Notable Web Postings - 17

Nov 30

辻井伸行 日本ツアー≪ショパン&リスト≫

開催日時     2014年3月2日(日)14:00開演

会場     長岡市立劇場 大ホール

料金     全席指定 S席6,800円 /A席5,800円

チケット発売日     チケット発売日:11月30日(土)


チケット状況     ×空席無 ※完売しました!

Tickets came on sale yesterday Nov. 30 for Nobu's Niigata stop on his Chopin/Liszt tour, and it has been declared sold out.

Nov 29/30

This is an old article published in Italy, a rave review of Nobu's performance with Valery Gergiev and the Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra in Turin, Italy on April 8, 2013. The page is now in the archive of the GBOpera magazine, and there are a few interesting comments, including one by the writer of the article, who wrote that in Italy there is a long history of blind musicians - including organists in cathedrals. "But in the case of Tsujii there is another amazing factor. Unlike the organist who performs isolated, this artist often performs as part of a symphonic concert. In so doing, he operates within a complex score, in keeping with a full orchestra."

Christmas Special Kawaii mini-pianos - the model that looks like the one that baby Nobu played on is priced at ¥5,775 (less than 60 USD).

image via Internet link

Nov 29

辻井伸行さんの演奏を  限界までスピーカーにすりよって聴く  ねこさん   かわいい、、

Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii performing (on TV screen)  Cute cat listening by the Sanyo speaker -tweet

<I am not much into animal cute videos/photos, but this tweet does remind me of an article that mentioned a little dog in the Texas host family that Nobu stayed with during the Cliburn Competition. The Yorkshire terrier supposedly loved to stay near the piano as Nobu practiced in the family's living room :-) That old article can be read here>

辻井伸行さんが2月に来る…!昔テレビで知ってからずっと気になっていたんだ。信じられん、行くしかない。しかしチケットのお値段がお高いな ...

Nobuyuki Tsujii coming in February ...! I have been worrying about it ever since I heard about it on TV a long time ago. Hard to believe. There is no choice but to go. But the price of the ticket is high ...  -tweet




3 回シリーズの2回目、ショパンの回です。3名の生徒さんにレッスンが行われました。皆さん、素晴らしい演奏でしたが、横山先生は、さすがにとても細やかに 指導されていて、よく音を聴いてポイントをわかりやすくお話しされていました。決して、一方的でなく、生徒さんと会話しながらのレッスン、好感を持つこと ができました。


I went to the public lessons of Professor Yukio Yokoyama (teacher of Nobuyuki Tsujii)


Yesterday, in Hiratsuka, public lessons of Yukio Yokoyama teacher were held.

Second of a three-part series, this one about Chopin. Lessons were made ​​to students of three. He is a great performer, but his teaching is very delicate indeed. Teacher Yokoyama talked in an easy-to-understand way and listened well. Never seemed one-sided during lessons while conversing with students. A good feeling.

I am looking forward to the next lesson.

Nov 28

A detailed blog post about the Nov 26 recital that I have been waiting for.  The blogger is obviously a big fan of Nobu, and she raved about the performance, and worried about Nobu playing too many tracks at these recitals.  In addition to the 10 tracks on the program, Nobu played 4 encores: Chopin's nocturne no. 8, Liszt's Rigoletto, "Still we live" by himself, and Chopin's "Revolution".

Another blog post about the Nov 26 recital - with a couple of photos.  I love these sentences that the blogger ends the post:

ホールに飛び散った音のひとつひとつが結晶になってきらめきました。  魂が音の天上に掬い上げられるような夜でした。 Every single sound became a crystal that sparkled in the hall.    It was a night of soulful sound, like being scooped up to  heavens.

WMPG Portland Maine 90.9   Thu Nov 28th 2013 1.00am–4.00am

1:02am  Claude Debussy “Arabesque No. 1” from Debussy: Deux Arabesques, etc. CD ALBUM (Avex Classics) —Nobuyuki Tsujii, piano

<Not that we can listen to it now, but it is interesting that this radio station aired Nobu's "Arabesque No. 1" (Debussy) at 1 A.M. on this Thanksgiving Day. Nobu performed in Portland, Maine this past spring - perhaps it's the program announcer's way to thank Nobu.>

ゲルギエフと辻井伸行のWOWOW始まってた~最初から見たかったー Gergiev &  Nobuyuki Tsujii on WOWOW has started.  I wanted to see it from the beginning. -tweet

昨日 パルテノン多摩に行ったヨ  辻井伸行のピアノ  聴いてきました、世界一でした。    Yo I went to the Parthenon Tama yesterday  I heard the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  It was the best in the world.  -tweet

辻井伸行もめっちゃピアノうまいと思うけどやっぱランランはすごいわ  ピアノひいてるときのあの顔はなんとかしてもらいたいけどww  受験終わってからのランランのコンサート楽しみや♪  I think the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii is truly good, but Lang Lang is amazing. I want to see that face when he is playing the piano.  I look forward to hearing Lang Lang after the exam. <Obviously posted by a person with questionable taste :->  -tweet

辻井伸行とオルフェウス室内管弦楽団のききにいきたいけどもお高め(*_*) Now I am more interested to go to hear the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra and Nobuyuki Tsujii  -tweet  <Let's hope more people feel that way - the tickets for the Orpheus performances are not selling out.>

Nov 27

<The first performance on Nobu's 2013/14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Japan Tour took place last night. It was apparently a success. As expected, there were many flattering postings on twitter, but none in any great depth. It's disappointing that "La Campanella" is the only work mentioned, and no mentioning of the encores. Let's hope for some better postings to come up.>

これから辻井伸行さんのコンサート。クラシックの曲って普段聴かないけど、辻井さんのピアノは心が洗われる感じがする。I am at Nobuyuki Tsujii 's concert. I do not usually listen to classical music, but the piano of Mr. Tsujii makes me feel that my heart is washed.

約三年前からレッスンしている辻井伸行君の今年の日本ツアー初日でパルテノン多摩に来ています。 超満員です。 I am in Parthenon Tana today as on the first day of Nobu's Japan tour. I have been giving him lessons since three years ago Full house. <The writer is 干野宜大 Takahiro Hoshino, a professor of Nobu! - I thank Nobuko for straightening me out on the translation and for informing me about Mr. Hoshino.>

image via Internet link

辻井伸行さん、ショパン&リスト、日本ツアー初日に行って参りました。素晴らしい。生カンパネラに鳥肌と涙がとまらなかった。I went to Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert. The first day of his Japan tour.   Chopin & Liszt, Great. Goose bumps and tears did not stop listening to Campanella live.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのコンサート終了!指の動きが早すぎて、人の指ってこんなに動くものなのかと思っちゃった。 Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert is over! I've thought the movement of the fingers is so fast that they don't seem to be human fingers.

辻井伸行さんのコンサートいってけたヾ     1曲目から泣いてしまった    人の心を動かす演奏素晴らしいね

I was at the concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  I cried starting from the first track.  Heart-rending great performance.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのピアノリサイタルに行ってきました。場所は私のなつかしの多摩センター、母といっしょに行きました。大変いい演奏会でした! 今日がツアー初日。これから行かれる方、期待しましょう!  I went to a piano recital of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, together with my mother at the Tama Center. It was a very good concert! Today is the first day of the tour.  Best wishes to those who will be going (to his other tour performances).  -tweet


Nobuyuki Tsujii recital, it was sooo good! ! I felt life in one sound one sound emitted from the keyboard. Impressed. . . It was really  a great performance. .  -tweet

辻井伸行 のコンサートツアー初日行って来ました。不覚にもクラシックコンサートで、始めて涙を流してしまった。アクビの涙じゃないよヽ(;▽;)ノ  I went on the first day of the concert tour of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  I started out not caring, but shed tears for the first time at a classical concert. And it was not tears from yawning (; ▽ ;)    -tweet

辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行ってきました。youtubeにあがってる辻井さんのラ・カンパネラが感動的で何度となく聞きましたが、今夜はさらに進化し た超人的なテクニックと熱情がほとばしる最強無二のカンパネラでした(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))辻井さん、素晴らしいです。I went to a concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Although I've heard La Campanella on YouTube time and time again and was moved, tonight's was the strongest Campanella yet and the outpouring of passion and technique seemed even more superhuman. Mr. Tsujii is  great.  -tweet

wowwowで辻井伸行の演奏会がやってる。素晴らしいなあ。2月のフェスティバルホール楽しみ!ずっと前から演奏会に行きたかったんです。 WOWWOW (TV) is showing a performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  Looks great. Festival Hall in February will be fun! And I have wanted to go to a concert of his for a long time .  -tweet

Nov. 26<The musician's brain blog by Lois Svad, a pianist and writer on music and the brain>

Vision and movement

... Clearly, Mr. Tsujii didn’t learn to play the keyboard or learn music the way most of us do.  When playing with an orchestra, he listens to the conductor’s breathing cues, he feels the edges of the keyboard before beginning to play to orient his hands, and he learns new pieces through listening and memorization, rather than reading notes. ...

Old news, just discovered --  from German Town Performance Arts Center (Tenessee, U.S.A.) in Tennessee, U.S.A., where Nobu performed in 2010.   "This amazing pianist has fingers like lightning! ...

Nobuyuki Tsujii brings new meaning to the term “Allegro”

This amazing pianist has fingers like lightning! The picture on the right was taken with the “sports setting” on my camera that is specifically designed to catch sharp shots of motion. His hands were too fast.

His fingers blurred across the keys as he coaxed Chopin, Lizst, Verdi, Schumann, and Mussorgsky (oh, the Mussorgsky!) from the black and white canvas. Forgive my poeticisms – I only mean to say Nobuyuki Tsujii is a piano-playing rockstar.

And he’s blind since birth, so he reads sheet music in Braille and learns pieces by ear. That is an outstanding accomplishment in an of itself, but I was also amazed by his spatial accuracy on the piano. Think about it – he must know with absolute certainty the exact distance his hand must travel to hit two notes that are three octaves apart. I was in utter awe, as was the entire audience. He is truly dedicated to the instrument, and we know, because he was practicing all day.  As in, I did not walk by our stage once in the time period between about 10 am and 5pm when he was not playing.His hard work paid off in an amazing, beautiful, and inspiring concert, and we wish him the best of luck in his upcoming European tour. <Blog of a male retiree>

... 『辻井伸行 奇跡の音色』(神原一光 著・ 2011年刊・アスコム出版)という本を読みました。NHKの職員の方(神原さん)が取材して書いたものでぼ くには「いい本」でした。中味は辻井さんのピアノを「小学校1年生から高校卒業までの12年間教えた川上昌裕さん」の〈苦労と試み〉です。



次に辻井さんのエネルギーです。好運なことにチケットがとれて、今年4月西宮芸文センターで辻井さんのラフマニノフ・ピアノ協奏曲2番を聴きました。彼 は次の日はフェスティバル・ホールでやはりラフマニノフを、そして翌日にはチャイコフスキーのピアノ協奏曲を演奏するスケジュールになっていした。連日指 揮をする佐渡裕もすごいけど、辻井さんの底知れぬエネルギーを感じました。


I have read the book "Miracle tone of Nobuyuki Tsujii"(Author Kambara  Ikko-2011-annual publication ASCOM). It was a "good read" to me ,with  (Kambara's) interview of the staff of NHK. The content is  about the "challenge" of "Masahiro Kawakami, who taught Mr. Tsujii piano for 12 years, from first grade in elementary school until his high school graduation.。

Kawakami, who is a teacher in  Tokyo, is a pianist  who found himself teaching piano to children of elementary school one year for some reason.

The child grew steadily, overcoming his handicap to become a pianist performing actively in the world.

Masahiro Kawakami-san is a pianist of the first rank, and it was the energy that he put in that helped to develop Mr. Tsujii.

If not for their chance encounter, there might not be "pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii".  Such truly good encounter is mysterious.

Then there  is the energy of Tsujii.  Last April we were fortunate to get tickets to listen to his Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 2 in Nishinomiya Geibun center.  The next day he played the Rachmaninoff at Festival Hall, and  the Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto of the next day.

Yutaka Sado conducting every day is also great, but I felt the bottomless energy of Tsujii.  It is an energy level that we cannot imagine in our mundane existence, poured in from somewhere.

Nov 24

posting on





What we don't see with our eyes is more precious

I was reminded of Mr.Nobuyuki Tsujii, first-rate pianist despite lacking eyesight, who won a competition with an extremely demanding repertoire, reportedly a marathon battle requiring toughness both physically and mentally.


Saint Exupery wrote in 'The Little Prince': 'What is essential is not seen with the eye.'  Everything important is felt, not seen.  We live in a world of confusions.  The inspiring sound of Mr.Tsujii brings forth moisture to douse our parched minds. <blog of a Japanese student in Munich>

Nov 12, 2013

辻井伸行&Münchner Symphoniker

Posted in Deutschland, München, 芸術 (Arts)

Grüß Gott!



オーケストラは、Münchner Symphoniker(ミュンヘン・シンフォニー・オーケストラ)。ミュンヘンでもマイナーなオケですね。












Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii and the Munich Symphony Orchestra

Good day.

I went to a concert today.

Wow, Nobuyuki Tsujii came to Munich to perform a concert. Had a nice time!

Orchestra was Münchner Symphoniker (Munich Symphony Orchestra). It is a minor orchestra in Munich.

Venue was Philharmonic of Gasteig, which is also the home of the Munich Philharmonic.

The repertoire,

Romeo and Juliet: Tchaikovsky

Piano Concerto No. 2: Rachmaninov

Symphony No. 6: Tchaikovsky

As Impression, Mr. Tsujii was simply amazing. But the orchestra is not good enough. It comes down to that.

It would have been great if were the Munich Philharmonic.


Nov 23/24

This tweet came up at 10:05 AM Japan time:

わ~!!辻井伸行さんの大阪でのコンサートチケット、1分で売り切れた!10時丁度にク リックできたけど、手続き中に売り切れ。うう、悲しい~! Wow! ! Nobuyuki Tsujii concert tickets in Osaka were sold out in one minute! It was possible to click at just 10:00, but it was sold out during navigation. Ugh, sad!

Nov 22

This photo was found on the Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra page: It was taken at a 2011 performance of Rachmaninov Piano Concerto no. 2 in Bakerfield, California. The conductor is John Farrer. I was there!! Nobu was a BIG hit.

image via Internet link

And a cache of professional quality photos from the 2009 Cliburn Competition of Nobu and other finalists, such as this one:

image by Stephen Eastwood, shown via  Internet link

image by Stephen Eastwood, shown via Internet link

Nov 23/24

This tweet came up at 10:05 AM Japan time:

わ~!!辻井伸行さんの大阪でのコンサートチケット、1分で売り切れた!10時丁度にク リックできたけど、手続き中に売り切れ。うう、悲しい~! Wow! ! Nobuyuki Tsujii concert tickets in Osaka were sold out in one minute! It was possible to click at just 10:00, but it was sold out during navigation. Ugh, sad!

辻井伸行 ショパン&リスト のチケット 発売開始1分で売り切れた負けた。くっそぅ。ほんましょっく ちーーーん。 Nobuyuki Tsujii Chopin & Liszt concert. I didn't make it. Tickets were sold out in one minute after launch. Shocked! -tweet

辻井伸行リサイタル、チケットゲット。でも2枚だけ。ネットは10分で完売。当然ながら、電話予約はつながりません。2枚をめぐって、家庭内バトル勃発必 至(*_*)、Nobuyuki Tsujii recital, I got tickets. But only two. Sold out on the net in 10 minutes. Of course, I could not get through the phone. With just two tickets, there is bound to be arguments in the family (*_*) - tweet <Nobuyuki Tsujii, home breaker! :->

辻 井伸行のピアノ大阪公演のチケットを取りたかったんだけど、発売3分?で売り切れって凄いな。 購入可能画面すら見れなかったw 人気公演のチケット購入ってまだこんな世界なん…? And I wanted to buy ticket for Osaka piano performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii, but 3 minutes after release? All sold out. I couldn't even get to the screen to purchase. How do you buy tickets for the world's most popular performance?

今日発売の辻井伸行さんのはチケット取れなかったわーやっぱり人気だな。曲目もショパンとリストだもんなぁorz でもラン・ランとキーシンはGETしたので楽しみだ。 Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert came on sale today.  He is so popular that I did not get the ticket. Also the program is Chopin and Liszt.  But I can look forward to GETting tickets for Lang Lang and Kissin.  -tweet

Nov 23

夜中ですが辻井伸行さんのジェニーへのオマージュというアルバムを聴いて涙が流れました。この人ホントに天才かも。In the middle of the night, t my tears flowed listening to "Tribute to Jenny" on an album of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  This person is really a genius.  -tweet

辻井伸行さんがWeb広告で出てたので思い出したけど、とっくに完売なんだよねえ   なんでパーヴォ・ヤルヴィのドイツ・カンマーフィルがあんなにガラガラだったのか… Web advertising reminded us of Nobuyuki Tsujii, but it has  sold out a long time ago.  Why then  is it that Paavo Jarvi conducting the German Chamber Philhamonic is going to play to an almost empty house? <See>

Nov 22

Nov 21

ちょうど来月、辻井伸行ピアノコンサートあるーと思ったら全席売り切れてる.˚‧º·(´ฅωฅ`)‧º·˚. 見たいやないか... Next month, all seats for concerts of Nobuyuki Tsujii are already sold out.  And I was hoping to see him ...  -tweet

Nov 20

失敗(>_<) 辻井伸行君のリサイタルチケット抽選予約だと思っていたら、先行予約も早いもの勝ちだったのね (;>_<;)一般にかけるしかない~ Failure (> _ <) I thought my early lottery ticket reservation for the recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii would succeed. No choice but to try to buy from general release.  -tweet

Nov 19

所沢ミューズで『生きる』『羅生門』のチケット代700円を払っていたら、隣の窓口で辻井伸行コンサート15,000円のチケットを2枚買ってい るおばさんがいた。差額29,300円(゚o゚;  I  paid 700 yen for tickets to "live" and "Rashomon" in Tokorozawa Muse. At the next counter, there was a lady who was  buying two tickets at 15,000 yen each to a Nobuyuki Tsujii concert  A difference of 29,300 yen! -tweet

Nov 18

Nobu is mentioned in this just-released Oxford Press book Dreams of Love: Playing the Romantic Pianist, written by a U.S. professor.  Of two prize-winning blind pianists, the author quoted a critic who wrote this about Nobu: "Most astonishing is his pinpoint accuracy, although handicapped by blindness since birth.  There is absolutely no reason to make excuses in the face of what our ears and mind keep telling us is an absolutely amazing feat of musicality." (P. 220, readable here)

来年2月の辻井伸行長野公演、チケットは20分で完売だったそうです。・・が、私はとれたんだよー、チケット。ハッハッハ。 Of February next year Nobuyuki Tsujii Nagano performances, tickets are said to have been sold out in 20 minutes. ... But I Yo I got my ticket. Ha ha ha <blog of a flute player in Munich>

ラフマニノフのCD  2013年 11月 17日

先日ガスタイクで聴いた辻井伸行さんのラフマニノフがとても良かったので、この曲のCDが欲しくなりラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲1番&2番を買いました。 CD of Rachmaninoff  November 17, 2013

The other day I heard  Nobuyuki Tsujii's Rachmaninov at Gasteig (Munich); it was so very good that I bought a CD of the No. 1 and No. 2 Piano Concerto of Rachmaninoff  (unfortunately not one by Nobu)

Nov 17

Belated discovery of Nov. 13 posting on MünchenMusik (Munich Music) facebook page

Was für ein Erlebnis:

Wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich bei Nobuyuki Tsujii für dessen virtuose und emotionale Interpretation des 2. Klavierkonzerts von Sergei Rachmaninow mit den Münchner Symphonikern am gestrigen Abend in der Philharmonie am Gasteig.

What an experience: we thank cordially Nobuyuki Tsujii for his virtuoso and emotional interpretation of the 2nd piano concerto of Sergei Rachmaninow with the Munich Symphony Orchestra yesterday evening at the Philharmonie am Gasteig

あとGlenn Gouldっていうピアニストがバッハを弾いていた音源も結構好き。日本人では高橋悠治さんと辻井伸行さん!一度でいいから辻井さんのコンサートに足を運びたい!あと、ドラゴンクエストのコンサートw

I really like the way that Glenn Gould played Bach. Among the Japanese (I like) Yuji Takahashi and Nobuyuki Tsujii ! I want to set foot in a Tsujii concert at least once! After that, concert of Dragon Quest. -tweet

辻井伸行また新潟くるのー!!行きたい行きたい見たい聴きたい!!Nobuyuki Tsujii coming to Niigata ! ! I want to go I want to go to see him and to listen. -tweet

Nov 16 [Huffinton Post blog]

"Triumph of the Will " by George Heymont, San Francisco-based arts critic

Posted: 11/16/2013 3:21 pm

Nobu is mentioned as one of the examples of those who have overcome imperfections.  Others cited include Eleanor Roosevelt, Stevie Wonder, Barbara Streisland and Andrea Bocelli [yes, an odd mix, and the article itself is somewhat odd.]

Mr.Nobuyuki Tsujii can not see anything. So that is "wonder". Not only very talented artist but also having supernatural powers ???? -tweet

To which I replied:

Nobu does not have supernatural power - he just makes the best use of his senses and talent in a way that we don't understand.

Nov 15 <blog of a Japanese expat in Germany>


子供の才能に気づくか?...☆辻井伸行さんのピアノを聴いて ::











Did you notice the talent of the children? ☆ :: listening to the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii

I went to the concert of  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii and the Munich Philharmonic [actually Munich Symphony Orchestra] in Gesteig of Munich this Tuesday.


The moment when his performance was over, the audience applauded.  It was not a standing ovation, but the hall was filled with excitement.

Mr. Tsujii came out on the stage several times in response to the applause of the audience .  A lady seated next to me offered me her opera glasses; I was grateful for the kindness.  When the second half resumed, the piano was no longer on stage, and two men seated next to me said: 'Oh, he is not going to play more?" and seemed very sorry.

<The blogger goes on to recall TV episodes that she saw when in Japan and praise Nobu's mother for paying attention to her child and discovering his talent early.>

Nov 14/15

ヘザー@色々応援中 ‏@HeatherSMTG tweeted:

辻井伸行さんのアメリカのファンの方が、BBCラジオインタビューのURLを教えてくれました。12:00から↓↓RT@mlliu2006 Nobuyuki Tsujii Oct 27 interview on @BBCRadio4 <blog post by a Japanese in Munich, Germany>

辻井伸行さんのラフマニノフ 2013年 11月 13日

昨日はガスタイクでのミュンヘン交響楽団 Münchner Symphoniker のコンサートに行ってきました。


Tschaikowsky Fantasie-Ouvertüre ≪Romeo und Julia≫ op. 18

チャイコフスキー 幻想序曲 ロメオとジュリエット

Rachmaninow Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 2 c-Moll op. 18

ラフマニノフ ピアノ協奏曲第2番ハ短調

Tschaikowsky Symphonie Nr. 6 h-Moll op. 74 ≪Pathétique≫

チャイコフスキー 交響曲第6番ロ短調





November 13, 2013 Nobuyuki Tsujii's Rachmaninov N

I went to a concert of the Munich Symphony Orchestra Münchner Symphoniker in Gasteig yesterday.

Program repertorie

Tschaikowsky Fantasie-Ouvertüre ≪Romeo und Julia≫ op. 18

Rachmaninow Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 2 c-Moll op. 18

Tschaikowsky Symphonie Nr. 6 h-Moll op. 74 ≪Pathétique≫

The second track by Rachmaninov was performed by Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii.

Two years ago I also listened to Tsujii performed in Munich, and I came again for this one. It was a great performance. He received many curtain calls to applause that would not stop. He played once encore song.

The 3rd track of Tchaikovskywas good, too. Classical concert sounds good after all.

I hope there is a chance to listen more.

Nov 14

辻井伸行のリサイタルのチケットをいただいてしまった。うきゃー!席もいいしっ!ビックリ!嬉しすぎー!I have received a ticket for a recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii. Zowie! Good seat too! Surprised! Way too happy!  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのチケットはまだあるのかな… Wonder if there are still tickets Nobuyuki Tsujii's ...  -tweet

辻井伸行っていう盲目のピアニストさん知ってる? じいは彼のリスト聴くといつも泣いちゃう。。。 人間ってすごいね! ,  Isn't Nobuyuki Tsujii is a blind pianist?  My grandfather cries whenever he listens to his Liszt. . . He's an amazing guy!  -tweet

Nov 12

Amazing concert in Munich!!!! - tweet

20 minutes before Nobu performed in a Munich concert with the Munich Symphony Orchestra and conductor Andriy Yurkevych in Munich, Germany, Honourable Husband ‏@HonourableHusba tweeted

Nobuyuki Tsujii is playing Rachmaninov II. Masa is a fan and we're thrilled to have a close seat. (@ Philharmonie)

and some time later, he posted:

And a crowd pleasing performance from Nobu, as ever. Was it not the Rach 2 that tested David Helfgott so?

Two great reviews came up from Italy about Nobu's Nov 9 Rach 2 performance in Udine

Nobu in Udine, Italy; image posted with Italian article "Nobu at the keyboard, a miraculous emotional flow", shown via Internet link

"Nobuyuki Tsujii played the Concerto No.2 op.18 for piano and orchestra by Rachmaninov with temperament. The sound was clean, fluid, without stumbling, the pianissimo crisp, cadences honed to perfection. The pianist played the work without intellectualism, giving a reading that is keyed on contrasts and dynamics rather than colors. It produced a compact performance, without sags, overwhelming precisely because of the great communicative immediacy. " (Translated from Italian)

This review (REVIEW 2 on my page) is especially well written. The writer did not refer to Nobu's blindness, but wrote with insight about the appeal of Nobu's music.

This Japanese blogger is in Manchester and went to both Nobu's performance with the BBC Phil on Nov 1 and Lang Lang's recital on Nov 10.








Tsujii-kun came back to Manchester once again! !

Repertoire this time, Grieg Piano Concerto.

It was really good playing, Tsujii kun (* ^ o ^ *)

The image is a strong beginning of this song, first movement is famous , but very good songs throughout.

It has become a favorite song.

Applause of the standing ovation this time.

Also, I hope he will come again next year!...

[Omitted:enthusiastic account of packed venue at Lang Lang's performance and his encores.]

Nov 11

Hurray, Miyuki in Hiroshima has managed to get tickets to the Chopin/Liszt recital!! This is what she wrote today:

...I finally got tickets after making so many phone calls since 10am! The phone was busy for more than 1.5 hours so I almost gave up but I called them again after taking a break. Then a lady answered and she told me the tickets were still available. Of course all the good seats were taken but I got two S-seats on the 2nd floor! I have to tell you that Nobu’s recitals tickets are harder to get than any other concert tickets in Japan including all kinds of pop or rock concerts ...

うお、辻井伸行のコンサートのチケット、昨日発売開始でもう完売かよ…  Yo,  tickets for Nobuyuki Tsujii concert came on sale yesterday and already sold out.  -tweet

Posted on the home page of the Feb 25 Hiroshima performance of Nobu's 2013/14 Japan Tour (Chopin and Liszt): 完売しました。 SOLD OUT

Posted on Nobu's IMG artist page:

"What makes this all the remarkable is that Tsujii… whose blazing ability… and quixotic phrasing is sometimes reminiscent of Glenn Gould, has a remarkable ability to appear in a world of his own, while remaining on the same wavelength as the orchestra."

The Guardian Nov 3rd 2013

<It's good that the folks at IMG (International Management Group) have kept up with the latest positive reviews for Nobu.>

Nov 10

Ticket for Hiroshima stop of Nobu's 2013/14 Japan Tour came on sale at 10AM today. Here is the experience of Miyuki, long-time Nobu fan:

... I couldn't get tickets today. I logged into the PIA site before 10am then tried to get tickets from them over and over with no luck. I couldn't even get connected to the ticket sales page and when I was finally connected, all the tickets on that page was gone:

I also tried to get tickets from Lawson site since I am their member too, but the same thing kept happening and all the tickets were taken when I

finally got through. This is really unbelievable and I can see Nobu's popularity is still tremendous. This is exactly what happened to me when I

tried to get tickets right after he won the Cliburn competition. I checked 7-11 website too to see if anything was available but of course nothing was

left. I know several box offices started selling tickets this morning but I bet they all sold out right away ...

辻井伸行さんのコンサート、一階11列め。ドキドキ。 Nobuyuki Tsujii 's concert,  first floor 11th row.  My heart is pounding.  -tweet  <This tweeter managed to get a ticket :->

今日、通勤中に辻井伸行聴いてた。 Today, during travel to and from work, I was listening to Nobuyuki Tsujii.  -tweet


Nobuyuki Tsujii's performance at Nagaoka next year.  Program include  Chopin's "posthumous work" and Liszt's "Love dream" and "La Campanella" and the like.  I have to be there!  -tweet

ローチケ ‏@lawson_ticket tweeted

辻 井伸行日本ツアー≪ショパン&リスト≫≫長岡公演、プレイガイド独占先行!辻井伸行の全曲ピアノ・ソロツアーは、各会場完売続出の大人気公演☆この機会に ぜひ体感してください♪抽選先行は明日10日から!⇒  #piano #コンサート #新潟 Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan tour «Chopin & Liszt»» Nobuyuki Tsujii piano solo Japan Your >> Nagaoka performance exclusive pre-sale!  Please avail  yourself of the opportunity for this popular performance ; each venue has sold out one after another.  Lottery launch starts at 10 tomorrow !

2013-11-10 15:27:08NEW !







image via Internet link

Nobuyuki Tsujii coming to perform in the Utsunomiya Cultural Center,

To get ticket, I set up my tablet before 10:00 along side of my friend's PC. 

At 10:00, in full concentration, I looked and ... on the tablet ... success!

...Thanks to my friend!

<Note: Feb 8, 2014 performance of "Emperor" with the Orpheus at 栃木県総合文化センター メインホール (栃木県) Tochigi Prefectural Cultural Center Main Hall (Tochigi)is sold out, but tickets are available for most of their other performances in Japan.>

Nov 9

Posted on the Facebook page of Munchner Symphoniker:

Die Münchner Symphoniker sind gerade auf dem Weg nach Udine mit dem hervorragenden Pianisten Nobu. Wir wünschen euch ein ganz tolles Konzert und wären gerne selbst dabei ..... Aber es gibt ja nächste Woche noch ein Konzert in der Philharmonie (The Munich Symphony Orchestra is just on the way to Udine, with the excellent pianist Nobu. We look forward to a great concert ... But there is still a concert in the Philharmonic next week)

Posted on the Facebook page of Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine

Stasera alle 20.45 le magie del pianista Nobuyuki Tsujii! 'Orchestra é quella prestigiosissima dei Münchner Symphoniker! (Tonight at 20.45 the magic of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii!  The Orchestra is the prestigious Munich Symphony Orchestra!

Posted on the Facebook page of Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine, on Nov. 7, a photocopy of an article about Nobu in Il Picciolo.

I found the Italian text here, and I made an English translation which you are welcome to read at

Nobuyuki Tsujii sees the music with his hands This is a fresh interview that touches on how Nobu learns musical works and Nobu's view on Japan's music education.

image via Internet link

A review for The Bridgewater Hall posted on theTripAdvisor site

"Cozy Concert Hall”

5 of 5 stars Reviewed November 4, 2013

Saw Nobuyuki Tsujii play here---wonderful performance. I like the size of this concert hall-more intimate than other larger venues--one was never far from the stage and from what I could ascertain there did not seem to be any really "bad seats" unlike many other concert halls...

Nov 6

News about Nobu's performance this evening in Berlin at the Berlin Philharmonic's Chamber Hall is collected here: 2013 Berlin Philharmonic Chamber Hall Recital

名言格言 ‏@wisesaying01 tweeted:

「目は見えなくても、心の目は見えているので満足しています」by 辻井伸行 "Even though my eyes have no vision, I am satisfied, because I can see with my mind's eye " -- Nobuyuki Tsujii

Nov 5

Today I saw in a museum for the first time this  woodblock print by Japanese master Yoshitoshi, from his '100 aspects of the moon' series . It is labeled "Taira the blind warrior who sees the moon with the eye in his heart." I thought of Nobu instantly.

Taira the blind warrior who sees the moon with the eye in his heart - image via Internet link

Nov 4

クラシックの新着ニューリリース #2: 英雄ポロネーズ、ラ・カンパネラ~日本ツアー≪ショパン&リスト≫ スペシャルCD [Limited Edition] - 辻井伸行  Hot New Releases in Classic # 2: Heroes polonaise, La Campanella - Japan Tour «Chopin & Liszt» Special CD [Limited Edition] - Nobuyuki Tsujii -tweet

<Editorial: This "limited edition" CD, to be released Dec 4 by Avex Classics, is rising on the chart in Japan. It really bothers me that the CD is labeled with the words "Chopin/Liszt Japan Tour" but contains only "songs" that have been previously recorded and none of the new "songs" on the program of Nobu's upcoming Chopin/Liszt recital. In the U.S., we would call this "deceptive marketing".>

From Miyuki:

Here are the profiles of the Record Geijutsu critics who gave Nobu's Debussy CDs the highest praise:

Mr. Jiro Hamada

Mr. Tsutomu Nasuda

Record Geijutsu is a highly regarded magazine that's being published by the same publisher of the Ongaku no Tomo (Friends of Music) magazine. I think these two critics are always contributing to the Record magazine and they are both renowned critics. I like it that they didn't depend on the fact that Nobu haven't received education in Europe, etc. and instead wrote their pure impressions unlike those snobbish Ongaku no Tomo critics who always praise the musicians who have been living outside Japan. Mr. Hamada wrote "Nobuyuki-kun, please keep choosing the pieces you love (like Debussy) and let us hear them". It's such a lovely comment and I hope someone will read those reviews for Nobu.

<Editorial: I SO agree with Miyuki>

12月にかけて演奏会するところが増えて来ていますね♪今月は辻井伸行さんの演奏会にいってきます。楽しみです^^ハンカチ沢山持っていかなきゃ;ω; In December I am going to a concert o Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  It will be necessary to bring a lot handkerchiefs -tweet

Clarinetist Martin Frost to Join Orpheus at Carnegie Hall, 12/7

November 4

8:11 PM 2013


Upcoming soloists for the Carnegie season include pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, winner of the 2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, and violinist Christian Tetzlaff. Orpheus will be in residency at the Cartagena Festival Internacional de Música in Colombia in January and embark on a major international tour with Mr. Tsujii to Japan for a ten-concert tour in February.


Nov 2

Peter Rosen ‏@rosenprod tweeted:

BBC Radio 3 - Radio 3 Live in Concert, Grieg, Nobuyuki Tsujii AMAZING CONCERT

-- Craig Escamilla, executive director of the Symphony of Southeast Texas, extends a Bouquet to Beaumont philanthropist Regina Rogers for sponsoring pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's appearance with the symphony on Oct. 26. Another Bouquet goes to Entergy for additional support for the concert. FB page

I have just thoroughly enjoyed Nobuyuki Tsujii's performance of Grieg's Piano Concerto. It was beautiful and stirred many emotions within me.

Does anyone per chance know the name of the piece that was his first encore? I think I heard Martin Handley say it was by Sibelius.


I responded:

It is Sibelius' "FirTree", here performed by another artist played this work as a child, and he played it wonderfully as encore. Last month in Japan I heard him play yet another encore, which i was hoping that he would play last night, but he didn't. It was Grieg's "To Spring" - I still dream about it.

Look at the company that Nobu is listed with on this page of Euroarts DVDs

Miyuki in Hiroshima wrote:

...I went into the city today and had a chance to stop at a bookstore that sells classical music magazines. I found one of them (Record Geijutsu - a

CD/DVD critic magazine) chose Nobu's Debussy CD as 特選盤 (special commendation). Two critics gave the highest praise and one of them wrote

"this easily makes one of my best three from this month". The magazine listed so many CDs/DVDs and it's not that they give such praise to all of

them. So I was very happy to see it. The "Chopin" magazine also carried a 1-page article about Nobu (an interview). Most of what he said is the stuff

we already know but I liked it that he said the Orpheus orchestra took notice of him during the Cliburn Competition and they came to his Carnegie

Hall recital. So, the orchestra must love him already and I believe the concerto performances would be fantastic. I really can't wait to hear one of

them and the recital in February!...

辻井伸行鳥取来る!! ウレシすぎ!!! 絶対見に行くーー!!!!Nobuyuki Tsujii coming to Tottori! ! So happy ! ! ! Going absolutely! ! ! !  -tweet

Nov 1

BBC Philharmonic ‏@BBCPhilharmonic tweeted shortly after the performance:

- There are no words... Just incredible. Nobuyuki Tsujii performs 2 encores after the Grieg. All live on @BBCRadio3

- Oh - a standing ovation in the hall too!

- Standing ovation and two encores from Nobuyuki Tsujii! Mendelssohn 3 up next, live on BBC Radio 3.

@BBCPhilharmonic @BBCRadio3 Brilliant and how wonderful too! :)  -tweet

@BBCPhilharmonic very well deserved ovation! Thank you so much for an enthralling evening @BridgewaterHall

#Xfactor is not amazing. Just heard Nobuyuki Tsujii (blind from birth) play grieg's piano concerto. That is amazing @BridgewaterHall  -tweet

Utterly blown away by that. Overwhelming piano playing @BridgewaterHall   -tweet

@BBCPhilharmonic Congrats on a superb first half of the concert. Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, plz forgive me - but that was blindingly brilliant!!  -tweet

@BridgewaterHall @BBCPhilharmonic Nobuyuki Tsujii one word .... WOW!  -tweet

Nobuyuki Tsujii was mindblowing. Best £3 I ever spent  -tweet

A U.K. friend  who was at the concert wrote:

I'm late to bed listening to this (performance on BBC 3) again....magnificent!  J. and I thoroughly enjoyed tonight's performance as did the others in the audience as you can hear ...

This tweet of mine was re-tweeted by 月刊ショパン @chopin_magazine to its 5454 followers.

Standing ovations tonight in U.K. for Nobuyuki Tsujii 辻井伸行 & @BBCPhilharmonic. Listenable for 7 days Thx @BBCRadio3

Watching Nobuyuki Tsujii with the BBC Phil. :))) he's the blind pianist that won e Van Cliburn Piano competition btw!! ^^

Come to a classical concert. Not sure if I will enjoy it. Apparently Nobuyuki Tsujii is famous!

Looking forward to Grieg and Mendelssohn tonight @BridgewaterHall @BBCPhilharmonic What a treat on a Friday night.

Off to @BridgewaterHall to see @BBCPhilharmonic & guest pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii. Looking forward to a nice evening with my lady and our son.

Looking forward to Grieg, Mendelssohn & something new from @BBCPhilharmonic @BridgewaterHall tonight.

Looking forward to this evening's concert with @BBCPhilharmonic and blind pianist Nobu at Bridgewater Hall. Listen on @BBCRadio3 at 7.30pm.

@BBCPhilharmonic Hoping to hear Nobuyuki Tsujii play Grieg's "To Spring" for encore after the concerto ...

BBC Philharmonic ‏@BBCPhilharmonic

come and see the amazing Nobuyuki Tsujii in concert @BridgewaterHall tonight! Tickets from £10 on the door

Nahoko Gotoh 後藤菜穂子 ‏@nahokomusic tweeted

Too toi toi to Nobu in Manchester with @BBCPhilharmonic! @BBCRadio3

Tweet in Italian:

Nobuyuki Tsujii!!! Che genio!! Il 12novembre sono al suo concerto..:-) a Febbraio alla Scala:-) Nobuyuki Tsujii! What a genius! I will be at his concert on Nov 12.. :-) February at La Scala :-)

Tweet by Japanese student in Manchester

今日辻井伸行さんのコンサート行く!!超楽しみ!!!Going to concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii today! ! Super fun! ! !

These tweets came up just before the concert's start:

- Looking forward to Grieg and Mendelssohn tonight @BridgewaterHall @BBCPhilharmonic What a treat on a Friday night.

- Off to @BridgewaterHall to see @BBCPhilharmonic & guest pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii. Looking forward to a nice evening with my lady and our son.

- Looking forward to Grieg, Mendelssohn & something new from @BBCPhilharmonic @BridgewaterHall tonight.

- Looking forward to this evening's concert with @BBCPhilharmonic and blind pianist Nobu at Bridgewater Hall. Listen on @BBCRadio3 at 7.30pm.

- @BBCPhilharmonic Hoping to hear Nobuyuki Tsujii play Grieg's "To Spring" for encore after the concerto ... …