2013-14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Japan Tour Part 4

Continued from 2013-14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Japan Tour_3

This page collects news, comments and photos for the following performances

March 4 Tuesday 19:00 横浜みなとみらいホールYokohama Minato Mirai Hall (2020 seats) - After this performance, Nobu will take a break from the Japan tour and perform Prokofiev Piano Concerto # 3 with Valery Gergiev at Teatro la Scala, Italy, March 10.

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Nobu triumphed again :-) as witnessed by these tweets  that came up immediately after the concert.

今 日の夜は辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行ってきました( ´ ▽ ` )ノもうもうもう言葉に出来ないくらいに感動!!素晴らしい技術の上にあの美しい音色。。1曲終わる毎に会場中が感嘆のどよめき、ため息で満たされるので す。私の隣のピアノの先生らしい女性は 信じられない音色と言ってました Wow, this evening I was so impressed with Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii that I cannot say anymore anymore anymore! That beautiful sound on top of the great technique.  The venue was filled with groans of admiration and sigh after every song. The piano teacher lady seated next to me said the sound was unbelievable  -tweet

辻井伸行のコンサートほんとすごかった〜!アンコールで自作曲も聴けて満足。ま た行きたいな〜( ˙-˙ )Nobuyuki Tsujii - really was amazing concert! Encore of his own song left me speechless. I wanna go again (˙ - ˙)  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサート すばらしかった。 なんかもうほんとにすごかった。 辻井さんの音も技術も。 わたしももっとがんばろピアノ。  pic.twitter.com/x5ywp4DZ4q The piano concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii was amazing. It was really amazing and melted me. Sound and technique of Mr. Tsujii. I will also try to do my best at the piano .  -tweet

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昨日はみなとみらいホール、辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサートに。普段クラシックはノーサンキューのikeも誕生日ということで一緒に。座席はこのホールの ベスト音響位置という1階の10列目。ショパンの葬送もリストのカンパネラも素晴らしかっ... http://fb.me/2IMp56PZK Minato Mirai Hall, yesterday Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano concert.  As usual, classical music for birthday.  Thank You. Seat row 10 on the first floor, he best acoustic position of this hall.  Funeral March of Chopin and Campanella of Liszt were also great ...  -tweet

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Yokohama blogger posting

2014/03/05 (Wed)



辻井伸行 日本ツアー 《ショパン&リスト》








Nobuyuki Tsujii @ Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall

My wish came true and I was able to finally listen to him live. Fullness of the heart.

Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan tour "Chopin & List"

Sparkling tone and tremendous technique.

Scene spread.

Tears did not stop.

In the performance of the whole body,

Him that made ​​me listen to great music,

I salute sincerely in gratitude to the presence, a miracle. ...


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Wed, March 05, 2014







ピアノ ピアニッシモを雲のような軽さであのスピードで弾くのは神業。






Nobuyuki Tsujii recital @ Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall

I went to listen to the piano of Tsujii at the Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall.

Mr. Tsujii is slightly different from other people. The technique is splendid, too, and his artistry is also very high.

I think Mr. Tsujii expressed his innermost in his music, and the audience was impressed.

He played at a speed with cloud-like lightness cloud,  a supernatural Pianissimo sound. And the Liszt was played with ultra-finesse.  He stepped on the accelerator towards the end of La, the performance took my breath away . Applause, groans and sighs were heard every time a song ended; people smiled in sorrow to say amazing; some people were in tears.


Blog post by the president of a construction company who was at Nobu's Yokohama recital on Tuesday night. Good photos. I like what he wrote at the end: " It was excitement beyond comparison with CD." "I was able to refresh during a busy time. I want to go to his concert again by all means."







March 20, 2014

今月初めの事ですが、はとこのmihoちゃんと辻井伸行さん のコンサートを聴きに行って来ました












Earlier this month,  I went to hear a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii ...

Tickets were sold out quickly, because concerts of Mr. Tsujii are popular.

... In a last-minute, I was able to go to listen to the performances in the Minato Mirai Hall [in Yokohama].

... The sound produced from the fingers of Tsujii

Strong, but delicate tone very gentle.

It shook my soul, and I was wrapped in such a deep impression.

It was really good to go to listen.

Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, Thanks for the excitement!

March 2 Sunday 14:00 長岡市立劇場 Nagaoka Municipal Theatre (1500 seats)  新潟 Niigata

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今日の長岡の辻井伸行くんのコンサートも行きたかった。 I also also wanted to go a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii of Nagaoka today.  - tweet

今 日は、辻井伸行さんのコンサート 開場 30分前なり (@ 長岡市立劇場) http://4sq.com/MFchqy Today, is 30 minutes before doors open concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii and (@ Nagaoka Municipal Theater)  -tweet

辻井伸行クンのリサイタルに行かれる皆さまー❗️彼の演奏にもし感動したならば 感情のおもむくままに スタンディングオベィションと拍手と共に ブラボー!と声に出して感動を伝えてみてはどうでしょうか ちゃんと彼の耳には届きますよ 笑顔がさらに増して可愛いいですよー

Just been to the recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii Kun. ️I gave him applause, bravo, and standing ovation for his impressive emotional performance.  Not that I wanted to be loud, but I wanted to reach him for more of his good cute smile.  -tweet

今辻井伸行さんのリサイタル行ってきた(゚∀゚) 感動した(*´▽`)ノノ  I was at a recital of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii just now.  So impressed. -tweet

辻井伸行さんはやっぱり 優しい曲が似合うよね  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii was great - gentle music becomes him.  -tweet










ありがとうございました! pic.twitter.com/Vgr9mfJCb7

The piano concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii ended!

I kept being impressed!

Standing goose bumps with excitement.

For the first time tears came out .

I love Mr. Tsujii.

I was drawn into the world of Mr. Tsujii!

He also played two songs in the encore!

Moreover "revolution"!

Thank you!

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辻井伸行さんの演奏、素晴らしかった  鳴り止まない拍手、拍手、拍手、拍手。

カーテンコールが4回?、アンコールが3回。3回目のアンコールにはどよめきが起きました。Performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii was great.

Ringing applause, applause, applause, applause. Four times curtain call?  Three times encore.   The third encore caused a stir.

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電車まにあったー!辻井伸行さんすごかったー(°°)Just in time for the train !  Nobuyuki Tsujii was awesome.  -tweet

辻 井伸行のコンサートに、娘と母と見に行きました!念願叶ってみんなで感動でした《*≧∀≦》辻井君の素晴らしさに感動しつつ、息子もハンディを乗り越え て、光るものを1つでも持てる子に育って欲しいな。なぁんて思っちゃった! I went to see Concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii with mother and daughter! Everyone was impressed; our desire came true.  While impressed by the splendor of Mr. Tsujii,  I though of my own handicapped son.  I want him to grow up to have at least one thing that shines.  It is a nice thought.  -tweet

ピアニストの辻井伸行さんが新 潟の美味しかった食べ物で『栃尾の油揚げ』と仰っていたよ....! Nobuyuki Tsujii the pianist talked about the declious food in Niigata, the "fried Tochio".  -tweet [image of said delicacy ]

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2014-03-03 09:18:22

辻井伸行 日本ツアー

今日は念願の「辻井伸行 日本ツアー ショパン&リスト」に、母を連れて行って来ました。










特によかったのが、ショパンの「華麗なる大ポロネーズ」「ピアノソナタ 葬送」とリストの「ラ カンパネラ」。











Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan tour

Today I took my mother to the much anticipated "Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan tour Chopin & Liszt" concert.

It is a ticket gotten the hard way.

It is also a gift for my mother the music lover.

Nobuyuki Tsujii is now famous as a blind pianist, but I was attracted to the play not just for that.

I don't know much about the music, but I feel in his piano playing his love for the piano.

From the tone and his appearance playing the piano, I feel that he is "choosing to play for fun."

Well, I sat in a distinguished seat in the fourth row from the front, for about 2 hours, I listened with excitement and forgot the time.

10 songs of Chopin and Liszt, 13 songs in all including encores.

Even though I never heard the playing of other pianists,

I thought the performance of  Mr. Tsujii was great!

I feel that he was playing the piano with all his strength and all his heart.

It's was good in particular, Chopin's "Large Brilliant Polonaise" and "Piano Sonata Funeral", and Liszt's "La Campanella".

I was left in tears of excitement.

Everyone in the audience in the hall seemed the same as well,

Here and there there were those who held the inner corner of a handkerchief.

To the overflowing applause, he returned again and again to bow politely, to more applause!

3 songs in encore were wonderful again!

I was able to spend a good time after a long time.

Even mother was greatly impressed, and told me "Thank you for letting me hear great things."

Could be a little filial piety?

But as an aside,the smile that Mr. Tsujii show ocassionally was very charming, his personality seemed to appear.

Oh, I was immersed in this excitement for a while.

It seems to become something habit forming.

http://ameblo.jp/n-with-happiness/entry-11786521694.html [This blogger, who went to Nobu's Nagaoka recital last Sunday, describes a typical reaction of people who may not be familiar with classical music but who fell for Nobu's performance instantly.]




辻井伸行 ショパン&リストコンサートに行ってきました










癒されました~:*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:




Concert Nobuyuki Tsujii

Last Sunday, I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii Chopin & Liszt concert held in Nagaoka Municipal theater

It was the first piano concert in my life.

For two hours ... I wondered if I would fall asleep.

While my heart was pounding, the concert started!

The tension in the hall reached a peak and tranquility set in as the sound of Mr. Tsujii is released.


When he was finished, the applause sent cracks to the floor

And also three songs in the encore.

As they say, art is "spiritual nourishment",

My mind and body was refreshed and softened, healed.

Also, it seems that his will have another concert in Niigata this August!

I will surely be interested .  And next time I will explore the Island and do some eating in Nagaoka!



[This blogger describes an Italian meal with her husband, complete with photos.]

... お腹が満たされた後は、長岡市立劇場へと移動し、




After we filled our stomachs, we moved on to the Nagaoka Municipal Theatre,

We have listened to piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii.

His very gentle personality is also reflected in the tone of the piano

It was lovely. Yet the playing as very energetic ♪


Feb 28 Friday 19:00  ホクト文化ホール Hokuto Cultural Hall  concert hall  (1070 seats) 長野 Nagano

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Feb 28

辻井伸行ジャパンツアーに来たぞー😊♪ pic.twitter.com/s0KyLxYbIs I have come to the Japan tour concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii   -tweet

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辻井伸行くんのピアノコンサート来た! pic.twitter.com/TkJ2y5kT3P At piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii-kun!   - tweet

image via  Internet link

ホクト文化ホールに続く人の列☆辻井伸行さんだったか!  A long line of people at the Hokuto Bunka Hall for Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii!   -tweet

息 できないくらい迫力満点で、 息するの忘れるくらい聴き入った! 辻井伸行さんのカンパネラさん最強! あすかちゃんの胃 ごめんね(._.) 長野楽しいって言ってくれて 嬉しかったよー!! 4月までに飽きないでね…!It was so compelling that I could hardly breathe, listening so intently that I forgot to leave!  The Campanella of Mr. Tsujii is the strongest! ...  It was nice for him saying that Nagano is fun! !...  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサート行って きた♪一音一音がクリアで滑らかで清らかな感じ。人柄がにじみ出る演奏だった。映画『神様カルテ』の宣伝とテーマ曲もアンコールで聴けた(^^)ホールの 音響がわるいので、客席まで音が響いてこなかったのが残念。♪ I went to piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  One sound one sound is felt, pure smooth and clear. It was a performance that exudes personality. For encore theme music and promotion of film of "God's medical records" (^ ^) ,I am sorry that some people could not hear the voice.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんは天使です! と思ってしまう様な音色。 トークも好き す。Nobuyuki Tsujii is an angel! Tone was what I thought. I also like his talk.  -tweet

辻 井伸行 「日本ツアー ≪ショパン&リスト≫ 長野公演」 終了~♪ オーラと云うか パワーと云うか。ただただ凄い・・・ 芸術! お蕎麦に林檎も召し上がって 善光寺詣りもされたそうです 初めての 長野市でのリサイタル (・∀・) ありがとうございました♪ またいらしてくださいね。Nobuyuki Tsujii "Japan Tour« Chopin & list » Nagano performance " just ended.  He talked about the power of the aura.  Nothing but great ... Art!  Went to Meili Zerko-ji Temple when he was in Recital in Nagano for the first time; also seemed to enjoy our apples and soba (· ∀ ·) Please come again ♪ Thank you.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのコンサートすごくよかった(^^)  The concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii was great -tweet

夕 べ聴いた辻井伸行さんのピアノ、コロコロ飛び回る早いパッセージや、余韻をたっぷり残した和音の響きに感動!一曲終わる毎にため息しか出ないくらいの素晴 らしい演奏でしたI heard the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii  last night, the passages flew by quickly, the impresive sound of the chords left me yearning for more. It was great playing; I sighed deeply at the end of each song.  -tweet

http://ameblo.jp/ciaolamponavi/entry-11784770209.html  (blog post about a Nagano concert)

[Thank you, Miyuki, for sharing a link to this blog post from one who was at the Nagano recital on Feb. 28.  Great description and photos. In this blogger I see myself, completely smitten with Nobu.  She wrote that she jumped up to applause only to find herself the only one standing, although all around her people were clapping and some shouted 'bravo'.  I know that feeling well :-) :-)  ]

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I wonder what is source of my excitement for the performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii,

The  soft tone, clear, treble ....

It seems to have a glitter of a band of light that comes down from heaven and is reflected on the surface of the water.

Somehow, there is a gentle expression.

Indeed, I wonder I wonder about the sound of Chopin

Even as he is pounding on the keyboard,

Too beautiful




In the middle of Andante Spinnato, tears, tears.

Cormorant, too beauty





I listened for the first time, "the death of the love of Isado" by Liszt, with great expression and emotions.

It 's amazing, it is great.

Wow, it is amazing musicianship.


弾き終えた瞬間、感動が興奮となり、 立ちあがってしまいました~(拍手~!)!


"Waltz of Faust" at the end was performed with his whole boy..

The moment you have finished playing, excitement is excitement and, - I had to stand up (applause ~!)!

... But it's what,






Stood up lol ha ha ... I am alone.

Well, it was good to applaud

I wonder if the neighbors were also tempted to stand, but I did not even think about that.

everyone ... laugh.




Once seated, the person next to me picked up th headband and glasses case that I dropped in the momentum and (for my opera glasses, I was busy looking).




There were Bravos coming from the back!

Some man was shouting.




Tsujii spoke at the end,  "Nagano ... I  felt that you have listened to me in great concentration" and ....

Yes, I was concentrated ..., excitement, everyone.




"I love to eat, and the soba and apples here are delicious(← everyone, concentration - with bated breath).

Today, I went to Zenko-ji Temple (←There was a lot of applause). "



神様のカルテ テーマ曲




Encore Chopin Nocturne and Kamisamanokarute"God's Medical Chart 2" theme song.

Movie "Kamisamanokarute 2" so ​​be released March 21,

Sarah Brightman's sings the theme songs composed by Mr. Tsujii.

For souvenir, I bought the CD of the Japan Tour Limited Edition...

And Miyuki sent in link to yet another great post:

http://miko.naganoblog.jp/d2014-03-01.html (blog post about a Nagano concert. This one has a link to a Youtube video of the "God's Chart" song by Sara Brightman.)

感動、そして感謝の演奏会 (辻井伸行コンサート)


辻井伸行 日本ツアー ≪ショパン&リスト≫ に行ってきました。

I am grateful for an exciting concert(Nobuyuki Tsujii concert)

Last night, held in Hokuto Bunka Hall in Nagano





10 tracks in all, the two hours was like a dream.

I was impressed and drawn into the world of Mr. Tsujii.


アンコールの2曲目では彼が作曲された、映画「神様のカルテ」 のテーマ曲を演奏してくださり


It was wrapped in a happy feeling that is hard to describe. For the second encore he played the theme song that he composed for the movie  "God's Medical Chart"




He is a loveable youthful figure with a warm smile.  2000 people lstening to him play "God's Medical Chart" in gratitude, bubbling with excitement.




Mr. Tsujii, Thank you for a really great performance.

And also to Mr. A who was with him when he performed with the BBC last year,

Thank you very much.



Tsujii nobuyuki-san no saranaru go katsuyaku o oinori shinagara… Kono kyoku o kikitai to omoimasu.

While wishing for further success of Nobuyuki Tsujii ...

I like to listen to this song.

[link to Youtube video of Sarah Brightman singing theme song of "God's Medical Chart 2"]

















Yesterday I went to a live performance, a piano recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii.

The keyboard was struck soulfully, , it was so amazing.

Chopin and Liszt on the program.

In Encore, theme song from the movie "Kamisamanokarute"

I have been to many piano concerts.  In terms of both the  heart and  technique, this was the most splendid. If you have an opportunity; by all means please go hear it!!

Feb 25  18:30 After a successful tour with Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, Nobu resumes his sold-out  2013/14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Japan Tour in Hiroshima, at the HBG (Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen) (up to 2001 seats).

The Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen Concert Hall, after Nobu's recital.  Photo by Miyuki

We have a first-hand report from our friend and long-time Nobu fan Miyuki, who attended the concert with her mother:

I came home after 11:30 and I'm finally sitting down at the computer. I want to write a quick report about tonight's recital. It was just sooo wonderful, magnificent, superb, fantastic, great, awesome, amazing, astonishing, etc. and I just don't how to describe it in any short words. Nobu was really brilliant and I think everyone in the audience (including my mother and me, of course) was in awe throughout. His Chopin works were all so enjoyable - I especially enjoyed Andante Spianato et Grande Polonaise brillante and Sonata No. 2. The Polonaise was overwhelmingly gorgeous and the entire Sonata was sublime. I think I heard his prayer during the middle section of the funeral march (the 3rd movement) and I wonder if that had something to do with the fact that Nobu played it in Hiroshima. And the Liszt works were unbelievable also. I think many in the audience especially enjoyed Liebestraum No. 3, "La Campanella" and "Valse de l'opéra Faust". My mother said she was especially impressed by "Faust" and she kept saying "unbelievable". I totally agree with her! I think Nobu's technique, especially the arpeggios, legatos and trills were really impressive. And he is maturing as a pianist although the way he performed those works still sounded somewhat youthful. He performed two encores - Chopin Nocturne No. 8 and "Still we live" and both of them were so sensitive and beautiful. My mother and I both cried a little bit while Nobu was playing "Still we live" because it was so beautiful. I was hoping he would play something different for encores, but I can't blame him for not doing that after such a heavy program. He did a brief MC thing again (which was cute!) and he again said he loves the local food in Hiroshima(Okonomiyaki and oysters). He said everyone in the audience concentrated so much on listening to his playing, so he was able to concentrate as well. His concentration as well as his technique, power and sensitivity were simply amazing ... I really don't know how to say this, but I think Nobu's recitals that I (and my mother) have attended so far have all been extremely satisfying. My mother kept saying she definitely wants to keep going to Nobu's concerts as long as she lives and I feel exactly the same. I really hope that you will all get to hear this recital when you get a chance!

A big thanks to Miyuki!  Knowing how big of a fan she is, I am not surprised by the thumbs-up reaction, but her words came from the heart.

Other comments about the concert that I found are shown below.

今夜は辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサートにいってきます^ ^ まだ時間あるからカフェで一息。 pic.twitter.com/FGNrtjGOz [photo of latte]

Tonight I am going to the piano concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Taking a break  at the cafe because there is still time.   -tweet

辻 井伸行さんのピアノコンサート。今まで聴いたことのないショパンとリストでした。彼の世界はどんな色なんだろう。水面がキラキラ光るような、そんな音色が 連なって、今まで見たことのない世界を感じさせてもらえる演奏でした。しばらく余韻に浸ってしまうな。  Nobuyuki Tsujii 's piano concert. It was a Chopin/Liszt and that I had not heard until now. I wonder what kind of colors there are in his world. It was a performance that glitters like the surface of the water, such consistency of tone as the world has never seen until now. I will be immersed in the afterglow for a while.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんの生演奏が聞けて良かった(*^^*) あ~幸せ(人´∀`).☆.。.:*・゚  It was good to hear the music of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii live.  Happy.  -tweet

今日はシスで、辻井伸行さんの日本ツアー「ショパン&リスト」の稼働でした!音漏れで聞こえるピアノの音色が、ひとつひとつ生きているようで、心を撫でてくれているような心地良さでした!あー!楽しかった(*^_^*) pic.twitter.com/2uPdaRC67x [photo of twitter] Today I was at the "Chopin & Liszt" Japan tour of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  The sound of the piano seems to be alive note by note.  It was a good feeling that stroked my heart!

Oh! It was a good time.  -tweet

Feb 25/26



辻井伸行 日本ツアー《ショパン&リスト》広島公演









I went to a piano concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii♪

Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan tour "Chopin & list" Hiroshima performance


Piano concert for the first time performed by such a famous pianist.

I had not been at a concert since my daughter's piano recital in elementary school

And I found my heart pounding and palpitationss seized by chest again, it was the first time that I had such an impression

It is a play that lasted almost two hours, a dazzling performance.

Nobuyuki Tsujii is so amazing

The family went out for the first time in a long time to a piano concert

I was able to spend a very good time.

image via Internet link

image via Internet link


Another blogger who was at the concert last night in Hiroshima.  "Mr. Tsujii himself seemed to be in a dream when he played the second Piano Sonata of Chopin ... the finesse of the fingers ... a transcendence ... There are many times that the melody is played on the left hand, but really perfectly." And she splurged for the souvenir CD.

image via Internet link


辻井伸行さんのショパンとリスト  ...

ステージの上にピアノと辻井さん それだけで十分でした 感動できる時間をありがとうございます

Chopin and Liszt of Nobuyuki Tsujii ...

Tsujii and piano on the stage was enough by itself.  Thank you for an impressive time.

いよいよ辻井伸行クンのショパン&リスト日本ツァーが昨日の広島から始まりました 聴きに行かれたファンの方のブログには  ファンタスティック !グレート !アメイジング!と、感嘆の羅列が!😂あー行きたい早く行きたい3月21日大阪シンフォニーが待ちきれない!リストのファウスト聴きたい![I read] blog posts of  fans who went to Chopin and Liszt Japan tour ofNobuyuki Tsujii Kung that finally began again in Hiroshima yesterday. Fantastic! Great! Amazing! And, admiration!I cannot wait to be at Osaka Symphony on March 21! I want to listen to Liszt's Faust !  -tweet

辻 井伸行が鳥取にやってくる。残念ながらチケットは完売… エステ荘の噴水は好きな曲なんで聴きたかったNobuyuki Tsujii is coming to Tottori. And Fountain of Este is a favorite song ... unfortunately tickets sold out.  -tweet

昨日の辻井伸行様の華麗なる大ポロネー ズ頭から離れない。素晴らしすぎる。Of Polonaise Brilliant of Nobuyuki Tsujii yesterday [I heard] not far from his large head.  Too great  -tweet

A blog post spotted by Miyuki, who wrote: "This blogger described what I felt really well.


image via Internet link

辻井伸行日本ツアー 広島公演 ショパン&リスト




















Hiroshima performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii   Chopin & Liszt Japan tour performances

Really, it was a great concert

He was the youngest (age 17) participant in the 2005 Chopin Competition, and was awarded the "Critics Award".

Watching the Chopin Competition on TV , I thought he was great.

And, in 2009, he won  the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, the first time for a Japanese, Mr. Tsujii  has been since then a success internationally.

Even when I saw him, for the first time, on the TV documentary of the Chopin Competition, I thought how he, blind, could be so good

Last night, for the first time, in fact, I saw him perform live for the first time.  The performance was nothing short of amazing, and I sincerely thought that he is great regardless of his blindness.

Encore, Chopin. My favorite nocture, thinking about it makes me cry...

And, after the encore, he took the microphone for a little talk.

I have been in concert in  Hiroshima many times , and I like the Hiroshima style okonomiyaki and oyster

And, "Thanks to your concentration in listening to my playing, I was also able to play in concentration. "

Thing "in me listening to concentrate playing my, I was able to play I also concentrated, today,. Thank you" like that

And, second song encore, "Still, we still" composed by himself after the Great East Japan Earthquake to show support for the people in the affected areas, to give hope for wanting to live.

The tears that had been put up in the nocturne came out in full force ... but I hesitated to sniffle.

Oh, thank you for the moving  music !


[This blog post is long.  The blogger started with describing the difficulties of getting tickets for the concert back in November and then getting to the venue on the day of the concert -- but all those complaints vanished the minutes Nobu appeared on stage :-]




長い休憩の後はリストのプログラムです。最初の「エステ荘の噴水」の軽やか且つ華麗、いかにも噴水のタッチ。その次の次、「愛の夢 第三番」は馴染みのあるメロディということもありますが、その超絶技巧を見事に弾きこなす姿に、思わず涙してしまいました。

この難曲を全くスコアなしで! しかも練習するためのスコアさえ目にすることが出来ない彼がこれらの曲を弾きこなすのは、生まれつきの恵まれた才能とはいえ、それこそ血の滲むような努力があったのだと改めて思い知りました。




Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii

Around last November I found out about the concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii to take place in Hiroshima...

After a long break it was a program of Liszt.   It started with a brilliant light of the "fountain of Este Zhuang" . Then the familiar melody of "dream  of love No. 3", the beauty and virtuosity made me shed tears involuntarily.

Tp play these difficult pieces at all without score!  He was born sightless and could not even see the score to practice.  Even with obvious endowment of talent, it must have taken a very serious effort.

"La Campanella", "death of love of Isolde"<tears came out during this song> " and finally "Waltz from opera  <Faust>" --  at the end. applause did not stop sounding.   As expected, it was "Still we alive" for the last encore.

This, as everyone knows, is a song to commemorate the victims of the "Tohoku Earthquake", composed by Mr. Tsujii himself ...

I was reminded again of the kindness and the essence of his gentle touch on the piano.

Concert of about two hours thus ended successfully.

Afterward, everyone in line waiting for taxi seemed to be saying, "Hey, that was good." ...

http://www.kawai.co.jp/pnet/474550/topics/43003/ (blog post by a piano teacher in Hiroshima)

先日、辻井伸行さんのリサイタルへ行って来ました。子供さんからお年寄りまでのファンで満席でした。演奏はとても素晴らしく感動の連続でした。幼い頃からピアノを楽しんでいらっしゃたそうで、演奏も楽しんで弾かれてる様子が表れてたと思いました。4歳の彼女もこれからも楽しんで弾いてくれるようレッスンも進めて行きたいと思ってます The other day, I went to the recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii. It was a full house of fans from children to the elderly.  Performance was very nice of continuous excitement.  [The blogger wrote that her friend brougt along her 4-year old daughter who seemed to enjoy the concert and she hopes that the girl would become interested in piano lessons.]

ttp://ameblo.jp/privately-fu/entry-11782283811.html [blog of a Hiroshima piano teacher]

2014-03-04 09:18:07

辻井伸行氏 日本ツアー《ショパン&リスト》



















Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan tour "Chopin & List"

I went to this place last week; I was looking forward to it.

February 25, Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen HBG Hall.


Accompanied on stage by an attendant, Mr. Tsujii emerged from behind the curtains ... and was greeted by a huge applause in the venue.

... The audience was hushed [as he took time to adjust the piano bench]

And, "La Campanella" ... virtuoso playing was the best part ...

The capacity house roared ...

I was speechless ...

From beginning to end, ... wow ... I was holding my breath.

 ... 2 hours went in the blink of an eye.

The touch was very, very gentle, but sometimes too fast?!

It is the sound of a young energetic ...


While wrapped in the music of Mr. Tsujii,I felt strongly about [the memory of teaching piano to a handicapped student] ...