Notable web postings - July 2019

Continued from Notable web postings - June 2019

Older notable web postings are collected at Notable web postings archival

Upcoming Concerts

July 17 - 28  Shostakovich's  Piano [and Trumpet] Concerto No. 1 with the Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa (OEK), conductor Patrick Hahn and Trumpet Lucienne Renaudin Vary.

9 performances: Gifu, Tokyo, Kanazawa, Nagano, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Aomori

Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Shotakovich Piano & Trumpet Concerto No. 1

Congratulations to Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa, conductor Patrick Hahn ,Trumpeter Lucienne Renaudin Vary, Nobuyuki Tsujii, and organizers Avex Classsics & Harrison Parrott on the great success of their Japan tour July 17-28 2019. Sold-out performances, enthusiastic audiences, critic's acclaims, and great camaraderie among the three wunderkind stars. Let's hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

News, photos, & comments collected at OEK, Nobu, Patrick Hahn & Lucienne tour Japan -- July 17-28 2019

Image below: collage of photos from various sources (Avex, OEK, Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii)

♪ July 31 Heat Wave in Japan

Nobu's Japan tour with OEK, Patrick Hahn & Lucienne ended just when the rainy season is officially over there.

Temperatures have risen dramatically to near 40 degrees Celsius. With humidity, it would feel even hotter.

Lucky for Nobu, his next public performances are not until late August, when he resumes his Cliburn Competition 10th Anniversary Concerts in Hokkaido and Osaka. 

♪ July 28 Canary Island debut in April 2020!

Word came that Nobuyuki Tsujii #辻井伸行 will perform next April in ... Canary Island‼️

He will perform Rach 2 with Orqesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria & Conductor  Karel Mark Chichon on Friday 24 April 2020 at 20:00

This is Nobu's Spain debut!

♪ July 26 New official website!

Nobu has a new website!

It is beautiful, but currently it is missing the overseas concert schedule and the beloved concert report section, which will hopefully be incorporated to the new site.

We have enjoyed the FORMER Nobuyuki Tsujii Official Website, including the beloved Concert Reports, and hope to see it continue to be accessible.

♪ July 26  Mrs. Tsujii is still wheelchair bound :-(

Sadly, it seems Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii is still recovering from her accidental fall, and is wheelchair bound. She wrote that she was not able to travel to Tohoku with son Nobuyuki Tsujii 辻井伸行 but was able to attend an event of conductor Yutaka Sado (pictured pushing her chair). Mo. Sado is a long-time mentor of Nobu and a family friend.

Her instagram can be read at

Another photo shows her, wheelchair bound, in front of a flower tribute to Mo. Sado in the name of Nobu.

♪ July 23 Shrilling for the October ARK Hills concerts

Avex put out a promotional video of Nobu (dressed like Elvis in white slacks and shirt with a reddish patterned front - yikes!), shrilling for the October ARK Hills concerts

♪ July 22 Nobu+Fumi Duo Recital CD a "New Release Selection"of eBravo digital magazine

eぶらあぼ 2019.8月号

三浦文彰&辻井伸行 《フランク ヴァイオリン・ソナタ/ブラームス ヴァイオリン・ソナタ 第1番「雨の歌」》のレビューが載っています。

"…ピュアな音色、瑞々しい感覚で名作を見直し、虚心に心を通わせる事で まっすぐな音楽性が光る美演が生まれた。

August issue of eBrovo "New Release Selection"

"Fumiaki Miura & Nobuyuki Tsujii 'Franck Violin Sonata / Brahms Violin Sonata No. 1" Rain song' ... ... Pure tone, a reexmaination of the masterpieces with a melancoly feeling. A straight path from the mind to the heart. A beautiful performance with a bright musicality was born."

♪ July 13 「フー・イズ・ヒー(彼は何者だ)!」"Who is he?!"

This article, freshly posted by Japan's Sankei News, looks back at the June28/29 Osaka G20 summit.

It starts with a description of the experience of the press core at the event, including photos of tasty delicacies served to them.

And this telling paragraph:




"Who is he!?"

 June 28, the evening of the first day of the G20 Summit, on an artificial island in Osaka Bay, which became the main venue"Intex Osaka" in Sakisu. In the press room (Suminoe ward, Osaka), a foreign reporter who was looking at the monitor raised a voice of surprise ["Who is he?!].

What was projected on the monitor is the scene of a cultural event held before the summit dinner at the Osaka Guest House (Chuo-ku, Osaka), about 10 kilometers away from the press room.  The fantastic performance of  "La Campanella" (composed by Franz Liszt) by Nobuyuki Tsujii, blind and world-class pianist, attracted attention from domestic and foreign reporters in the press room.

It is interesting that the Japanese public's reaction focuses on Nobu's performance of  "Flowers will bloom" while the press  -- according to this report -- focuses on the La Campanella.

Also, I guess we should excuse the foreign reporter for not recognizing Nobu -- perhaps that's too much to expect of a political reporter!

Anyway, it's good to know that Nobu stands out even to hard-boiled world news reporters.

Image below: Osaka summit performance venue -- photo by Avex Classics

♪ July 13 Manhattan went dark

Today power went out in midtown Manhattan, the area affected included Carnegie Hall and its neighborhood. Carnegie Hall cancelled its performances, according to New York Times.

I am glad that power has been restored at this point. But thank goodness this didn't happen in May while we were there for Nobu's recital!

Image below: Area affected by the blackout. Carnegie Hall is on West 47th south of Central Park and is within the red lines.

♪ July 12

NHK World documentary: Fumi & Nobu at Miyazaki Festival

♪ July 11 We are sorry ...

☹️Unfortunately, it seems Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii, mother of 辻井伸行 Nobuyuki Tsujii, took a fall, broke two bones in her leg, and has had to be transported in a wheelchair -- look who's pushing her around. Get well soon, Mrs. Tsujii! 🙏💐

The accompanying photo shows Mrs. Tsujii seated in a wheelchair, and Nobu -- in a (hideous) pink jacket -- pushing the chair behind her. They both look rather distressed :-(

♪ July 10 Busy Web Page

The main page of the Nobuyuki Tsujii Official Website is getting very busy (see screen-grab below).

The most recently added icon is for the "Music & Paintings" concerts, with all 8 performances now announced=>

♪ July 2 Mountain Cuisine

In this Instagram photo freshly  posted by Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii: Nobu looks like he has a headache ^_^, but I imagine he enjoyed the 山料理 (Mountain Cuisine ) prepared by famous chef 野崎Nozaki. Please click here to see photos of dishes (wild vegetables, fish, fish, grilled eel), if you like =>

Chie Minato commented on Facebook:

His posture...the facial expression on his face...he looks a bit like a samurai ready to do a battle. XD

In another word, he looks handsome in an old-fashioned way...I think ?

Well, thank you for sharing ! I love this photo. :)

Tweeter sunsoon pointed out that the restaurant is わけとくやまwaketokuyama
