, but a calm second movement calm, and the third movement of the finale; it was a comfortable performance.  Very nice.

I didn't think a classical music concert can be so enjoyable.

The applause was enthusiastic as to be expected, and an enocre of

"the 18th Variation from Rhapsody Theme of Paganini" was played. Though I didn't know the exact title, even I recognized the music.  And I recieved a slightly different impression of the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii,


The concert  was refreshing, an appropriate decoration for the New Year















January 10, 2015 Saturday

Everyone Hello

I went to Tsujii Nobuyuki's concert in  Suntory Hall  today.

I have his CDs, but this is the first time that I hear him live.

The most of the Repertoire is the Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto

Much anticipated  because this is also a favorite song

Performance of a masterpiece from the beginning

Delicate touch even more than listening to it on CD.

I was so impressed thata I was near tears.

Is everyone comfortably enjoying three consecutive days of holidays starting today.

We look forward to seeing you at the counter of the bar 619

♪ January 10

辻 井伸行さんとオケで初共演!ブラボー!  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii's first co-performance with the orchestra!  Bravo! [Editor: I believe they have performed together before].

日 本赤十字チャリティコンサート チャイコフスキー ビアノ協奏曲1番は、辻井伸行さんのピアノが第1楽章は力強く、第2楽章では優しく美しく、第3楽章では細やかに、かつ大胆に響いた。支えるオーケストラ も見事でした。指揮は下野竜也さん。 #都響  Japan Red Cross charity concert Tchaikovsky Viano Concerto No. 1, Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano of the first movement is strong, beautiful and gentle in the second movement, finely in the third movement, and was boldly sounded. To support the orchestra was also impressive. Conducted by Tatsuya Shimono's. # Tokyo  -tweet

辻 井伸行君のチャイコン、実に素晴らしかった。第1楽章の出だしをブレなくキッチリ弾いおり、耳が良いせいか、オーケストラとの合わせも抜群。音の強弱の付 け方が憎いほど上手い。音量の幅もかなりダイナミック。ピアノの音は、やや硬めがら美しい。やはり、彼はどう見ても天才である。ブラボー辻井! Nobuyuki Tsujii's Tchaikovsky is really splendid.   The first movement was (sharp?) Also excellent fit with the orchestra, perhaps because of his good ear.  Intelligent use of strong and weak sounds.   The range of volume is also quite dynamic. The sound of the piano is slightly hard but beautiful. I can see why he is considered a genius . Bravo Tsujii!  -tweet

辻井伸行のピアノすばらしかった♪ Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano is great!  -tweet



<大ホール><MIKIMOTO> 第50回日本赤十字社 献血チャリティ・コンサート ニューイヤー・コンサート2015

ラフマニノフ:パガニーニの主題による狂詩曲 から 第18変奏曲(ピアノ・アンコール)

SUNTORY HALL Encore introduction

January 10, 2015 (Saturday)

 <Great Hall> <MIKIMOTO> 50th Japanese Red Cross Society Blood Donation Charity Concert New Year's Concert 2015

Rakhmaninov: 18 Variations from Rhapsody Theme of Paganini (piano encore) [blog of "mactokyo" a conductor/soloist]

新年最初のコンサート ― 2015年01月10日


下野 竜也+東京都交響楽団@サントリーホール


チャイコフスキー:ピアノ協奏曲第1番(Pf:辻井 伸行)

〜 アンコール曲 〜




























New Year's  first concert - January 10, 2015

January 10, 2015 (Saturday)

Tatsuya Shimono + Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra @ Suntory Hall

Nikolai: opera "The Merry Wives of Windsor" overture

Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1 (Pf: Nobuyuki Tsujii)

~ Encore ~

Rachmaninov: 18 Variations from Rhapsody Theme of Paganini


In fact, ths is my first time listening to Mr. Tsujii live,

Though I know about him, I wonder what it would be like to actually listen to him.

I wonder if he plays well.

Well ~, Even so, I wonder play well.

How does he do it without being able to see the keyboard?  Would he make more mis-touch's than a healthy professional?

I expected his touch to be fairly mild.

It turns out that he and Mr. Shimono makes a perfect combination, it was the most "warm and fuzzy" Tchaikovsky that I have heard so far, and it was intended.  It was the most healing experience for my mind that I have had for a long time.

Since this was a P seat, I next want to listen to them whiled seated in a front seat...

♪ January 9/10

今 日は、これからサントリーホールの「日本赤十字社 献血チャリティ・ニューイヤーコンサート」。私の注目は、辻井伸行君が弾くチャイコフスキー/ピアノ協奏曲第1番。私にとって一昨年から数えて30回目の 記念すべきチャイコン、とっても楽しみ。Today at the Suntory hall a New Year charity concert for Japanese Red Cross Society blood donation. My attention is on Tchaikovsky's first piano concerto by Nobuyuki Tsujii refuses my attention. Last year was my 30th anniversary, a pleasure. -tweet

さ て、出掛ける準備。今日はサントリーで献血チャリティーコンサート♪何気に辻井伸行くんを聴くのって初めてな気がする…あ、下野さんが振る都響も初か も?!Now, ready to go out. The blood donation charity concert  today at Suntory.  My first time listening to Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii .. . On, Mr Shimono will be directing.  -tweet

献 血チャリティーコンサート、辻井伸行くんはチャイコのコンチェルト。ただただ、上手いわ(^^ゞアンコールはラフマニノフのラプソディ?この青年は男らし くてロマンチスト、とみた( ^_−) Blood donation charity concert, Tsujii Nobuyuki kun concerto of Chaiko.  Nothing but good.  Encore Rachmaninov Rhapsody?  This is a romantic young man.

辻井伸行+下野竜也+東京都交響楽団@サントリーホール 今まで聴いた中で一番ほんわかとしたチャイコンだ! 癒されたぁ〜  Tsujii Nobuyuki + Tatsuya Shimono + Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra @ Suntory Hall  It is the most warm fuzzy performance I have ever heard! Healed.

Yura tweeted

速 報❗️辻井伸行出演「徹子の部屋」今月 16日金曜日 お昼12時〜12時半 お仕事の方 録画予約 お忘れなくネ❗️お父様のお話しなどもされるようですね。 Breaking new.  Tsujii Nobuyuki appearance on "Tetsuko's Room" ... your this month the 16th Friday lunch time 12:00 to 12:30 .  It seems he will be talking about his father.

♪ January 8


... 美しさ、華やかさ、力強さは完璧。ただしセリフが、、、、。今後に期待。そして、ピアニスト、辻井伸行君の、ラフマニノフ、ピアノ協奏曲第三番。人間の脳の無限の可能性をみせてくれる。酔わされる。...

Treasures of Japan

... Beauty, glamor, perfect strength ; no need for words ... Great promise in the future, pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2.  He shows the infinite possibilities of the human brain. It ss intoxicating

image via Internet link

Nobu is the subject of another discussion thread on the Piano Street site

image via Internet link

♪ January 7

I just found this poster for Nobu's 2015 tour with Valery Gergiev and the Munich Philharmonic.  Full scoop in English here .

Nobu will be soloist for Beethoven's "Emperor" in 5 performances: Nov 25 Osaka; Nov 26 Nagoya; Nov 28 Sendai; Nov 29, Dec 1 Tokyo. (There is also one Tokyo performance on Dec 2 without a piano concerto.)

ワレリー・ゲルギエフ  Valery Gergiev

ミュンヘン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団   Munich Phil

辻井伸行 soloist ベートーヴェン『皇帝』

11月25日 フェスティバルホール (大阪)

11月26日 愛知県芸術劇場 (名古屋)

11月28 日  イズミティ21 (仙台)

11月29日, 12月1日 サントリーホール (東京)

image via Internet link

♪ January 7

Nobu is the subject of a discussion thread on the Piano Street site

Re: Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Rach 3 -- is the cadenza "ossia"?

Yes it's the ossia, the proper choice for Real Men (and Women)  One of the most fearsome cadenzas in the piano repertoire. It defies imagination how a blind man can play this at all, let alone in such a grand manner.

image via Internet link

♪ January 6

Someone (りひこ(^∇^) ‏@rihiko_xx) tweeted this:


Valery Gergiev & Munich Philharmonic performances ♬

Mr. Tsujii Nobuyuki  seems to be piano soloist

At Suntory Hall 11/ 29, 12/1, 12/2.

♪ January 6

FIVE additional stops have been added to Nobu's upcoming Chopin/Liszt/Beethoven Japan recital tour in Japan: Feb. 19 Chiba; March 12 Gunma; March 26 Kanagawa; March 30, 31 Tokyo Suntory Hall. There are now a total of 18 stops from February 17 through March 31.

image posted with Avex tour poster

♪ January 5

A belated find -- this was posted on the facebook page of the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra on New Year's Eve

"It was a wonderful year for Orpheus! Please enjoy our 2014 highlights, which include performances at Carnegie Hall, Suntory Hall, and Cartagena Festival Internacional de Música, reviews by The New York Times and Palm Beach Daily News, and wonderful artistic collaborations with soloists like Nobuyuki Tsujii, Ryu Goto and Anne Akiko Meyers."

January 3

Nobu's latest look, as seen on the "Another Sky" show aired on January 2 in Japan. How do we like that slick hairdo and spiffy bow-tie? 

More about the show can be found here (comments, photos, video, show transcript)

An ultra-suave Nobu as he appears on NYV's "Another Sky" taped in late December and aired on Jan.2 -- image via Internet link

♪ January 6, 2015

週 末はサントリーホールで赤十字チャリティコンサートです。辻井伸行さんのピアノによるチャイコフスキー ピアノ協奏曲1番が楽しみですo(^-^)o。 #都響 #classic  This weekend is the Red Cross charity concert at Suntory Hall. I am looking forward to Tsujii Nobuyuki's Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1 (^ - ^) o

1月22日、辻井伸行 with ヴァシリー・ペトレンコ&ロイヤル・リヴァプール・フィル 大宮ソニックシティに登場! ラフマニノフ:ピアノ協奏曲第3番 チケットはあります 

ア ナザースカイで辻井伸行さんのことを深く知ることが出来て良かった! 素晴らしいピアニストです!!It was good to be able to get to know Nobuyuki Tsujii deeply in "Another Sky"!  He is a great pianist! !


Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert has completely sold out.  Sigh.

yura ‏@icoyuraco 6h6 hours ago

元 旦の放送で、辻井伸行クンが凄いと話題になった リヴァプールフィルとのイギリス公演。録画してずっと繰り返し観てます。とうとう今月同じメンバーで日本公演始まるから、日々高揚感増してくる (#^.^#) この場面から感動が始まるんや The New Year's Day of Broadcast of the UK performance of  Nobuyuki Tsujii with the Liverpool Phil has been much talked about.  I have watched the recording repeatedly a lot.  Their Japan tour will finally start later this month, which I am increasing looking forward to.  This scene is impressive.

やっぱ辻井伸行さんの弾くリストは 最高です。I think Nobuyuki Tsujii's playing is the best.

辻 井伸行さんのラフマニノフ3番、チケットが買えました。なんとケーキ付き?!こんなの初めて。3月の白井光子さんの歌のコンサートも買え ました。白井さんは去年の夏に伴奏を習ったホルスト先生の先生です。今年は沢山コンサートに行きたいです♪ I bought tickets to Tsujii Nobuyuki's Rachmaninoff third. What, with cake?! [alluding to the high price]? !  I want to go to a lot of concerts this year.

January 06, 2015

アナザースカイ 辻井伸行さん











Aired on just January 2, I was watching a recording of Another Sky.

The first guest in 2015 was Tsujii Nobuyuki

In the program it is shown him performing in Berlin Philharmonic of Germany,

celebrating at a surprise birthday party for his manager at a bar, playing a song that was composed in improvisation with the image of the show hosts -- all in the limited time of 30 minutes.

It was a very luxurious content.

And my mind was moved by Mr. Tsujii's playing,

Tears did not stop since morning.

I watched  it while having breakfast, and was watching so intently that the rice would not stick to my hand.

Even now, writing this article, I still feel elated from the memory of  Mr. Tsujii's playing

The CD was I want ← simple

In such a feeling, my two holidays began. ....

January 5, 2015


In a re-sale, I took a ticket for Nobuyuki Tsujii's Japan "passion"  tour.   I really look forward to going back to hometown and enjoy it with the locals.

January 4

Here is someone who lists the Manchester (U.K., Oct. 31) performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii among his "2014 Favourites" :-)

Danny Norbury' Favourites 2014 



James Ehnes at Bridgewater Hall, Manchester

Nobuyuki Tsujii at Bridgewater Hall, Manchester


Yura tweeted:

あ〜〜 とうとう 大阪フェスティバルホール 残席1シートのみとなりましたよ ♪( ´θ`)ノ 辻井伸行withヴァシリーペトレンコ&リヴァプールフィル Oh ~ ~ now finally Osaka Festival Hall unsold only 1 seat left! ♪ Great!   Tsujii Nobuyuki with Cordova Series Petrenko & Liverpool Phil

And, a few hours later:

あっ! 辻井伸行withヴァシリーペトレンコ&リヴァプールフィル 大阪フェスティバルホールは、2700席 完売となったようですね "There! performance of Tsujii Nobuyuki with Petrenko & Liverpool Phil at Osaka Festival Hall seems to have sold out all 2700 seats! (Bravo! It has taken the recent TV shows to sell out the most expensive seats.)"

♪ January 3, 2015

ロボアキ ‏@Kezia09990088 tweeted



I do not like to  talk a lot about effort and struggle; they will not show. Results do show. Because music is something people listento.

Tsujii Nobuyuki's words. Very nice.

タワーレコード渋谷店 ‏Tower Records Shibuya @TOWER_Shibuya tweeted

【7F CLASSICAL】ご予約受付中★1月は辻井伸行さんの新譜が3つ!1/21発売→『皇帝&戴冠式』。1/28発売→エンディングを書き下ろしたOST『マエストロ!』、『マエストロ!辻井伸行withオーケストラ自作集』。(KA)

[CLASSICAL] reservations accepted  ★New Tsujii Nobuyuki' new albums in January! 1/21 release → "Emperor & Coronation". 1/28 release → newly written for ending of  "Maestro! "," Maestro! Tsujii Nobuyuki own collection with orchestra".

辻井伸行さんのピアノ聴いて1人で急に泣き出す30歳です Listening to Tsujii Nobuyuki's  piano this 30-year-old cried suddenly.

昨 夜のアナザースカイで、辻井伸行さんがバーのピアノでマネージャーさんにサプライズの ♪ハッピバースデートゥーユー を弾いてたけど、すっっごく素敵だった。。  Last night on "Another Sky", Nobuyuki Tsujii' plays a surprise of ♪ Happy Birthday to his manager,  on a piano at a bar;  it was  so very nice. .

辻井伸行さんのピアノの音めちゃくちゃ優しい音よな あとピアノで泣いたの初めてだわ。 Tsujii Nobuyuki's piano sound is indescribably friendly. It's the first time I've cried after piano.

アナザースカイの辻井伸 行のピアノ感動した。今年はオーケストラとかを聞きに行くのを目標にしよう! I was impressed with  piano Tsujii Nobuyuki on "Another Sky".   A goal of this year is for us to go to listen to him with an orchestra!

あなた的に福袋に入ってたら嬉しいものランキング 5.可愛い幼女 4.久石のポスター 3.レンズオタクの友達 2.伸行の愛情 1.辻井のパンツ … 辻井伸行…

Ranking of happiness in a bag: 5. lovable little girl  4. Joe's poster 3. Friends of lens nerd.  2. affection of Nobuyuki 1. Tsujii's pants .... Nobuyuki Tsujii

辻井伸行さん、アナザースカイ。いや〜感動した。新年から良い気分になれました🎵 Amazing! Tsujii Nobuyuki on Another Sky. Yea I was impressed. Put me in a good mood to starta New Year 🎵 Amazing!

辻井伸行さんのピアノ音は本当に綺麗。すごく澄んでいる。Tsujii Nobuyuki's piano sound of really beautiful. And very clear.

辻井伸行の演奏、 オーソドックスな感じだけど、 耳コピと思うと驚異的だなぁ… Nobuyuki Tsujii's playing seems orthodox; it's astounding that he learns by ear.

タワーミニ アリオ松本店 ‏@TOWER_Matsumoto tweeted:

【辻井伸行】先日放送されたテレビ番組の反響で、辻井さんの作品売れております!クラシックコーナーで特集しておりますのでぜひご覧ください♪  一部在庫切れ商品もございますがご注文も承っておりますので、お気軽にスタッフまでお申し付けくださいませ。

[Tsujii Nobuyuki] In response to the recent broadcast of television programs, we are selling Tsujii's works! They are featured in the classic corner,  but your order is also available please ♪ Please come in and take a look at our stock, and please feel free to ask our staff.

♪ January 2/3, 2015

Yura tweeted

あっ ❗️大阪フェスティバルホール❗️今現在 残席 15席のみ❗️pia_classic 【動画】辻井伸行よりメッセージ … 11月に英国公演でロイヤル・リヴァプール・フィルと競演後のメッセージが到着。1月の日本公演へ向けて意気込みを語る  There ❗️ Osaka Festival Hall ❗️ now currently unsold seat 15 seats only ❗️

pia_classic [Video] Tsujii Nobuyuki delivers this message after performing with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic in November, full of enthusiasm towards the January Japan tour

よこ@もうすぐセンターでドキドキ ‏@sweethajimechan tweeted

辻 井伸行さんの演奏素敵でした。 辻井さんのお父様は息子の学校の先輩でらっしゃいます。 素敵なご家庭。でもどこか息子の学校の校風が伝わってきます。 辻井さんの演奏はいつも癒されますが、同時に身が引き締まる思いです。 あの学校にふさわしい母親になれたのかいつも反省。

Tsujii Nobuyuki san gave a nice performance.  Father of Tsujii came to talk to the seniors at my son's school.  Nice family, but the school tradition is that some sons come.  Performances of Tsujii are always healing, but I felt tension in the body at the same time.  We are more accustomed to seeing mothers at the school[?? translation??]

[This sounds like Nobu went with his father and gave a performance at some school.  The tweeter is a mother of high school students in Kanagawa..  However, a Japanese ex-pat wrote to me that the tweeter was just saying that her son went to the same school as Nobu's father.]

Blog post with high praise for Nobu and his appearance on "Another Sky"

アナザースカイ 動画 ピアニスト・辻井伸行 2015年1月2日  Another Sky video pianist  Nobuyuki Tsujii  January 2 2015






Last night Nobuyuki Tsujii was on Another Sky.

Was the best.  Great piano playing  ...

He always has a happy face when playing the piano!

Full of joy playing for others, and I also became happy  -tweet [blog of a wrestler, Yuki ;-]









A while ago, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii'

I've just watched him play for the first time on TV.  I thought it was a beautiful sound, very clear; and a great feeling when listening to it♪

Although the host asked him "how do you decide what to give to those who listen", he says, "I am glad to play anything for  anyone who would want to listen."

I think it is so representative of the person. Never show people the hard efforts, just a pure feeling that I would like you to enjoy, and that will make such impressive performance possible.

Moreover, he surprised the two MCs of the program by dedicating an impromptu in their impression. Hey, his service spirit is really great.

He is humble, dedicated and honest ... I love the great human nature of Tsujii.  I have become a fan after seeing the program.

Basically my favorite music is metal rock. But I like music itself, the genre doesn't really matter.

I now would try to listen to Mr. Tsujii play live at least once, if there is an opportunity.

♪ January 2, 2015

Nobu appeared today on a talk show "Another Sky" on Japan's NTV, 23:00




I have had the pleasure of seeing the show.  It is fast-paced and has quick cuts of scenes from Nobu's most recent visit in Berlin, including many moving scenes of Nobu and his faithful manager Mr. Nick Asano.  The show has generated many comments, some of which are shown below.

image via Internet link

Yuko wrote:

I watched "Another Sky".It is impressive that Nobu looks like happy when the recording producer suggests how to improve his play. And he says that Nobu loves piano.

English translation is partially written about the show here:

RadioFLL @ RadioFLL tweeted

ゲ ストは#辻井伸行 さん。 すごく感動した。 才能はもちろん,とても素敵な人だと思った。 ピアノの音,大好き  Tsujii Nobuyuki. I was very impressed. Talent, of course, I thought he is also a very nice person. Sound of piano, love

アナザースカイめっちゃ泣いた 2015年の初めのゲスト:辻井伸行 英雄ボロネーズ、ラフマニノフ.. めっちゃよかった。永久保存版ですな Another Sky I really cried  at the beginning of year 2015.  Guest: Nobuyuki Tsujii Hero Polonaise,  Rachmaninoff .. it was hella good.  This is a keeper.  -tweet

日テレ「アナザースカイ」で、番組が用意した演奏場所が銀座ヤマハホールだったからか、辻井伸行くんがヤマハのピアノを弾いてる。彼はスタインウェイばかりだから、本当に珍しいな…。テレビで聴いた限りでは、こちらもとてもきれいな音色。 On NTV.s "Another Sky", perhaps because part of the program was filmed at Ginza Yamaha Hall, Tsujii Nobuyuki-kun is seen playing a Yamaha piano. As he usually plays only on Steinways - this is really rare. .... As far as what I heard on TV, this is also very beautiful tone.

アナザースカイでいつもお世話になっているスタッフにサプライズでハッピーバースデーのピアノ演奏した辻井伸行さん。ハッピーバースデーの曲ってあんなに素敵なメロディーだったんだ(≧∇≦)  Nobuyuki Tsujii on Another Sky - plays Happy Birthday on the piano to surprise a staffer [Mr. Nick Asano, Avex manager].  It was such nice melody. What a rendition of Happy Birthday

Yura wrote:

辻井伸行「アナザースカイ」私がつぶやく必要ないくらいのたくさんの感動ツィート。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。純粋。正直。ひたむき。優しさ。明朗。才能。1度コンサートに行ってみてはいかがですかー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ心の浄化 まちがいナシ♩  Tsujii Nobuyuki on "Another Sky" a lot of excitement -- I don't need to tweet . Pure. Honest. Single-minded. Tendernes. Cheerful. Talent.  I can't wait to go to his concerts to purify my own heart.

辻井伸行さんのアナザースカイ、努力の成果を見て欲しいのではなく、ただ僕の演奏を聴いて喜んでほしい。というところ。 僕は最近将棋で、こういう事を忘れていた気がする。これからは対戦相手、見ている人に楽しんでもらうことだけを考えて将棋を指して行こうと思った  Tsujii Nobuyuki on Another Sky. Says "rather than look at the outcome of the effort, just please be willing to listen to my playing."  Well said.  I have recently taken up chess and feel like I have forgotten such things.  From now on when I play chess I will think of getting to enjoy the human opponent.

#日記 今日のアナザースカイのゲストは、ピアニストの辻井伸行さん。ピアノが素晴らしすぎて感動( ;∀;) # Diary guest of Another Sky today, Nobuyuki Tsujii's pianist. Impressed piano is too great.  -tweet

辻井伸行氏のピアノをアナザースカイで聞いたんだけど、鳥肌立ったな。 久しぶりに鳥肌立った。  And I was listening to the piano of Mr. Tsujii Nobuyuki  on Another Sky.  I sfelt goose bumps, the first time in a long time.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんやばかったなーかっこよすぎるわ!天才やなー  Nobuyuki Tsujii is unbelievable!  Sheer talent.

歓喜するおやま ‏@1027Yukino 2h2 hours ago


When thinking about Tsujii Nobuyuki I wonder which is he closer to: God or human beings.   God

ア ナザースカイの終わりに、辻井伸行さんが今田耕司さんと瀧本美織さんをイメージして即興で作ったという曲を披露してくれた。素敵だった。とても柔らかな優 しい音色で自然と涙が出てきた。 辻井さんの演奏ちゃんと聴いたことがなかったから、近い内にCD借りて聴いてみようと思う。

At the end of Another Sky, it shows a song improvised by Nobuyuki Tsujii' in the image of [hosts] Koji-san and Miori Takimoto's Imada. Was nice. Nature and tears came out with very soft gentle tone. Because I had never properly listened to Tsujii's playing, I think I will to borrow CDs and listen to him within the near future.

2015-01-02 23:37:53











Impressed by the performance of Tsujii Nobuyuki-kun.

Apparently, it was Lightning.

I was watching a program on NTV called "Another Sky".

Guest was Tsujii Nobuyuki-kun.

Somehow I began to cry more and more

 I was struck by the attitude towards his music ....

Ticket price of concerts where Mr. Tsujii is a solist for an orchestra (for example this month with conductor Petrenko & Royal Liverpool Philharmonic) is very high,  That's an unpopular aspect.   The organizer seems to be greedy, and I wish they would make the tickets more affordable for many people.

Is there also comparatively unpopular surface.  In the program they show him recording  Ravel's "Gaspard" in Germany! I wonder if  itwill be launched later this year (^^)?

Expect so.

時の動画 - 話題の動画を激速まとめ tweeted:

辻井伸行が話題ですね ヴァシリー・ペトレンコ、古豪ロイヤル・リヴァプール・フィルと来日〜辻井 ...  Nobuyuki Tsujii is the topic [of this blog post] Vasily Petrenko, Japan and venerated Royal Liverpool Philharmonic - Tsujii

Tweeted by ブロ子まっちーがすき ‏@BroccoliNuma:

辻井伸行さんが火の鳥を演奏するらしい ちょっと調べてくる It seems that Nobuyuki Tsujii is learning to perform "Firebird" ...

January 1, 2015 1月1日 元日

 On this New Year's Day, at 21:00~22:54,  BS朝日 BS Asahi aired the much anticipated brand-new documentary  「跡のピアニスト辻井伸行 ビートルズの街で弾く至高の旋律」 January 1, 2015 New Year's Day 21:00~22:54 Nobuyuki Tsujii in Liverpool - details here

The show drew enthusiastic comments on Twitter, as expected, and are collected on this page Nobuyuki Tsujii Asahi-TV 2015 New Year special.

Headline photo posted with BS-Asahi announcement

ヨーロッパ旅行✈情報部 ‏@euro_tour tweet

本日(1/1)夜9時、BS朝日『奇跡のピアニスト 辻井伸行 ビートルズの街で弾く至高の旋律』 辻井伸行が、リバプールの名門「ロイヤル・リバプール・フィル」と初共演!ビートルズゆかりの地も巡る …  Today (1/1) 9PM, BS Asahi " miracle of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii in the city of the supreme melody of the Beatles" Tsujii Nobuyuki is, first played with the prestigious "RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic" in Liverpool! He also explored the land of Beatles .

NobuTsujiiFan ‏@mlliu2006 tweeted:

あけましておめでとう ! 本日(1/1)夜9時、BS朝日『奇跡のピアニスト 辻井伸行 ビートルズの街で弾く至高の旋律』 @bsasahi New Year special Nobuyuki Tsujii in Liverpool …














2015年1月1日 元日 21:00~22:54(BS朝日)

「奇跡のピアニスト辻井伸行 大曲に挑む!
















Piano and snow sheep


Next to the barbeque grill,

With snow that had piled up this morning

I made a sheep before it melts and watched a program that was recorded.

End-of-year documentaries of  Nobuyuki Tsujii

Because so many have been aired, including re-broadcasting

All recorded, but we are struggling to catch up.

While some have been seen before,

every time I look at it, I feel like applauding his playing,

and it moves my heart.


 There is also a broadcast tonight ♪

January 1, 2015 New Year Day 21: 00 ~ 22: 54 (BS Asahi)

"The miracle of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii  journey to the Beatles' hometown"


I look forward to watching the recording.


About we have watched the performances of Nobuyuki Tsujii on the media many times, we have yet to listen to him live.

And we want to go someday.

He is coming to Niigata on March 5 (Thursday) to perform a recital in RyutoPia.

Unfortunately tickets have sold out.

I envy people who can go to the recital!  But for now I will watch the recordings; sleep; and enjoy the New Year holiday. ["Christian thoughts" blog -- I strongly disagree with this article and have written a comment which may or may not get posted]

2014/12/27 (土)


辻 井伸行という盲目のピアニストをご存知でしょうか、全盲でありながら、ヴァン・クライバーン国際ピアノコンクールで優勝した、華々しい経歴を持つピアニス トです。知らないという人も、阿部寛の積水ハイムのCMでピアノを弾いている人、といえばお分かりになるのではないでしょうか。

昨日、BSのチャ ネルをカチャカチャやっていますと、『辻井伸行×スイス紀行』〜ラフマニノフが愛した国を訪ねて〜<3時間スペシャル>(再)、という番組がありまして、 氏がラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲の二番を演奏していましたので、最後まで見ました。いままでこの人のことを知らなかったわけでは無いのですが、演奏をきち んと聴いたのは初めてだと思います。


し かし、それだけなのです。横方向の課題はこなしているが、縦方向の広がりが無い、と言いいましょうか、技術的には問題無いが、心情的な充実が無い、と言い ましょうか、ああ、良かったな、という感覚が生じないのです。むしろ、「そんな演奏をして人に聞かせてはいけない」という気持ちになりました。もし、晴眼 者であれば、このような演奏しかできないピアニストは存在しないでしょう。自動演奏プログラムが組み込まれたパソコンを舞台の上に置いて、その実行に合わ せてオケが生演奏しているのを聴いているような、空虚な感覚になりました。


イ ツァーク・パールマン、というバイオリニストがいますが、最初、この人の演奏をラジオで聴いて、モーツァルトのコンチェルトだったと思いますが、とても感 動したことを覚えています。そしてその後、テレビで、彼が松葉杖でステージに現れて、椅子に座って演奏するのを見てショックを受けたわけです。音楽とはそ ういうものだと思います。


That handicap

You may know the blind pianist named Nobuyuki Tsujii who, although sightless, won the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, and is a pianist with a spectacular career.  If you don't know him, he can been seen playing the piano currently on the Sekisui Heim commercial with Abe Hiroshi.

Yesterday, as I was channel surfing, I stumbled upon the BS channe airing the show "Tsujii Nobuyuki × Switzerland Journey" - journey to the country loved by Rachmaninoff <3 hour special> (rebroadcast).  I watched the entire performance of him playing the second piano concerto of Rachmaninoff. Although I knew about him,this was the first time that I listened properly to him playing.

I was surprised, to be honest. Surprised, and, even "stunned". Indeed, although he is blind, his plays the Rachmaninov concerto without any mis-touch, and, even more astonishing, at an exact tempo that matches perfectly with the orchestra. That said, although traversing the keyboard poses no challenge to him, there is no vertical spread.  Let's just say that although there is no problem technically, the emotional richness seems lacking.  I feel that "such a performance would not happen" in the case of a sighted person.  It was like a machine playing on stage with a live orchestra, the feeling is empty.

Without being able to look at the score, it must be difficult to play by ear only.

There is a violinist named Itzhak Perlman.  I first heard his playing on the radio --I think it was a Mozart concerto -- I remember that I was very impressed. And then, when he was seem on television, he appeared on stage on crutches, and I was  shocked to see that he plays sitting in a chair.   I think that the music is such a thing.

People hate to speak ill of those who do their best and work hard to overcome a handicap, and anything is okay because of the handicap.  But to me I think there is a difference.

I submitted this comment, which may or may not be posted:  

んにちは。 アメリカから~ 私は辻井伸行くんのファンです。

Please forgive me for not being able to write in Japanese.

What you wrote in this posting has been said elsewhere, but I strongly disagree.  It makes me angry to read such a comment about the playing of Mr. Tsujii.   I think if you were just listening to the performance on radio, you would not have known that the soloist is blind. 

May I challenge you to open your mind and attend a live performance of Mr. Tsujii before casting aspersions on his piano playing?

Christian thoughts, indeed!

Notable web postings -- December 2014