Nobu-Ashkenazy 2013_Japan Tour - part 3

Continued from Nobu-Ashkenazy_2013_Japan Tour part 2.  I had the pleasure of being in the concert halls at both of these concerts!!

September 29 Sunday 3PM The Nobuyuki & Ashkenazy 2013 Japan Tour ended with a performance at the Nagasaki Great Hall Arkas, Sasebo. 長崎 アルカスSASEBO 大ホール Sasebo Arkas Hall (2,000 seats). Grieg's concerto was on the program.

image via Internet link

 image via Internet link

I had the privilege to be in the Sasebo Arkas Hall concert hall with three others to witness a memorable finale concert of the Nobuyuki Tsujii - Vladimir Ashkenazy - OEK tour. I have no time to write much about it now, but here is photo of a sign in the concert hall. The encores played by Nobu were Grieg's "Preface to Spring" and Chopin's "Revolution" etude.

I stood next to a billboard in the concert hall - "sold out" was proudly displayed.  Photo by Paul.

We had excellent seats in the Arkas Hall, which has excellent acoustics. The program was the same as in Shibuya on September 20th, and to my ears the many performances since then have brought noticeable improvements in the balance of the orchestra and soloist. The Grieg Concerto was breathtakingly beautiful. Nobu played two encores as he had been allowed to throughout this tour, and I had expected him to play the same two works by Nordic composers Grieg and Sebelius as in Shibuya. Indeed the first encore was Grieg's To Spring. As Nobu was guided back by Maestro Ashkenazy to the piano for his second piece, I expected Nobu to sit down quickly and proceed with Sebelius' "Fir Tree", but instead Nobu surprisingly turned around and pushed (gently) Ashkenazy towards the piano, then moved aside and clapped his hands along with the audience. It was Nobu's way of saying that he wanted Ashkenazy to play a piece. Everybody laughed. Ashkenazy went along with it, but did not sit down. He bent over the keyboard and quickly played the opening measures of Chopin's "Revolution" -- the virtuosity was clearly displayed even in those few notes. Nobu tried to signal for Ashkenazy to play, but to no avail. In the end, Nobu himself sat down and whipped out the "Revolution" with typical ease and grace.<A blog post on the Sasebo concert, at which I yoo was present. As many others who commented on this conert, this blogger wrote about the playful exchange between Nobu and Ashkenazy before Nobu's 2nd encore.>

2013年 09月 29日


今 日は午後からアルカスSASEBO、久々のコンサート鑑賞でした。しかも演奏者はソリストに辻井伸行君、オーケストラ・アンサンブル金沢を振るのは世界の マエストロ・ウラディーミル・アシュケナージです。ロビーコンサートでのトークによれば、今回日本ツアーの最終日ということで、長旅のお疲れはありましょ うが、演奏者の集中力や充実感は高まっているものと思われ、期待も高まります。

何しろ辻井君のピアノで指揮がアシュケナージですから人気は高く、 チケットは完売、2,000席あるアルカスの大ホールは満杯です。6月の会員先行発売日に朝から粘り強く電話をかけ続け、ようやくゲットした私たちの席 (A席)は2階中央で、オケの楽器がよく見える、なかなか良い席でした。

そして次にいよいよ辻井君の登場、アシュケナージ氏が抱えるように後ろか ら支えてピアノの前まで連れてきました。曲目はグリーグのピアノ協奏曲です。アシュケナージの指揮は彼には見えませんので、ほとんど辻井君のタイミングで 演奏されているようでしたが、とても息が合っていて素晴らしい演奏でした。

オケは日本フィルなどと比べると小ぢんまりしていますが、それぞれの楽 器が力強く鳴っていてよくバランスが取れているようでした。演奏が終わり、一旦袖に引っ込んだあと、またマエストロに支えられて登場してピアノのアンコー ルは同じグリーグの「春に寄す」、そして止まぬ拍手に辻井君がアシュケナージに「今度はあなたが弾いてよ」と促すと、彼はショパンのエチュード「革命」の 出だしをちょっとだけ弾いて「はい、これやって」と、また辻井君を座らせました。こんなお茶目なやり取りもツアー終盤ならではなのかもしれません。

Sep 29, 2013

Nobuyuki Tsujii and Ashkenazi

Today was a concert appreciation in Arkas SASEBO in the afternoon, after a long time. And Nobuyuki Tsujii was the soloist, with the Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa directed by world renowned Maestro Vladimir Ashkenazy. According to the talk in the lobby, since this is the last day of the Japan tour, they may be tired of the long journey, but it is likely that there is a growing sense of fulfillment and concentration in the players. Expectation increased.

Tickets were sold out, due to the popularity of the piano of Mr. Tsujii and of Mr. Ashkenazi; the 2,000 seats in the Al Qasr great hall were filled. When tickets were released in June, I made phone calls in the morning tenanciously and finally got an A seat, and was seated in the center of the second floor, which afforded a good view of the orchestra. It was a pretty good seat.


And then finally it was the appearance of Mr. Tsujii, brought to the front of the piano by Mr. Ashkenazi. Track was a piano concerto Grieg. I could not see the conducting of Ashkenazi, but it seemed that he was mostly focused on the timing of Mr. Tsujii. It was a great performance; the breathing was matched very well.

The orchestra is small in comparison with the Japan Phil, but it seemed to be well balanced; each instrument turned up strongly.

When the performance was over, Mr. Tsujii was guided by Mr. Ashkenazy backstage once, then returned to play an encore of "To Spring" by Grieg. For the next encore, Mr. Tsujii prompted Mr. Ashkenazy to play, clapping heartily as if to say 'you play this time". He <Ashkenazy> played a little bit of Chopin's "Revolution" etude and said to Mr. Tsujii, "You play this", at which point Mr. Tsujii sat down and did just that. This might have been a unique exchange of this kind on the tour...

<This blogger described the funny moment during the encores>









大相撲とほぼ同じ期間のツァーでしたね。お疲れ様でした。“@oekjp: 17日から続く、ウラディミール・アシュケナージ指揮、辻井伸行ピアノによる、OEKツアー全11公演もいよいよ楽日を迎えました。今日は長崎は佐世保でのコンサート。 ” It was a tour like sumo <wrestling>. Cheers for good work. " Continuing from September 17th, Vladimir Ashkenazy conductor, Nobuyuki Tsujii piano, and OEK celebrated a joyful final day, The 11th performance took place in Sasebo, Nagasaki today-tweet by OEKfan

This blogger wrote about the volunteers activities of the Sasebo concert <blog post by one who was at the Sasebo concert, who wrote passionately about Nobu's piano sound>

 2013-09-30 10:45:37


... 二度目アンコールで










By the second encore, there was a pleasant exchange with Ashkenazy.  Really really happily he played "revolution" of Chopin.  It was nothing but joy.  . Happiness of 100%!

This blogger describes yesterday's Sasebo concert well.  I have no time to translate the whoe thing, but (s)he thinks it was a stunning performance, and describes the cute incident of Nobu urging Ashkensazy to play  on the piano when Ashkenazy guided him to the piano for the 2nd encore.  It was cute and touching beyond words.

アシュケナージ×辻井伸行 コンサート

2013-09-29 Sun 22:04







彼 のベートーベンの三大ソナタを聴いたことがきっかけで,クラシックに興味を持つことができ,生きている間に一度はお目にかかりたかった人間の一人です。私 的には指揮者というより,名ピアニストの印象が強いだけに,指揮に関しては何ともいえませんが,曲間に見せた,彼のひょうきんな振る舞いは意外でした。

こ んなやりとりもありました。拍手喝采の中,辻井氏がアシュケナージ氏にピアノ演奏を促します。するとアシュケナージ氏は,うろたえる振りをしながらも, 「タン,タララララ・・・」とショパンの「革命」の出だしを弾き(ここを聴いただけでも,素晴らしく上手なことがわかります),辻井氏に続きを弾いてごら んといわんばかりに促します。そして,辻井氏がそのまま「革命」を演奏する,というものでした。演目にはないサプライズ演奏でしたが,聴きなれている曲だ けに,会場は興奮に包まれていました。



OEK tweeted:

マ エストロ・アシュケナージと辻井伸行君という素敵なゲストのお陰で、ツアー11公演は、全て満席のお客様をお迎えし終了。これ以上ないシーズンの幕開けと なりました。 Thanks to excellent guests Maestro Ashkenazy & Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii,11 sold-out concerts have ended with appreciative audiences.

September 30

ひと:辻井伸行さん 点字毎日文化賞を受賞するピアニスト

Nobuyuki Tsujii awarded the "Braille Everyday Culture" award <I believe this is an award established by Japan's Mainichi Shimbun (Everyday Newspaper.  <I believe this is an award established by Japan's Mainichi Shimbun (Everyday Newspaper)

This blogger describes yesterday's Sasebo concert well.  I have no time to translate the whoe thing, but (s)he thinks it was a stunning performance, and describes the cute incident of Nobu urging Ashkensazy to play  on the piano when Ashkenazy guided him to the piano for the 2nd encore.  It was cute and touching beyond words.

アシュケナージ×辻井伸行 コンサート

2013-09-29 Sun 22:04







彼 のベートーベンの三大ソナタを聴いたことがきっかけで,クラシックに興味を持つことができ,生きている間に一度はお目にかかりたかった人間の一人です。私 的には指揮者というより,名ピアニストの印象が強いだけに,指揮に関しては何ともいえませんが,曲間に見せた,彼のひょうきんな振る舞いは意外でした。

こ んなやりとりもありました。拍手喝采の中,辻井氏がアシュケナージ氏にピアノ演奏を促します。するとアシュケナージ氏は,うろたえる振りをしながらも, 「タン,タララララ・・・」とショパンの「革命」の出だしを弾き(ここを聴いただけでも,素晴らしく上手なことがわかります),辻井氏に続きを弾いてごら んといわんばかりに促します。そして,辻井氏がそのまま「革命」を演奏する,というものでした。演目にはないサプライズ演奏でしたが,聴きなれている曲だ けに,会場は興奮に包まれていました。



September 28 16:00 山口 シンフォニア岩国コンサートホール Yamaguchi Iwakuni Sinfonia Concert Hall (1,205 seats)

Chopin's Piano concerto No. 2 

image via Internet link

image via Internet link

September 28 9:30PM I am exhausted but happy to have heard a thrilling Chopin Piano Concerto No. 2 in the Iwakuni Sinfonia Concert Hall. Iwakuni turns out to be a remote industry town, so it was impressive to see a full house attending the matinee concert. For encores, Nobu whipped out Chopin's Op. 10 etude No. 1, followed by my all-time favorite Nocturne No. 8. Bravo, bravo, Tsujii-san. This was the last time that the Chopin concerto would be performed on this tour.

A Nobu fan stood next to a concert poster in the Iwakuni Sinfonia

The stage was set for the performance

今 日、辻井伸行&アンサンブル金沢を聞きに行ってきた。そんなにクラシックを聴きこんでなくても音の響きと透明感が別世界のものだと感じた。指揮のアシュケ ナージ氏もそうだけど、特に辻井君はまるで天使のようだと思った。どうか、ずっとずっと闇に光を照らし続けてほしい。Today, I went to listen to Nobuyuki Tsujii & Ensemble Kanazawa. I felt that it is a thing of another world; the clarity of sound is unlike anything I have heard in classical music. The leadership of Mr. Ashkenazy is likely a factor, but I thought Tsujii was like an angel in particular. I hope he will continue to light up the darkness, much, much. -tweet

Long-time Nobu fan Miyuki, who was with me at the September 28 Iwakuni concert wrote:

... to me, Nobu's Chopin #2 was so brilliant and the way he played fast passages with a lot of "ornaments" was unbelievably beautiful. I couldn't help crying hearing them. And it was amazing that he played that Op.10-1 right after the concerto performance. Of course the Nocturne was so beautiful too. The way he played the first theme again so gently after the middle section was so dreamy.

September 29 15:00 Nagasaki Great Hall Arkas, Sasebo. 長崎 アルカスSASEBO 大ホール Sasebo Arkas Hall (2,000 seats)

Grieg's concerto. 

image via Internet link

 image via Internet link

Two fellow Nobu fans and I  will  be in Sasebo Arkas Hall for the tour's finale.  The photo below is taken by Nobuko earlier this week.  The words "SOLS OUT!" is proudly displayed on a billboard on the venue.