2013 Nobuyuki Tsujii - Yutaka Sado - BBC Phil tour

Congratulations to Mr. Yutaka Sado , Mr. Tsujii and the BBC Philharmonic for an outstanding tour in Japan in April 2013.

image via Internet link http://bbcphilharmonic.tumblr.com/

Of this poster, first violinist Julian Gregory of the BBC Phil wrote in the BBC Philhormonic blog: "Yutaka looks every inch the Maestro, with images of us and a rather dapper-looking Nobu beneath."

By all accounts -- including postings from the BBC Philharmonic -- this was a phenomenally successful tour.  12 sold-out performances in 9 cities in 2 weeks, a brutal schedule.  I admit that I took a dim view of the tour.  The thought of Nobu performing  two familiar works, masterpieces though they are, over and over again did not thrill me.  But the reaction to the performances, judging from web postings, was overwhelming.  Especially impressive are the praises that Nobu received from the BBC Philharmonic players, including their first violinist Julian Gregory and their principal cellist Peter Dixon.  It emerged that the tour was superbly organized, the performances carried out without a hitch, and the 2011 tour spoiled by the Tohoku Region Earthquake came to a story-book ending.  As first violinist Julian Gregory put it in his BBC Philhormonic blog: "We celebrated a successful tour,  a promise kept - a profound statement of the bond between us and this amazing country. Cheers."

Tour flyer and schedule

Yutada Sado fan site

Below is a map of Japan marked with the 12 stops on the BBC Phil- Sado-Nobu tour.  I can only imagine the complexities of the logistics of moving 100 people (size of the BBC Phil) around these locations. For instance, on  April 13 the orchestra had to travel 2.5 hours each way to perform at the 3rd stop in the city of Kofu in the Yamanashi Prefecture.

This blog post, by a blogger who was at the April 22 Nagoya performance, describes a moving scene that happened on stage.  (The translation is mine, with kind help from a Japanese Nobu fan; the original Japanese text follows.)

2013-04-34 17:46:40

Tears of gratitude, Mr. Sado, Mr. Tsujii and the BBC Philharmonic

... For the second piece,  Mr. Tsujii appeared in the escort of Mr. Sado.

He sat in front of the piano.

Mr. Tsujii, because of his blindness, must make certain of the position of the keyboard. 

It seems that something was not right today.  He pushed with both hands.  And the piano moved!

Instantly, three or four of the BBC members, including the concert master, rushed up to help him to secure the piano.

The audience stirred.

Earlier, before an encore, this concert master, perhaps worried about Mr. Tsujii in danger of falling off the stage, ran towards Mr. Tsujii and made a gesture to support him.



... 最初の2曲が終わり、目の見えない辻井さんが佐渡さんに誘導されて登場、












This incident is mentioned in another blog post in a lighter tone:  どうやらピアノの車輪のロックがちゃんとしてなかったようで、第2ヴァイオリンの2人が出てきてロックし直してました。 ここでまた一笑い。 It seems that the wheels on the piano were not locked down properly.  Two violinists came up to reset the lock.  A light heart moment.

◆Read a review, here, of Nobu's April 20 performance at the Bunka Kaikan 東京文化会館,  by Japanese composer 笠松泰洋 Yosuhiro Kasamatsu -- with English translation.  The composer went in with a low opinion of Nobu's music, based on TV footage he saw of Nobu's performances.  "I must apologize.  I was completely wrong."  And composer Kasamatsu returned to Suntory Hall last night April 23.  While he praised Nobu's performance, to him it was the orchestra's "Fantastique" that was the highlight. Read it here (I am happy about that, but  it sounds like where he sat may have influenced his experience.)

◆A positive review for the  Yutaka Sado  BBC Philharmonic (Nobuyuki Tsujii) Japan tour: "良いツアーだった a good tour" by 平井洋 Hiroshi Hirai, in the "Music Scene" magazine.  English translation here

◆May 2

Not that it matters and I cannot find the review itself, but this posting mentions a negative review of Nobu's Tchai 1 performance with Yutaka Sado http://homepage1.nifty.com/alchemy/diary201305.html


先日の中日新聞で、長谷義隆記者が辻井伸行/佐渡裕のチャイコフスキーピアノ協奏曲の演奏を辛口批評していた。勝手にカデンツァを入れたり装飾音を加えた りした「奔放すぎる」演奏で、「再現芸術」としてのクラシック音楽としてはふさわしくないのではないか、と。僕は辻井さんのクラシック音楽演奏を「楽譜 べったりで何の工夫もない」と感じていたので、この評はちょっと驚きだった。辻井さんは新境地を拓こうとしているのかな。長谷さんの評は行間に「辻井/佐 渡コンビのイケイケな売り込みに辟易している」様子が感じられるのだが(僕が勝手にそう読み取っているだけかも)、それはそれとして、音楽家が自由奔放を 目指すんだったら放念してあげればいいんじゃないかなと思った。まあ、この曲に勝手なカデンツァや装飾音を入れたら、極めて高い確率で趣味の悪い独りよが りな演奏になりそうな気がするけど、この演奏がたとえそうだったとしても「今回の演奏は趣味悪すぎてダメだ」と言えばいいわけで、「クラシック音楽はかく かくしかじかであるべき」と枠にはめる必要はないでしょう。

Mr. Tsujii - Uninhibited

In the Chunichi Shimbun <Mid-day News>, reporter Hase Yoshitaka was vocal in his critique of the performance of Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto by Nobuyuki Tsujii / Yutaka Sado.  The cadenza  playing was "too wild", unsuitable for  classical music as a "reproduction art".  Since I feel that Tsujii plays closely to the score of the classical music, this verdict was a little surprising. .. <translation of the rest  is beyond me, but the commenter seems to think Nobu has a right to interpret classical music as he likes>

◆April 25 19:00 The tour's  final performance at Sapporo Kitara Concert Hall  札幌コンサートホールKitara.  Nobu will perform Rach 2

Sapporo Kitara Hall, image via Internet link

The concert master of the BBC Phil, Maestro Julian Gregory,  updated the Japan tour blog,http://bbcphilharmonic.tumblr.com/

and has very kind words to say about Sado and Nobu - excerpt:

…and the thing you can’t quantify in numbers; one great experience. The final show in Sapporo turned out to be a perfect conclusion to the tour; possibly one of the finest modern halls on the planet, curvaceous and splendidly reverberant, and an orchestra still fit and splendidly reverberant, if slightly less curvaceous.

Final rehearsals on tour begin with thanks all round, to much applause. Kazu and everyone at Crystal Arts; our management team; Steve, Tom and Bob (who shifted five timps, two harps, ten ‘cellos, and the rest of the mountain of gear into and out of two trucks across eleven venues); the recording team; 007; the orchestra and our guest members; Yutaka (the smiliest of conductors), and the towering greatness of Nobu Tsuji.

Yutaka saved his words for the end of the rehearsal. He looked around the orchestra, we sat quietly. He simply said; “I’ll miss you”, in the way you’d say it to a real friend, because that’s what we have become. ...

The concert. Though we don’t understand Yutaka’s words to the audience, we sensed the emotion, smiled at the funny bits even though we have no idea why, and gave the Nimrod performance of the tour. Nobu’s Rachmaninov was grand as ever, and his Liszt “Rigoletto” encore, yet another new one, was, quite simply, astonishing in every possible way.

**** In this amateur's review,  there are details about Nobu's performance, and it also mentions that Nobu -- as I  had predicted for earlier performances on the tour -- did finally play Liszt's Rigoletto Paraphrase for encore.  English translation of the review here.


Apr 26, 2013 22:25











辻井さんへのやさしさが溢れ出ていました。 ...

Moment of Bliss

Tickets for yesterday's concert sold out in no time. ..

More than two years ago, 5 performances in the second half of the Japan tour, which was forced to stop by the  earthquake and the nuclear accident , now the tour is finally completed in the spring of 2013.  It is  a luxury to be able to enjoy the high-level performance of Mr. Yutaka Sado with the BBC Philharmonic, and the excitement of his close tie with Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.

It was a great performance.  Including an encore each by Mr. Tsujii and one by the BBC Phil, the concert ended at 22:01, well past the scheduled time.

The physical strength and Tsujii, courteous and endearing gestures and facial expression

With Yutaka Sado's deep breathing.

At one point, the hand movement of Sado almost touched the face of Mr. Tsujii, the kindness to Mr. Tsujii was overflowing...

Some would say......that Kitara is the finest modern concert hall in the world; let's find out -- BBC Phil tweet, hours before the concert

Great night in Sapporo; enough energy on stage to power a small city. A very emotional Yutaka and orchestra played out of their skins.  -- BBC Phil tweet after the concert, just after 1 AM Japan time

辻井伸行さんのラフマのピアコン2番inキタラ、すばらしかったです。 Rachmaninov's  Piano concerto No. 2  of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, it was great. -tweet from Hokkeido

ついに辻井伸行くんのラフマニノフ:ピアノ協奏曲第2番を鑑賞できた。 Finally I was able to appreciate Rachmaninov 2 by Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii  tweet from Hokkeido

佐渡裕氏の指揮、凄かったー!フルオケ聴いたのも初めてだったけど、鳥肌たつわwww 辻井くんのラフマニノフのピアコン第二番を聴けたのも満足ー! Under Mr. Yutaka Sado conducting is over; it was amazing! It was the first time that I listened to Furuoke<?>, Rachmaninov No. 2 with Mr. Tsujii gave me goose bumps and satisfaction.     -tweet

佐渡裕さんと伸くんのコンサート!!!佐渡さんの真ん前だった!!!  Concert of Mr. Yutaka Sado and Nobu-kun!!! Mr. Sado was live in front of me!!

This photo comes with a tweet from last night: "佐渡裕氏指揮、BBCフィルコンサート行ってきた。bykitara札幌 Conductor Yutaka Sado and BBC Philharmonic concert at Kitara Sapporo"<Interesting to see so many empty seats in the sections behind the orchestra - the performance was officially sold out.>  -tweet

image via Internet link

http://www.nobupiano1988.com/recitalreport/index.html Recital report, Nobuyuki Tsujii Official web site, with many photos






18日 大阪 華麗なる大円舞曲(ショパン)

20日 東京 トロイカ(チャイコフスキー)

21日 東京 雨だれのプレリュード(ショパン)

22日 名古屋 別れの曲(ショパン)

April 18-20, 2013 (Japan)

Japan tour with the BBC Philharmonic, say to say few stops remaining.

At renovated Osaka Festival Hall on 17th and 18th,  a great sound.

20 and 21 were the Tokyo shows,finally realized in two years.


19th Osaka Grane Waltz Brilliant(Chopin)

20th Tokyo Troika (Tchaikovsky)

21st Tokyo Raindrop Prelude (Chopin)

22nd Nagoya  Song of farewell (Chopin)

Nobu at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Cutural Center, 東京文化会館 大ホール, April 23. 

Source: Recital report - Nobuyuki Tsujii official site

April 23  Penultimate performance on this tour today at 19:00 in Tokyo's prestigious Suntory Hall (photo below).  After that, a day's rest and the final perfomance in Sapporo.

image via Internet link

楽しみ過ぎて朝から大変。曲の予習をもっとちゃんとすれば良かったと死ぬほど後悔(´・_・`) せめて今日はたくさん聴こう。あーー生BBC!生佐渡さん!!何より辻井伸行くん生演奏!!!すごすぎ(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))楽しみーー♡♡ pic.twitter.com/RqymJ9X7si <photo of ticket to Suntory Hall performance, shown below via Internet link>BBC live over over Oh! Sado's live! ! Above all, Nobuyuki Tsujii-kun live! ! !   -tweet

At 4:05PM Japan time, BBC Phil  tweeted: " Here's Nobu trying out the piano for our concert tonight in Suntory Hall, Tokyo. April 22/23"

image via Internet link

BBC Phil tweet: "And here's the bbc philharmonic horn section as you've never seen them before!"

本 日は佐渡裕×BBCフィル ジャパンツアー、ピアノ辻井伸行。初のサントリーホールへ向かいます♪Hey Taxi!Today, Yutaka Sado × BBC Phil Japan tour, piano Nobuyuki Tsujii .  Heading to Suntory Hall for the first time!  Hey Taxi !  -tweet

BBC Philharmonic  tweets:

- Tonight's audience arriving at Suntory Hall.  pic.twitter.com/t97TJDer6v

- Our Japanese audiences have been incredibly warm and appreciative- all 12 concerts sold out!

- Making good use of backstage wifi- catching up with emails to the beautiful sounds of Nobu playing Rachmaninov! pic.twitter.com/9sTrqV0HWX <photo of orchestra members using electronic devices in backroom>

- What an exciting performance of Symphonie Fantastique that was- gave me goosebumps! Great hall and I love Yutaka's interpretation!

- Well, our Tokyo concerts are over now. Tmrw we go North 2 Sapporo for final concert of our fantastic tour

神 の手と言うのがあるが、辻井伸行さんのピアノ演奏を見ていると、まさに神の手だと思う。指の動きが人間の意志を超えている。There is the saying of the hand of God.  When I see  the piano performance of Mr. Nobuyui Tsujii, I think that it is the hand of God exactly. Movement of the fingers is beyond the will of human.  -tweet

辻井伸行、さらにうまくなった気がする。元々情感豊かだと思ってたけど、さらに音に深みが増して厚みが出た感じ。去年のラフマニノフと印象変わった!いい!やはり佐渡裕と相性いいのもあるのだろうか。佐渡裕の情熱にみんな乗せられて行く気もするし。素晴らしい演奏会でした!Tsujii Nobuyuk, i I feel  has  developed well further.  His rich original emotion now comes out of an increased depth, increasing the richness of the sound.  I changed my impression on  Rachmaninoff of last year! Excellent!  The congeniality  and passion of Sado Yutaka ... It was a great concert!   -tweet

幻想交響曲はティンパニ5台にバスドラ2台、金管隊も数が多く迫力満点でかっこいい!でも今日の一番は辻井伸行のラフマニノフ!佐渡裕の指揮と情熱溢れるオケ、そして深みのあるピアノ。全ての相乗効果で会場が一体となりスタンディングオベーションに泣いてる人もたくさん。感激で涙止まらない Fantasy symphony was perfect, with 2  bass drums and  5  timpani; the brass section was  cool! But most of all today is the Rachmaninoff of Tsujii Nobuyuki ! Conductor Yutaka Sato and orchestra full of passion, piano with the depth.    The audience were crying  and  on their feet in unison. My tears  did not stop in the deep emotion  -tweet



2013/4/24(水) 午前 0:53




しかし、今日、私にとって一番の出来事は、「幻想」だった。 ...

Composer diary of Yasuhiro Kasamatsu

2013/4/24 (Wed) 0:53 AM

Suntory, Yutaka Sado BBC Phil + Nobuyuki Tsujii again

Once again, BBC Philharmonic conductor Yutaka Sado's, a piano solo Nobuyuki Tsujii-kun,.  Overture "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by Mendelssohn;  Symphonie Fantastique of Berlioz , and  Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2. This time, my seat is near the orchestra's bass section, bind the trombonists; the conductor can be seen well from my seat.  It is an interest poistion to listen from behind the orchestra, which I have done in the past.

Rachmaninoff began well , more than expected. It was really great.   I can only recall twio perforances when a  soloist from Japan is paired with an orchestra from overseas.  It is hard to believe, but the musical synergy is excellent in a work that places quite stringent demand on great width swings and  and tempo changes.   It seems that the relationship of Tsujii-kun and and Sado-san is more than its 12 years.  The piano and orchestra are really musically alighned. 

Piano and orchestra are aligned musically really.  I had not really listened to this concerto like this.  Moreover, the beauty of the sound and  the music of Mr. Tsujii stood out here.

While it is beautiful song anyway, I sincerely enjoyed the performance.

However, today, for me  the highlight was the  "fantastic"...

http://ameblo.jp/azusasori/entry-11524560715.html <with photos>

佐渡裕 x BBC Philharmonic x 辻井伸行








メンデルスゾーン 「真夏の夜の夢」 序曲

ラフマニノフ ピアノ協奏曲第2番

ベルリオーズ 幻想交響曲


エルガー エニグマ変奏曲 第9変奏「ニムロッド」


ラフマニノフ プレリュード作品32-12


ベルリオーズ ラコッツィ行進曲

Yutaka Sado x BBC Philharmonic x Nobuyuki Tsujii

April 22, 2013 23:27:38  <This concert took place on April 23 in Japan>

Concert @ Suntory Hallof today.  I looked forward to it eagerly. Tsujii's Rachmaninov, my mind trembled. I fell in love with the concert master of the BBC Philharmonic. He plays the violin in the whole body. The leaping conducting of Sado! Cool! It was like I was a dream. I  did not want it to be over. Tracks: Mendelssohn Overture "A Midsummer Night's Dream";  Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2;  Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique;  pre-playing Elgar Enigma Variation 9, "Nimrod"; encores  Nobuyuki Tsujii e Rachmaninoff Prelude work 32-12; Berlioz Rakottsu~i march

Excerpt from BBC Philhormonic blog:

April 22/23With the tour winding down, BBC Phil's first violinist  Julian Gregory is already wrapping up his excellent blog about the whirlwind tour.  He has high praises for the tour's organization, Yutaka Sado, and Nobu.  An excerpt:

Each concert has its own sense of occasion, and it’s a real pleasure to walk out to a packed hall night after night. Yutaka kicks off the proceedings with a speech to the audience, highlighting the significance of our return to Japan, and appealing for the charity that raises money for children who were orphaned in the tsunami. He’s obviously doing a good job of it- each night so far has raised in excess of ten thousand pounds in collections.

Yutaka also seems to be developing some skill as a comic. The first night’s speech got him one laugh, but each night he gets a few more. Now he has them in stitches, and whatever he’s saying, it’s a riot, but as it’s in Japanese we’ve no idea what the joke is. Still, it’s a profound demonstration of how positive this whole thing is- smiling faces and a real sense of friendship and warmth from an audience is a wonderful way to start a concert, and every one of them feels special.

Nobu Tsuji’s concerto performances are breathtaking; some of the best we’ve ever had the privilege to play for. He does an unusual thing, too; touring soloists tend to have two encores ready to go, but Nobu does a different one every night. They’re not easy ones either, including the most most fiendishly demanding Liszt, Chopin and Rachmaninov, beautifully played with detail, effortless precision, and depth. This is not your usual tour.


This blog post is notable for mentioning this about the 2011 tour, which was disrupted by the 311 earthquake - it is not clear what the source of the blogger is, possibly from Sado's speech at the start of each concert.

大事な仲間を残して脱出することに悲しみと憤りを覚えたそうです。見送りにきた辻井伸行と佐渡裕に、もう一度日本に戻り公演する約束をして帰国したのでした。 Still remembered is the anger and sadness when they <the orchestra?> had to leave their cherished colleagues.To Yutaka Sado and Nobuyuki Tsujii, who came to see them off, they made a commitment to return to Japan to perform again.

April 22

Today the tour made a one-day detour to perform at Achi Prefectural Arts Theatre 愛知県芸術劇場コンサートホールin Nagoya, before returning to Tokyo tomorrow to make one last performance in Suntory Hall.


image via Internet link

image via Internet link

Was lovely to go back to Nagoya again today- we played there on our 2011 tour. Nobu treated us to another gorgeous Chopin encore  -BBC Phil tweet

Conductor BBC Philharmonic with Yutaka Sado Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii concert @ Aichi Prefectural Art Theater Concert Hall's. pic.twitter.com/JmAvav1JC3 -tweet

コ ンサート 良かった。佐渡裕指揮、BBCフィルハーモニック。辻井伸行ピアノ。 高いけど奮発したかいがあった。辻井くんの生演奏初めて見聞きした。迫力の演奏。すごかった~。 Was good concert. Conducted by Yutaka Sado, BBC Philharmonic. Nobuyuki Tsujii piano. The excitement started high and stayed high.  I saw and heard for the first time live Tsujii kun. Powerful performance. It was amazing.

Another reason for enjoying the train travel here, the post concert celebrations are always good fun! #ontour JG pic.twitter.com/87QQtpdVZr <photo of orchestra members carousing inside shinkansen, apparently on way back to Tokyo from Nagoya.>  -BBC Phil tweet

http://ameblo.jp/coach-mash/entry-11511656310.html  <This blog post came up shortly after the concert>

佐渡裕指揮 BBCフィル 日本ツアー with 辻井伸行















Conducted by Yutaka Sado BBC Phil Japan tour with Nobuyuki Tsujii

27 minutes 17 seconds 22:22 April 2013NEW!

... It was a concert that shake one's heart really.

In particular, the Tchaikovsky piano concerto to be performed by Mr. Tsujii is a super super famous song that is not easily illuminated in words. ..

Start of the famous first movement, is suddenly tears.

 (I'm sorry that I have borrowed the scene of the concert from the past  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qyJoHnpEVE  <YouTube video of Nobu's performance with Sado, uploaded by me>)

I think maybe people around also might have been so.

Sniffles were heard.

He, I think went through a lot a lot of struggling that cannot be said in person.

But, I thought he was born in order to impress people.

With Tchaikovsky over, the encore was "farewell song" by Chopin.

Tsujii's piano, deep, courteous and accurate. It shakes your heart.

Tears again as I watched Mr. Tsujii hugged tightly by Sado.

佐渡裕氏、BBCフィル、辻井伸行氏共演、スーパークラシックコンサーツ2013、東日本大震災で中断したツアーが奇跡の復活。あつい演奏を楽しんできました~。終了後の震災募金では佐渡さんとの握手のサプライズも。 pic.twitter.com/gn7xw795Vu <photo of poster of "Super Classsic Concerts 2013 Mr. Yutaka Sado, BBC Phil, Nobuyuki Tsujii co-star.   Tour was interrupted by the Great East Japan Earthquake; its resurrection a miracle. - I enjoyed the enthusiastic performance. Even the surprise of shaking hands with Mr. Sado at the earthquake fund-raising after the  performance has ended .




























... A piano was carried out <after the opening piece by the orchestra>

And Tsujii kun came on stage, escorted by Sado.

He was sitting in front of the piano.  From where we sat we did not see what happened. <The piano moved away from Nobu!>

But the lock of the wheels of the piano seems to not have been properly applied.  Two violinists came up to re-lock them. A light moment. 

Piano performance with long first movement is imposing.

Tsujii-kun, is brilliant as expected.

Applause at the end of the first movement.

I have always liked the famous melody at the beginning of the first movement, but I have come to like a soft melody of the second movement recently.


After being healed in the second movement, on to the third movement.

Violently fast fingering.


I could not see the left hand very well, but I think I found it a little terrifying, because it looks Well Well.

The finale was dignified.


Tsujii kun and Sado-san hugged each other with praise.

Laughter again.

Sado held his left hand, raised high, while his right hand fluttered, as if clapping on his own.   Such innocence is part of his charm.  The difference in appearances<of the two> was interesting.

And encore "song of farewell" of Chopin.

Song of a friendly atmosphere, sniffles from around.

Sado listened while perched on podium.

It was a concert that was sufficiently substantial so far.

I only wish I was closer to the piano to hear it better...


April 24



盲目のピアニスト辻井伸行さんと佐渡裕指揮 BBCフィルハーモニーの演奏です。


前から 彼の演奏はとっても美しくて 一度 生で聴いてみたいと思っていたのですが、





彼の純粋な心が 観客の心の奥底にまで届くのでしょうね。 素晴らしいピアニストです。


その作曲者が辻井さんだと 後で知り、彼の紡ぎ出す音の美しさに感動した覚えがありました。

彼は まさしく選ばれて 生まれてきた才能の持ち主 なのでしょうね。...

Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's and conductor Yutaka Sado - an artistic evening

Monday evening, the piano made me cry.

Blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii and the BBC Philharmonic  conducted by Yutaka Sado.

Speaking of Mr. Tsujii, he is now a pianist whose tickets you can no longer easily get.

I knew that he plays beautifully, but I wanted to listen to him live once. 

It was astonishing to listen

Tears come out naturally from the beginning. . . What for? What for? ? ?

But it seems that it was not just me.

A number of people, including acquaintances, also shed tears at the intermission. . .

His pure heart.   You bet he can reach to the bottom of the hearts of the audience.  He is a great pianist.

Once I heard a song that I thought, "Wow, a nice movie-music! "

Later I found out that the composer is Mr. Tsujii.  I was moved by the beauty of the sound spun out of him.

He is probably a  chosen one born with great talent...

with photo of ticket below, shown via Internet link

This blog post  blog post  , by a blogger who was at the April 22 Nagoya performance, describes a moving scene that happened on stage. 

2013-04-34 17:46:40

Tears of gratitude, Mr. Sado, Mr. Tsujii and the BBC Philharmonic

... For the second piece,  Mr. Tsujii appeared in the escort of Mr. Sado.

He sat in front of the piano.

Mr. Tsujii, because of his blindness, must make certain of the position of the keyboard. 

It seems that something was not right today.  He pushed with both hands.  And the piano moved!

Instantly, three or four of the BBC members, including the concert master, rushed up to help him to secure the piano.

The audience stirred.

Earlier, before an encore, this concert master, perhaps worried about Mr. Tsujii in danger of falling off the stage, ran towards Mr. Tsujii and made a gesture to support him.

Tsujii's playing -- although I was told that there is always an aura when he performs with Mr. Sado -- tears came out as I listened.

... I was surprised that I forgot to breathe.

I could not keep from tearing, but it was not just me - sniffles can be heard here and there.

Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto 1 is my  favorite

Although I thought the rendition of Bernstein and Richter is the highest,

I think Mr. Tsujii has surpassed it.

I  am just an amateur, but I feel that he has developed since more than two years ago.



... 最初の2曲が終わり、目の見えない辻井さんが佐渡さんに誘導されて登場、






















April 21 Sunday at 3PM in Tokyo, Nobu will perform Rachmaninov 2 with Yutaka Sado & BBC Philharmonic at the  NHK Hall , home of Japan's prestigious NHK Symphony Orchestra, seating capacity 3,600. The performance is sold-out.  This is the tour's 9th stop.  There is one more performance in Tokyo on Tuesday 23rd in Suntory Hall after a stop in Aichi 愛知. 

Many praised the performance on twitter, but there is one blogger who complained that the piano sound was drowned out by the orchestra, perhaps because of the acoustics of the super large venue

image via Internet link

At about 1:30 PM, BBC Phil oboist Jenny Galloway tweeted: "The orchestra and Nobu sounding glorious in Rach 2nd Piano Concerto, in our venue today, the NHK Hall in Tokyo" with this photo:

image via Internet link

At 2:11PM, a concert goer tweeted: "NHKホールなう。これから佐渡裕指揮BBCフィルハーモニック日本ツアー東京公演を聴きます!ラフマニノフ2番、ソリストは辻井伸行。C3列!辻井くんの日替わりアンコールも楽しみ♪ at NHK Hall to listen to Yutaka Sado BBC Philharmonic Japan Tour Concert in Tokyo now! Rachmaninov 2, soloist Nobuyuki Tsujii. Row C3 row! Tsujii-kun plays a different encore each day. Fun!" with photo below

image via Internet link


Nobuyuki Tsujii  ✖ Yutaka Sado ✖ BBC Philharmonic. Program opened with the Enigma. A Midsummer Night's Dream, followed by the second Rachmaninov Piano Concerto, Encore of Tsujii kun was raindrop. Why this selection of music! ? I feel like he was good at it.

エルガーのミグレット?ニグレット?調べる。佐渡裕 さんと辻井伸行さんは親子のようだった…(笑)  Miguretto of Elgar? Niguretto? Investigate. And Mr. Yutaka Sado and  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii were like  parent and child ... (laughs)   <Editorial: Elgar's "Enigma Variations">

http://ameblo.jp/lechmere/entry-11515981834.html <blog of a medical professional>


2013-04-22 01:40:16











The program was solid.

Second concerto of Rachmaninoff.

Suddenly the spine was tinkled by the beauty of the sound.

However, as as the excitement rose, the piano was essential not heard.

The sound of the orchestra's going on, but the piano could not be heard.

I was annoyed about that.

Although Mr. Tsujii was playing hard, the sound was drowned out by the orchestra.

Whether there was too much sound from the orchestra, or the hall was too large, I do not know...


Tokyo Nobu fan Yuko wrote:


















最初の音から最後の 音まで楽しみました。










午前中冷たい雨が降ったからかもしれま せん。






I have been listening at NHK Hall with my husband the three daughters a long-awaited concert.

Seat our seats were on the third floor, the sound was not the best that I have ever heard

It was a little disappointing, but it was a concert that resonate with us very much.

Two years ago, we could not get tickets.

But, the concert began with Hiroshima

I was glad to know that it was a great success.

Then, the earthquake occurred.

Everyone the BBC Phil  was also affected.

It is amazing that the tour resumes in a short period of 2 years.

First, the BBC Philharmonic whowed their feelings and hope about the earthquake

When Elgar's Nimrod was played,

Tears flowed unintentionally.

It was the music of a gentle requiem.

Concerto of Rachmaninoff of Sado and Nobu-kun.

Because it is the music that I was hoping to listen to live someday

I was nervous before it started.

I listen to it on CD often.

And today I enjoyed it from the first sound to the last note.

Sound born from the great trustingrelationship he has with Sado.

It was really great.

The second movement, especially on the third floor of the huge NHK Hall

it sounded beautifully.

Expressive power is turned richer, and further impressed.

Nobu-kun  together with the orchestra.

It seemed to me that he was rocking his body more than usual.

"Raindrop" encore in response to the applause that would not stop

I was glad because I did not expect to listen to this.

May be because cold rain fell in the morning.

Also Symphonie Fantastique after the break

And Sado's delicate yet dynamic conducting

and the enthusiastic performance of the BBC Phil was impressive

Mr. Sado, Nobu-kun, BBC Phil, after a time of 2 years

Thank you for the great concert!

佐 渡裕指揮のBBCフィル×辻井伸行のラフマニノフ凄かったー!しかもS席!やばかった!超感動!フゥーーー! BBC Phil × conducted by Yutaka Sado of Nobuyuki Tsujii over was amazing Rachmaninov! Moreover, S seat! Was outstanding! Super impressed!   -tweet

初 めて辻井伸行さんのピアノを生で聞いた。ミスタッチもなく、きれいなピアノだった。若いピアノだった。これから何年何十年と弾いて、私生活でもいろんな経 験をして、円熟味が出たピアノを楽しみにしている…私、生きてないかも!?First time I heard piano of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii  live. Flawless.  It was a beautiful piano. It was a young piano. I look forward to years and decades of listening to him.  -tweet

佐渡裕指揮 BBCフィルハーモニック 日本ツアー2013 ピアノ:辻井伸行←行って来ました〜♬♪ 時には力強く、時には優しく包み込んでくれるような音色、素晴らしかったです。ピアノを弾いている時は、天才ピアニスト「辻井伸行氏」... Yutaka Sado BBC Philharmonic 2013 Japan Tour: Nobuyuki Tsujii strong tone at times, gently caressing at times, it was wonderful. Genius pianist...

辻井伸行さんアンコールはお天気に合わせてくれたのか、ショパンのプレリュード『雨だれ』でした。やさしい音 Nobuyuki Tsujii 's encore was fit for the weather, Prelude of Chopin was "raindrop". Friendly sound  -tweet


Nobuyuki Tsujii's Encore was Chopin's raindrop; it had  smart feel. It was a day of cold rain, and it was good to hear that!  -tweet

BBCフィルの音色はとても心地よかった。辻井伸行のピアノはアクもクセも無く聴きやすかった。 Tone of the BBC Phil was very cozy. Nobuyuki Tsujii was accessible and easy to listen to.  -tweet


2013-04-21 18:11:43






Concert Nobuyuki Tsujii, of Yutaka Sado's

2013-04-21 18:11:43NEW!

The live performance of the second Piano Concerto of Rachmaninoff, I heard for the first time. Because it was my favorite song from before, it was great.

Thanks to the help of a student, I had ticket for a seat second from the front.

Enigma Variations Elgar, has been playing at the beginning for those of the earthquake, from the instrument, I was in a happy feeling in splendor for the sound that is played.

Encore of  Nobuyuki Tsujii was  raindrop, which took me back. .I now want to play it. posted from iPhone


This is the blog of 藤岡幸夫Yukio Fujioka  the former BBC Phil assistant-conductor mentioned in the tweets of BBC Phil Princiipal cellist Peter Dixon.  He mentions that he met with Nobu and Sado backstage after a performance. There are many photos of Mr. Fujioka with BBC Phil members.

http://ameblo.jp/t-m-consulting/entry-11515855117.html  blog post about the NHK Hall performance

... そして、ラフマニノフの2番。何十回もコンサートで聴きましたが、最高でした。




拍手は、今まで聞いたこともない大きさで、スタンディングオベーションもありました。 ...

And, Rachmaninoff No. 2, a work that I listened to in concerts dozens of times, but this was the best.

The orchestra align itself with Mr. Tsujii

There is a sense of unity.

A classic concert is a convergence of performer-conductor-audience, and all are united.

The applause was the loudest I had never heard, and there was a standing ovation...



2013年4月21日 (日)

33回目の結婚記念日。 昨年に引き続き、辻井伸行を聴きに行った。NHKホールで、佐渡裕指揮のBBCフィルとの協演。昨年は、東京文化会館で東京都交響楽団とのショパンの#1だったが、「高速ショパン」すぎて情緒に欠けたきらいがあった。今年は、さすがに佐渡裕。しっかり辻井をコントロールして、見事なラフマニノフ#2だった。アンコールで弾いたショパンの「雨だれ」もグー。どちらも辻井の繊細な個性がにじみ出ていた。 ...

Wedding Anniversary with Sado, Tsujii and Eel

April 21, 2013

Wedding anniversary of 33rd.  As with last year, I went to listen to Nobuyuki Tsujii.

In NHK Hall,  with the BBC Philharmonic conducted by Yutaka Sado.

Last year, it was  Chopin #1 with the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra in Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, but the "high speed Chopin" tended to ruin the sentiment. This year, Yutaka Sado was in charge. By controlling  Tsujii firmly, the Rachmaninoff # 2 was stunning.  Chopin  "raindrop" played in the encore.   In both works, the delicate personality of Tsujii was oozing.


2013年4月22日 (月)














A Cold Day with Great Music

April 22, 2013

... This is the first time that I listened to Rachmaninov live of Mr. Tsujii.

Pictures at an Exhibition of Mussorgsky last year, and Chopin before that.

The Rachmaninoff this year.

Under the direction of Yutaka Sado, who give a big swell of emotion in music

As the piano was like a sun shining grightly,

The combination of Sado's and Tsujii,

What we wanted to hear exactly .

CDs purchased immediately after finishing listening

Piano Concerto No. 1 Tchaikovsky

And  Rachmaninoff piano concerto No. 2

The two pieces of CD that you have purchased,

And a bag with a picture of autographs of Mr. Sado and Mr. Tsujii.

 photo of bag, via internet link










It was awesome ....

I'm really clueless about classical music ...

I don't quite understand it myself, but I started tearing from the start

It was the best! ! !






...Rachmaninoff No. 2  is over! !

And Mr. Tsujii, you are one with the piano,

Rather than playing  ... it was as if the piano itself was singing.

My chest is full the whole time,

Tears flowed only yesterday...


April 22, 2012












The wedding anniversary

It was our 16th wedding anniversary last weekend.

With grandma and children, we went to concert, after a long time as a married couple.

Mainly  for the performance of Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2, co-starring Nobuyuki Tsujii, conductor Yutaka Sado, and the BBC Philharmonic.

This is my favorite concerto, and I cried even after listening to the performance of Mr. Tsujii at the Cliburn Comptition (for 18 times?)


During the performance , I ended up in tears involuntarily

From where in that little body of  Tsujii -kun does he get his y energy like that ...

On stage in response to the applause of the tremendous  after the performance.

The tall figure of  Sado as parent leading a blind child walking back, with a smile.

Symphonie Fantastique of Berlioz ... was also a performance of great success.

It was a cold Sunday with frosty snow even in April, but now I feel like I should be doing fine for another year.


感動のコンサート2013-04-24 20:27:38 | 日記






















concert excitement  | 2013-04-24 20:27:38 Diary

The other day, I went to a concert of conductor  Mr. Yutaka Sado. and piano performance by Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii . In an extremely luxurious lineup of   BBC Philharmonic orchestra . I got a ticket with difficulty more than half a year ago.

This is my second Concert of Tsujii kun.  Just like last time, the veue was packed with audience.  At NHK Hall this time, the people include customers of all ages, the elderly and children.  The height of his popularity has continued.

Tsujii kun played the famous Piano Concerto No. 2 of Rachmaninoff.  The sound of the orchestra was fairly strong at opening, but I thought it was losting steam a little.  But the aura showed graduatlly, the atmosphere became indescribable, as if the entire hall was captivated by a piano in its center.

Last time, with the Orchestra of Kanazawa, the sound seemed to me a little suppressed.  I felt that this time Tsujii-kun's piano playing is more attractive, more unrestrained.

Tsujii-kun was in the center of the orchestra immediately; it was a superb performance with a strong presence.  The BBC Philharmonic is an orchestra of a very high level as rarely heard, as demonstrated in their performance of the Symphonie Fantastique afterward.

Evnn so, it is  uncanny jow Mr. Tsujii can play such a work without looking at the music. Without being able to see the music while practicing, how he could play so great; it cannot be without effort.  But he must be a natural talent.  I cannot help but think that he was bestowed from God.   I cannot forget the mother who recognized the talent and developed it.

The conduction of Mr. Sado was great, delicate yet dynamic.  Somehow, Tsujii kun kept up with the conducting of the orchestra only through listening to breathing.   It was uncanny.  Perhaps because of the tough tour schedule, Mr. Sado was -- to my surprise -- very slim.  If you make a donation, you get to shake hands with Mr. Sado.  And we were in line without hestitation to shake hands firmly with him after the concert, but it was clear that he was fatigued.  Please work hard but be careful to stay in good health!

April 20 Saturday 15:00

Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1 with Yutaka Sado & BBC Philharmonic, Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Cutural Center, 東京文化会館 大ホール

Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Cutural Center, 東京文化会館 大ホール -- image via Internet link

BBC Philharmonic ‏@BBCPhilharmonic  tweeted at 5:21 PM

In the audience today in Tokyo. Great reaction for soloist Nobu Tsuji and orchestra! People said at interval they were thrilled

Yoko, a frequent visitor to the Nobuyuki Tsujii fans facebook page, was at the concert





4/20, I listen to the concert in the Cultural Center.  First, the violin sound echoes solemnly in silence with  Edgar's.  My tears dropped uncontrollable.  Seems to have touched a chord. Overwhelmed from the beginning. This was Program B?  I was not familiar with "four sea interludes". But  I was familiar with the new world Symphony No. 9 since elemenary school.

Wonderful splendid performance of the BBC, it was a magnificent performance.

Piano Concerto No.1 was powerfully rendered by Mr.  Tsujii and the Orchestra, under Mr. Sado's unique touch.  The Concerto brings joy from the heart... this in spite of having listened to the performance on CD many times ... Bravo and ringing applause!

Mr. Tsujii played "Troika" for encore, and the orchestra also rewarded us with an encore of Dvorak Slavic dance No. 8....   Really great!  Bravo!  Well, it will be hard to go to sleep tonight, thanks to the great performance by Mr. Sado,  Mr. Tsujii and the BBC Phil.

http://mienko223.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-513.html <blog post about April 20th Tokyo performance>

2013/04/20(土) 23:19:08


... 半年前から購入していたプレミアチケット!












全然高くない16000円という値段。 ...

The power of art


With premier tickets  purchased from six months ago(!), we  listened to the BBC Philharmonic orchestra conducted by Yutaka Sado, piano Nobuyuki Tsujii!

Right from the start, there were continuous tears and goose bumps!


The sound of the  piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii was owerful!

Delicate, pure, flowing.

I was impressed to the max, tears really did not stop.

Thunderous applause

Ticket price of 16,000 yen was  not high at all.


東京文化会館 佐渡裕サン×辻井伸行サン×BBCフィルのコンサートに行ってきました。…素晴らしい生音に感動し 涙が止まりませんでした。素晴らしい感動をくれた演者の皆さん有り難うございます。 Tokyo Bunka Kaikan  I went to a concert of San × BBC Phil. Tears ... did not stop impressed by the great live sound. Thank you everyone of performers gave me a great impression.  -tweet

佐渡裕 × 辻井伸行 × BBCフィルハーモニックの演奏会に行ってきた。東日本大震災の影響で2年越しの実現。パワーもらったよ。佐渡氏との握手は嬉しかった! I went to a concert of  Yutaka Sado × Nobuyuki Tsujii × BBC Philharmonic. Realization two years after the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake. I got power. Shaking hands with Mr. Sado was happy!  -tweet

BBCフィルハーモニック 日本ツアー2013@東京文化会館。佐渡裕さん指揮、ピアノは辻井伸行さん。2年前の東日本大震災で中断したツアーを、同じメンバーで。辻井さんのピアノ、魂を揺さぶられた。楽章間に和やかなハプニング?(笑)もあったけど、あんなに心地よい緊張感が漂う客席も久々。

BBC Philharmonic 2013 Japan Tour 2013 @ Tokyo Bunka Kaikan. Conductor Yutaka Sado, piano Nobuyuki Tsujii. With the same members, the tour was interrupted by the Great East Japan Earthquake two years ago. The Piano of Mr. Tsujii shook my soul. The peaceful movement happening in between? There was also (laughs), in my comfortable seats, even after a long time, a feeling of tension.  -tweet

佐渡裕指揮、ピアノ辻井伸行、BBCフィルでチャイコフスキーのコンチェルトを聞いてきました。1楽章でブラボーが飛ぶ素晴らしい演奏。終演後は佐渡さん、BBCフィルのメンバーらが自ら震災孤児支援の募金を呼び掛けていました。感動。 pic.twitter.com/fQ57cM9QGR

Heard Tchaikovsky concerto conducted by Yutaka Sado, piano Nobuyuki Tsujii and the BBC Phil. First movement was great playing - bravo. At the end, Sado and members of the BBC Phil called for donations to earthquake orphans after the show. Impressed.   -tweet

寒い1日でしたねー。今日は佐渡裕さん指揮BBCフィルのコンサートin東京文化会館に行ってきました。辻井伸行さんも登場。生演奏を初めて聞きました。素晴らしい演奏に心から感動して帰ってきました。 This was a cold day. I went to a concert of BBC Philharmonic conductor Yutaka Sado's today in Tokyo Bunka Kaikan . Nobuyuki Tsujii also appeared. I heard for the first time  live music. I came back and qm sincerely impressed by a great performance.


キラキラしててクリアな音の粒は相変わらず。情感豊かで胸に迫ってくる。以前ラフマニノフ聞いたけど辻井伸行の音にはチャイコフスキーとかがあってるのかも。木管が豊かに歌ってくれるオケがわたしは好きでBBCはそこが残念だったけど全体的にはやはりとてもうまい。火曜日も楽しみだな♪Grains of sound as clear as ever; brilliant. Rich emotion loomed in my chest. I heard the Rachmaninoff by Mr. Tsujii before, but this time it is Tchaikovsky.  I foune the woodwind of the BBC orchestra disappointing, but it is still very good on the whole and the sound is rich. I will be at the Tuesday concert also. I'm looking forward to it.  -tweet

「佐渡裕×辻井伸行×BBCフィルハーモニック」2011年ツアー中に震災に遭い中断していたコンサートがようやく再演。そして佐渡裕と辻井伸行のコンビをようやく生で聴くことができた!今回は4階席とかなり遠かったんだけど、ピアノの音がよく聞こえてよかった。"Yutaka Sado × Nobuyuki Tsujii concert× BBC Philharmonic tour " disrupted in 2011 is finally replayed. And I was able to listen to a performance of Yutaka Sado with Nobuyuki Tsujii together live. I only have a 4th floor seat this time, but the sound of the piano was good to hear anyway.  -tweet

http://ameblo.jp/luna0223/entry-11515297289.html blog of someone who was at the first Tokyo performance.  The blogger admitted that she is not familiar with classical music, but the performance was more than she expected, and she was in particular impressed by Nobu.  Photos of signs with the concert program and list of encores.  She will also be at the next day's performance at the NHK Hall.


2013年4月21日(日) PM3:00


 ... そして辻井くんの登場。





大喝采、スタンディングオベーション。... 今日の演奏会、とても感動した。

佐渡さんは辻井くんにハグして演奏を讃えます。 ...  素晴らしい演奏でした。And the appearance of Mr. Tsujii.

My lacrimal gland was a bit loose from the beginning, but now it was running controllably when it came to the stirring climax of the first movement.

Tsujii kun is indeed good with this work.

I feel something deep something that appeasl to the heart that was not in the other performances.

After the three movements, and finale, the climax with a growl of Sado's.

Ovation, standing ovation.

Sado hugged Tsujii kun,  praising  his playing .

... I was very impressed with today's concert

http://www.marumo-sh.co.jp/diarypro/diary.cgi?no=1885<blog of a food industry administrator>



April 20th


For some time now, I have wanted to attend a live performance of blind pianist "Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii".   We went to the  Tokyo Bunka Kaikan concert of the Japan tour concert of the BBC Philharmonic and beloved conductor  "Yutaka Sado-san". I got tickets about six months ago. Sado's is a big man, about 190cm tall <6'2">, but I was surprised that he has gotten quite slim and skinny.

At the start of the concert, Sado-san had a microphone for a greeting.   This was unusal, but this tour was a repeat of one that took place two years ago that was abruptly aborted by the earthquake after 5 performances.   The reunion  was touching

Then when Sado-san guided Tsujii-san to the piano, I  muttered  "Cute!".  Watching them from their backs, the  difference of of Sado and Mr. Tsujii you was so great. Tears began as soon as Mr. Tsujii began to play. It was the first time that such a thing happened. The second time, I do not know somehow, but it sounded great.  Then I cried again when Mr. Sado shook hands in the hall after the performance.

http://ameblo.jp/yokkoba/entry-11515809445.html   blog about April 20 concert


This blogger had a front-row seat in  Bunka Kaikan and was thrilled to get to see Nobu's hands on the keyboard.  It was her 2nd concert on this tour.

**** This blog post, by a composer, warmed my heart


This blogger, a composer,  was invited to the April 20 Bunka Kaikan  東京文化会館 performance.    He went in with a low opinion of Nobu's music, but came away surprised. 

 「私は、辻井くんの演奏は好きじゃない、とこれまで何人かに言ってきた。事務所の社長にまで言っていた。テレビでちょっと見ただけで。私は謝らないといけない。全く間違っていた。」 "Up to now, based on watching television, I had not liked the  playing of Mr. Tsujii .  I said so to many people, including the president of my office (who probably gave him the ticket to the concert).  I have to apologize.  I have been wrong after  all "

He also wrote that the venue was overflowing - auxiliary chairs had to be set up, when too often there are empty seats at classical performances in recent years.

http://a-demain.petit.cc/banana/1610994  <"After 65" blog>

佐渡裕指揮 BBCフィルハモニック日本ツアー2013に行ってきました。

チャイコフスキーピアノ協奏曲第1番 ピアニストは辻井伸行さん。








I went to the Yutaka Sado BBC Philharmonic 2013 Japan tour concert.

Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1 pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's.

Concert was performed to an over-capacity audience that filled up to the 5th floor of Tokyo Bunka Kaikan in Ueno;  tremendous applause;  we were all thrilled.  It has been a long time for a concert to receive  such enthusiasm.

... To see Yutaka Sado conduct any work is good, but to see the collaboration with Nobuyuki Tsujii in a concerto for  the first time, there was  that breath and full-blown youthful humanity -- it was wonderful.   More than what was shown on TV, seeing this pianist playing  in the whole body, in a large venue,  was really impressive.  It was really good to hear this live performance.  We seat on the third floor for the first time, but were able to fully enjoy the splendor of the acoustics of the hall, in the space of Maekawa architecture that does not change.

April 19

posting on Nobuyuki Tsujii fans facebook page

明 日は、待ちに待った東京文化会館でチャイコフスキー協奏曲第1番が聴ける!!昨年8月21日の小林研一郎氏指揮による協奏曲も辻井さんのピアノにオーケス トラも白熱した演奏でした。佐渡氏×BBCフィルハーモニック×辻井さん・・・本当に夢のよう♪" Tomorrow, I listen to Tchaikovsky Concerto No. 1 at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan!!  I have been waiting for this! ! August 21 last year I heard this Concerto with Kenichiro Kobayashi conductor and piano of Mr. Tsujii <in Hiroshima>  - it was  also a heated performance.  Mr. Sado × BBC Philharmonic × Tsujii ... like a dream really ♪

More at 2013 Sado-BBC Phil Tour - part 1


May 15  BBC3 aired Nobu's performance of Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 with BBC Phil and Yutaka Sado (likely the same one that we heard last week, from a performance in Osaka).  Host Katie Durham had some kind words to say about Nobu at time-mark 43:44.  The broadcast is listenable for 7 days http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01scyss

Host Katie Durham said (time mark 43:44)

(Nobu) made a huge impression on the BBC Philharmonic, with whom he toured recently in Japan.  They were amazed by his flawless playing and his gift for playing a different and equally impressive encore each of the 12 times that they performed together.

And again, at time mark 1:18:32:

The extraordinary pianist, born blind, 24 years old, bringing the house down once again.  He was on tour with the BBC

Philharmonic all the way around Japan just a couple of weeks ago.  They love him.  He was playing Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 there with the BBC Phil, conducted by Yutaka Sado.  Fantastic performance that was, wasn't it?

May 13  BBC3 broadcast of a Program A performance (Mendelssohn and Berlioz; Rachmaninov 2), the April 23 performance in Tokyo's Suntory Hall, with Rachmaninov's Prelude in G# minor as encore by Nobu.  The broadcast is  listenable for 7days  at  http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01scxtv  At time-mark 21:00, concert master Julian Gregory spoke generously about  the Japanese concert audiences, Sado and Nobu - Scroll down below the photo to read a transcript of the interview

Transcript of Julian Gregory interview during May 13 "Afternoon on 3" BBC3 broadcast

BBC3's Katie Durham: I am delighted to be joined now by First Violinist Julian Gregory  from the BBC Philharmonic

Julian, It sounds like you had a marvelous audience reception

Julian Gregory: The reception was fantastic and I think that was due to the fact that we had already been in Japan earlier and had to run away because of the earthquake.  I mean, that was really a sad moment; we felt that there was nothing that we could do.  So we came back, and I think all of our audiences were very much aware of the fact that we came back to finish the business, if you like.  And so there was a real sense of connection between us and the audience at every concert. 

K: That does sound like quite a bit of sweet experience.  As you said, it's nice to complete an unfinished business, if you like, with the audiences in Japan.  I mean, in general, they seem happy fans who seem to be very receptive to the music that you were playing for them.

J: Yes, they are technically a great audience in that they are so focused, Japanese audiences in particular.  I think given the circumstances of our last tour, we really felt they were focused on what we were doing.  You talked about the Suntory Hall and the way it is arranged so that everyone gets the full power of the orchestra.  We felt that also from the audience, in all of the halls.   They are very quiet.  Nobody drops a program.  No phone rings off.  And they moisten up the moment when the music requires it.  You can see people almost in tears.  I think for a reserved race that the Japanese are, you can sense something in the audience and we really did with this particular set of audiences.

K: Well, wonderfully satisfying for a musician.  Now, you are being conducted by Maestro Yutaka Sado.  You obviously have a warm relationship, from things I read about you and him.  Tell us a little bit about what he is like.

J: We are really good friends.  I mean, that's the thing that binds us immediately.  Yutaka lets us play.  He trusts us implicitly, I think.  And that's something that we enjoy.  In performances in particularly, and he lets the reins off; he lets the music forms itself.  Obviously you need a conductor there to give the direction of what's happening and to inspire us, and he's also very good at that, because he smiles such a lot.  And that was, in a sense, a bittersweet part of it all; it was more sweet than bitter.  There was sadness, but we all felt throughout that we were probably in a healing process and, in fact, after the first concert, we didn't know how it was going to be taken because we were remembering sad times, and when Yutaka came off stage, he walked past the First Violinist, so I got a really full-face of him as he came off.  He was smiling;  he was beaming right across his face; he was so happy.  And I think that just defined it all.

K: Next, we are going to hear from a soloist who I know you have worked with before, Nobuyuki Tsujii.  We are going to hear him play the Rachmaninoff second piano concerto.   And that must be really special.  He is a really inspiring character, isn't he?

J: He is.  Absolutely -- again, it's the friendliness.  It's sort of the human communication.  He doesn't appears as a person to be a soloist, at least when he is rehearsing, and his playing is so detailed and beautifully transpired.  You feel because he has such control of the instrument that we are hearing what he wants us to hear.

K: And as a musician you are telling us how he plays, but lots of people may not know about him that in fact he was born blind.

J: Yes.  Yeah.  It doesn't seem to ... well, it does not affect him at all. 

K: As we will hear. (They both laughed.)  No, an extraordinary guy.  It must be inspiring to be sitting on stage with him as well.

J: It really was.  One thing I have noticed is that he played a different encore every night, for 12 concerts.  In fact, he did repeat one encore. So, he played 11 encores and they were most fiendishly difficult encores as well for the most part, things like Liszt's transcription of Rigoletto, and he played it note perfect after having played the Rachmaninov concerto.  Unbelievable.

K:  Fantastic.  Well, listen, thank you, Julian, thank you very much indeed for taking time out from rehearsals to talk to us.  Julian Gregory, thank you.

Well, let us now hear Nobuyuki Tsujii play that perennial favorite, Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2

Sunday May 5 BBC3 (radio) aired a performance of  BBC Philharmonic and Yutaka Sado in Osaka (with Nobu performing the Tchai 1 concerto),  recorded in Osaka on 18th April 2013, during the BBC Philharmonic's recent Japan tour. 

Brilliant Tchai 1 as always, but the encore -- Chopin's Grand Waltz Brilliant -- is a real treat.  Thunderous audience applause.  And, it makes me extra happy to see several postings on twitter such as this one, telling me that some people in Japan have enjoyed the broadcast:

イギリスのラジオ放送で聴けるとは!すばらしかった!チケット手に入らなかったから嬉しい“@mlliu2006: 5月5日 @BBC3 ラジオ放送 @BBCPhilharmonic BBCフィルと/佐渡裕/ 辻井伸行の大阪の演奏

April 30  Tuesday 11:00 am (London time)  BBC Radio 4  aired a program about BBC Philharmonic's "Return to Japan" - listenable on the Internet http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01s4vdt.  Moving and gripping account told by the orchestra, with many kind words for Japan, the Japanese audience, Yutaka Sado, and Nobuyuki Tsujii.  (The show was aired again on Thursday May 2, 21:00)

"Nobuyuki Tsujii, the young blind pianist that the orchestra adore..."  "He does something at the piano that reduces a lot of hardened musicians to jelly.  He is devastatingly brilliant." 

-- BBC4 Radio program "Return to Japan", aired on April 30, 2013; re-broadcast Thursday May 2, 21:00

image via Internet link

May 3/4

A belated find of an outstanding blog post about the final performance in Kitara Hall, Sapporo:

http://wordwork.blog118.fc2.com/blog-entry-433.html <blog of a free-lance writer in Sapporo>

三番目の涙★佐渡裕&BBC×辻井伸行 4月25日@Kitara
































Tears three times over   Yutaka Sado & BBC × Nobuyuki Tsujii   April  25th at Kitara

... Then it was Tsujii-kun at the piano. 

How does such a sound come out?

With no extraneous note at all, but fine grained.

Grains of round sound that is absolutely crystal clear was put out to me.

This is a long work that I myself have learned; but no matter how technical, the sound was clear.

I did not expect such great honesty.

He is one who was chosen in heaven.

From the second half of the Rachmaninoff concerto,

through  a solo encore of a work by Liszt,

my tears did not stop from overflowing while Mr. Tsujii was playing.

And it was not just happening to me,  but to my travel companions also,  and people of the next seats were also crying.

Sipping sound of the nostrils arose from the venue.

This is something that happened rarely at classical concerts that I went to.

Heart, such as purification; it was a great concert.

On the way out, many were talking excitedly about their impression.

"It's so moving," I heard two women who were walking next to us.

That, and he was amazing.

I think he was aware of the happiness that he shared in valuable time.

As Mr. Tsujii develops further,

and Mr. Sado matures more,

I hope they will have the opportunity to perform as a  team again in  future.

The sound at that time

might be much different from the sound I heard this time

That's why it makes sense to see the stage live.

That is why it is worth my money to buy the tickets. I think so sincerely.

First, tears of sadness; then, the second time, tears of joy;

"Tears of the third time" came from being impressed.

And, how many more experiences might I have, for as long as I live, of shedding tears three times like that, I wonder.

The Tour
