Notable web postings - Decmeber 2015

Continued from Notable web postings -- November 2015

Older notable web postings are collected at Notable web postings archival

The Nobuyuki Tsujii × Valery Gergeiv × Munich Phil 2015 Japan tour started on Wednesday November 25 in Osaka with great success. The tour has now reached its final stop in Tokyo, with performances on Nov. 29, December 1 and 2.   News, comments and photos of individual performances on this tour are collected here: Nobuyuki Tsujii × Valery Gergeiv × Munich Phil 2015 News Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii in 2015, a Golden Year -- !accomplishments and favorite photos

Image source: blog of Mr.s Itsuko Tsujii

December 30

この5年近くの…それを引き金にして「これまでの」心労が一気に噴出したみたいで、この1年の後半は本当に苦しかった。 それを何とか癒してくれたのは、やはり音楽だった。 「それでも生きていく」の辻井伸行さんのピアノ。玉置浩二さんの歌声。あと、「音」と一体化した不屈の精神の羽生くんの姿。

In nearly five years years ... I have had anxiety attacks, the second half of this year was really painful.  And it was still music that healed me. The piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii's "Still we live." Tamaki Koji's singing voice. These people representfortitude integrated with "sound."  -tweet

December 28

Oh, Mr. Tsujii is so beloved in Japan!  In addition to yesterday's BS-Fuji rebroadcast (excellent; I just saw it -- more to come later), Nobu apparently was shown on the 音楽番組 Music Program  in Japan, according to this tweet

今日は、将棋の日でもあり ましたが、音楽番組もすばらしかったですよ。 五嶋龍さんに、ユンディ・リさんでしょう、それから、辻井伸行さんも 午後からの番組に出てました。ノブちゃんが出てきて、弾き終わると感動して・・もう、目がうるうるです。  Today, although it is Chess Day, the Music Program was also excellent.  In the afternoon, Ryu Goto, Yundi-Li and Nobuyuki Tsujii showed up.   I was moved to tears after Nobuyuki Tsujii's  (BS-Fuji) show at noon ...

December 28

A blogger comments on the BS-Fuji show and the NHK "Visual-Impaired Navigation" radio program

December 28

Oh, Mr. Tsujii is so beloved in Japan!  In addition to yesterday's BS-Fuji rebroadcast (excellent; I just saw it -- more to come later), Nobu apparently was shown on the 音楽番組 Music Program  in Japan, according to this tweet

今 日は、将棋の日でもありましたが、音楽番組もすばらしかったですよ。 五嶋龍さんに、ユンディ・リさんでしょう、それから、辻井伸行さんも 午後からの番組に出てました。ノブちゃんが出てきて、弾き終わると感動して・・もう、目がうるうるです。  Today, although it is Chess Day, the Music Program was also excellent.  In the afternoon, Ryu Goto, Yundi-Li and Nobuyuki Tsujii showed up.  With Nobu;s appearance, I was impressed with his playing at the end ... better than the sighted ones that came before him.

December 27

Good news! I just heard from Yuko that today's BS-Fuji rebroadcast of the documentary of Nobu in Vienna does indeed include the performance of Prokofiev 3 in its entirety (in the previous broadcast, the 2nd movement was skipped). どうもありがとうございました, Fuji-TV!

Tweets poured in right after the broadcast, some are shown below -- please visit this page for more: 辻井伸行×オーストリア Nobuyuki Tsujii in Vienna 2015 TV Special,

ピアニスト辻井伸行、彼は日本の至宝です。Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, he is a treasure of Japan.

辻井伸行さんのピアノほんとーに素晴らしい♪もちろん佐渡さんの指揮も!Nobuyuki Tsujii piano is great ♪ But of course, since Mr. Sado was the conductor!

辻 井伸行さんのピアノはテレビからでも喜怒哀楽みたいなものを感じる。そして、すごくハードワーク!! Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano is full of emotions, even from the TV. And, really hard work!

今BS フジで辻井伸行さんのオーストリア公演やってるー。有名になっても、この人の音の透明さはちっとも変わりませんね('-'*) Nobuyuki Tsujii Austria performances on BS is just over. Even after becoming famous, the transparency of this man's sound has not changed at all.

辻 井伸行さん bravo!!(^・^) 天才とかなんとかいう次元を越えてる。小指で軽く叩いた高音だけで感動する。Brovo, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii's bravo !! (^ · ^) He is beyond a genius in whatever dimension.  I was especially impressed with treble hit lightly with little finger.

BSフジで辻井伸行のラ・カンパネラを観た  We watched Tsujii Nobuyuki's La Campanella on BS Fuji

音 楽の村の人達が、「さくら」を日本語で歌ってくれた!音楽の力、音楽の絆、辻井伸行さん、素晴らしかった♪(T-T) People of of the village sang the "Sakura" in Japanese! The power of music, music that bonds, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, was great ♪ (TT)

ラジオ第2 視覚障害ナビ・ラジオ「今月のトピックス」 を聞いています NHKネットラジオ らじる★らじる … 一度は辻井伸行さんのコンサートを生で聴きたいとは思ってるんだけど・・・広島には来ないんだよな・・・

I listened to Radio 2 visually impaired Navi radio "this month Topics" on NHK Net Radio Brazil ★  ... I would like to listen to concert of Nobuyuki Tsujii live for once ... when he comes to Hiroshima.

December 26

あ、あと前に驚いたのは辻井伸行さん、ステージに登場したとたん会場の気圧が変化した?と感じたほど何か強いエネルギーをお持ちの方でした。そうそうたる偉大な音楽家と高級霊と大量の天使の軍団がついておりました…この方の存在が本当に奇跡だと思った。またラフマニノフの公演あったら絶対行く!Oh, I was surprised by the effect of Mr.

Nobuyuki Tsujii. It seems there is a change in the atmospheric pressure of the venue as soon as he appears on stage?  I feel that this person has some kind of strong energy. I feel that I am in the presence of a higher spirit, a great musician and a corp of angels;  I really think the presence of this person is miraculous.  Also, I absolutely recommend any Rachmaninoff performance of his!  -tweet

December 26

An [NHK] radio broadcast in Japan tomorrow?  This tweet just came up

NHKハートネット ‏@nhk_heart

全盲のピアニスト・辻井伸行さん(27)。世界で活躍し、演奏 会はいつも満席。今年の秋はミュンヘン・フィルとの共演や、辻井さんが一番好きな作曲家・ショパンのアルバムも完成しました。そんな辻井さんの2016年 の目標は?明日、ラジオ第2放送夜7時半から 「視覚障害ナビ・ラジオ」

Blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's (27).  And active in the world.  Concert is always fully booked.

This fall co-starred wtih the Munich Philharmonic.  He has also just completed an album of his favorite composer Chopin.  What are his goals for 2016?  Tomorrow, the second radio broadcast at 19:30.  "Visually impaired navigation Radio"

The album referred to in the tweet appears to be a "new" limited-edition CD (AVCL-25885)

It seems this is a repackage of tracks on existing CDs plus a track of  nocturne No. 20 recorded from an encore.

Interestingly, someone is selling this CD on ebay

December 24/25

Mr. Kawakami, Nobu's long-time piano teacher, updated his blog with a loving mentioning of Nobu -- a Christmas present to us ^_^

ピアニストのライフスタイル The Lifestyle of Pianists

2015-12-25 Fri


December is probably a busy time of the year for everyone, but in particular for musicians. Many of my overseas pianist friends  are flying around literally all over the world;  a lot of people are personally delivering their newsletters to music colleagues of the world. Although it is so even for middle-aged musicians, but especially for the young artists of the future, they have to promote their own activities and ability with good sense, such as making use of their own Facebook page or blog.


Many foreign artists fly around the world.  Also, an artist does not necessarily live in a country where he was born.  Many Japanese musicians hold offices in the United States or Europe.

Indeed, in Japan in particular, musicians who are active are busier than ever. 


The other day I wrote a little about the life style of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii.  There are things that are hard for me to take even as an observer.  Starting from the beginning of next year, he will have domestic and overseas tours  alternating every other month.  It is tough to travel by airplane, crossing different time zones.  At the same time he must keep expanding his repertoire.  It is not enough that he keeps playing the same top concertos or difficult works.  Yet he never shows any fatigue.  It is a wonder to me that no matter how difficult a situation is, he never seems to get  tired when I am with him.


The other day, I and my wife had occasion to dine with Tsujii-kun at an Italian restaurant in Shibuya.  A fan of his came by and said, "I am looking forward to Mr. Tsujii's recital at the Orchard Hall next year."  Before coming to the restaurant,  my wife said to Tsujii-kun," As much as possible let's  try to eat at a restaurant inconspicuously. I wonder if there is such a restaurant around?"    He said, "It is not good to try to be separate.  There is really no need to hide," and laughed.  With that said, we three people ate spaghetti normally.


He has become one of the most beloved artists, and the reason is clear to me. Even though I myself have been socializing with him for 20 years, there is still plenty about him that amazes me when I spend time with him.  Well, I would like to write about that at the next opportunity.


... [This paragraph is about Mr. Kawakami's own busy schedule.]

by kawakami

The love that Mr. Kawakami has for Nobu is unmistakable!  Happy New Year, Mr. K!

December 24

Several tweets came up after the re-broadcast of  "Nobuyuki Tsujii & Friends" commemorative concert Nagasaki 2015 was shown

12月24日(木)午前9:55~10:50予定 RKB毎日放送長崎の人ー! 浦上天主堂に、辻井伸行とか平原綾香来てるんだねー🎶 People of Nagasaki !Urakami Cathedral, Tsujii Nobuyuki and Ayaka Hirahara were there 🎶 

佐渡さんの一万人の第九を タイムシフトで観ようと思ってテレビをつけると 『辻井伸行&フレンズ浦上天主堂コンサート』 感動ため息…涙…。 最近テレビに電源入れると、これは観れてよかったわぁ~と思う番組にあたる。 辻井さんの伴奏で光夫さん歌ってほしい…それを聴きながら死にたい…。I turned on the TV and ...

"Tsujii Nobuyuki & Friends Urakami Cathedral Concert" impressed sigh ... tears ....  Mitsuo-san singing to the accompaniment of Tsujii-san  ... I want to die while listening to it ....

December 19

More goodies from St. Nick!

Yura tweeted  to share these photos from a Nobu article in the New Year edition of Japan's 家庭画報 Home Pictorial Magazine

The article comes with a CD of Nobu's performances of five masterpieces of Chopin (Sonata No. 3, four mazurkas, heroic polonaise and the raindrop prelude).  It's unusual to see Nobu wearing a tie!

Cover of the magazine

December 16/17

Yura tweeted :

大阪 ザ・シンフォニーホール ☆辻井伸行《ショパン・リサイタル》昨日告知した 追加の立ち見席も、今完売してました☆

"Yesterday,Osaka Symphony Hall announced additional standing room for Nobuyuki Tsujii's 'Chopin Recital'. It has now sold out."

December 16

Blog post by someone who was at the "Untitled Concert" public recording performance


"Untitled Concert" public recording

2015-12-16 12:46:47






I hit the jackpot of "Untitled Concert" of TV Asahi, and we went to see this taping.

Featured guests were pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii and violinist Vengerov..

... this show is aired on Asahi each Sunday at 11.

As the moderator is Mr. Ryu Goto, I was doubly happy.


も~ねぇ ベートーヴェンの曲を4曲弾いてくれたのですが、ベートーヴェンってこんなに繊細な曲書く人だったのぉ・・・って思ったぐらい、とても繊細なピアノの音でしたが、もちろんフォルテとデフォルテの使い方が本当に目が見えない人が引いているとは感じられないぐらいでしたラブラブ


The first part, music of Tsujii kun

He played four pieces of works by Beethoven ... It was the sound of a very delicate piano, and of course there was also the use of Forte and ...  He plays with being able to see, and draws everyone in.

Because it was the orchestra, the other musical instrument players were looking at the conductor, and playing by looking at the score. 

Because he cannot see with his eyes, he must memorize not just the score and think about the emotional expression, and I thought his amazing ability to concentrate is amazing.  The great music I heard inspired tears.



The second part, the Russian-born Mr. Vengerov.  The make of the violin and the hall must have been a factor, but I was swept up by a dynamic fast melody, but delicate and mellow ...

It was also a different feel and sound from that drawn by a women [violinist].  The best was a session with Mr. Ryu Goto.  I was glad to have been there, as I love violins.

Violin and I was glad to come to because I love ~ per cent


The Great Hall of the Tokyo Opera City has pyramid shaped ceiling, in the hall there was a warmth of wood.  I was seated on the third upper deck, and one of my ears cannot hear the sound.  Even so it was beautiful, it was a very good concert venue. Unfortunately photos are banned in the hall.

December 11

In a tweet from Yura, she wrote

これはまた GoodなNews ♬ NHK 2016 大河ドラマ「真田丸」番組の最後を飾る”紀行”のテーマ曲に 辻井伸行登場❗️1月10日スタート。どんな曲かお楽しみ

Nobu's music will decorate the "journey" episode of the NHK 2016 historical drama "Sanada Maru" on January 10.

NHK is Japan's most respected TV channel and this is quite a recognition for Nobu the composer. It is not known whether the music is a new composition by Nobu.

Older notable web postings are collected at Notable web postings archival

The Nobuyuki Tsujii × Valery Gergeiv × Munich Phil 2015 Japan tour started on Wednesday November 25 in Osaka with great success. The tour has now reached its final stop in Tokyo, with performances on Nov. 29, December 1 and 2.   News, comments and photos of individual performances on this tour are collected here: Nobuyuki Tsujii × Valery Gergeiv × Munich Phil 2015 News

December 14 18:45

Nobu is performing a special concert today at the  Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall for the Asahi-TV  Daimei Untitled Concert TV show.  Appearing with him is violinist Maxim Vengerov, who is performing a Christmas concert in Tokyo the next day.  Vengerov was the violinist that performed Tchaikovsky's violin concerto on Nov. 1 in Munich, at a concert attended by Nobu (and aslo me!) as audience.


December 14 public recording.  Popular pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii and well renowned violinist Maxim Vengerov ...

Another tweeter wrote:



12/14 東京オペラシティ





※Bプロの指揮者は翌日の『ヴェンゲーロフ 一夜限りのクリスマスコンサート』と同じ太田雅音さんです。


This twitter wrote:


"I went to the Public Recording (^ - ^) Tsujii Nobuyuki san and Tokyo Philharmonic, Mr. Vengerov [Russian violinist], Goto-san [Japanese violinist], a nice moment, thank you. A great performance, heart has been met. It was also fun to be on air. "

Posted to twitter:




"Untitled Concert Recording Session was the best! ! Literally it was the best! ! ! Tsujii Nobuyuki san and Ryu Goto and some great Russian people! ! Grateful!" The performance took place last night in Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall.

いや~!今日は贅沢だったぁー!辻井伸行さんとヴァイオリンのマキシム・ヴェンゲーロフを五嶋龍さんと聴くという!It was a luxury today! Mr.  Nobuyuki Tsujii and violinist Maxim Vengerov and Ryu san was listening!  -tweet

題名のない音楽会の収録行ってきた! 応募してみよっか〜くらいの軽いノリで応募したら当たった✌🏻️(笑) 辻井伸行さんの生演奏が聴けた!! マキシム・ヴェンゲーロフさんのヴァイオリンもすごかった!! とにかく行ってよかったし聴けてよかった(^O^) Untitled Concert recording is over!  For once I got lucky in ticket applicaitons.

I listened to Nobuyuki Tsujii's live music ! ! Maxim Vengerov's violin was also amazing! !  And it was great to be there to listen.  -tweet

題名のない音楽会収録、辻井伸行もヴェンゲーロフも素敵だった!!土曜は死にすぎてどうなるかと思ったけど…   Untitled Concert recording, Nobuyuki Tsujii and also Vengerov was  nice! !  ...  -tweet

辻井伸行さんのピアノ聴けたのめっちゃ良かった 本当に美しい音色だったなぁ#題名のない音楽会  Naa was really beautiful tone Truly it was good it was listen Tsujii Nobuyuki's piano #UNtitled Concert   -tweet

December 11

An excellent blog post by someone who was at Kioi Hall for Nobu's "Giant of Beauty" concert on November 9

English translation below:

In Tsujii Nobuyuki's concert, the feeling was that.

2015-12-11 20:09:42

 From the "giants of beauty", I received a gift, I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert. This is the Kioi Hall for the first time in one year.

 What, because the invitation, I was seated in the seventh from the front, and was able to see his finger movements perfectly.

In friendly hands, the hands moved in supple light,

I was surprised.

The first half, because Tsujii original of,

I began to relax; it was a healing time.

Then, when he begin to play the song of the "Hayabusa (peregrine falcon)" [theme music for a movie about Japan's space probe],

In the universe, falcons journey, while fighting the loneliness,

Even while becoming ragged, after carrying out a mission,

Coming home

For some reason, tears could not stop ....

It is the human soul also seemed like the same thing.

Wounded heart ... healed ...

Hayabusa, came back.

I envisioned such a situation as Mr. Tsujii played.

I was able to feel full of hope.

The second half,  Chopin and Liszt.

The Campanella ...

The hands moved so much

Strong, in crystal-clear performance,

My heart, it became purified.

This morning, my eyes were swollen, hurting  and I could not see much.

By the time the concert was over, they had become completely well.

After the performance, he bowed to us deeply, with his head truly lowered.

Again and again, he bowed to us to express his gratitude.

And, for those who are seeking a story,

Is combined with hand and hand,

Then very, and shyly ... he began to talk.

The applause quieted instantly.

Very, very powerful words. 

Several days have passed since, but this morning I thought of the concert still.

Even having become so famous,

He is always humble, and his gratitude comes through ...

and that we do not forget ...

December 11

This tweet strikes a chord with me, a (mid-level) piano player. It refers to a  video of Nobu's Cliburn performance of Beethoven's "Appasionata" sonata; and the tweeter showed a page from the score, with this comment:

「Nobuyuki Tsujii 辻井伸行 2009 Cliburn Competition FINAL RECITAL ベートーベン ピアノソナタ23番 左手の運指はまさに地獄

 Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 23 left hand fingering is just hell.

I had never looked at the score before, but yes, those chords on the left hand would strike fear to many hearts.  I posted this reply to the tweet: "Nobuyuki Tsujii has one of the best left hands in the piano business."

December 9

A news article with details of the "Giants of Beauty" concert that Nobu performed in Tokyo last night, in celebration of the TV program's 15th anniversary. No, bu played his own works in the first half, and Chopin & Liszt in the 2nd half, for some 400 lucky people in the audience. I hope the performance was filmed and the footage will be shown on Tokyo TV.

ピアニスト・辻井伸行 「美の巨人たち」15周年記念コンサート

English translation - click  HERE

Nice hair-do, Tsujii-san!  ^_^ More about this performance at: Nobuyuki Tsujii's "Giants of Beauty" concert

December 7

I just came upon this Japanese webpage that is one of the many that makes use of Nobu's name, photos and videos to sell things that Nobu has nothing to do with. But it does have a photo from the days of the Cliburn Competition that I had never seen before, of Nobu holding up two Texas newspapers about his competition win -- the photo might have been taken at the home of the host family.

December 8 20:30  Kioi Hall

Special filmed performance for the 15th anniversary of Tokyo TV's "Giants of Beauty"

Nobu fan Shinobu posted this photo with a tweet

明後日はいよいよ美の巨人たちスペシャルコンサートですね。前半は伸君オリジナル、後半はショパンとリストだそうです。辻井伸行ファンには、たまらないプログラムですね。参加できる皆様が羨ましすぎます。たくさん投稿お待ちしています。The day after tomorrow it is finally the Special Concert of  "Giants of beauty" (Japan TV program about art masterpieces). The first half is Nobu's original, the second half seems to Chopin andLiszt.  To fans of Tsujii, this program is irresistible.  I envy everyone who can participate and hope they will post a lot.

December 8/9

Last night in Tokyo, some lucky people who won tickets through a lottery enjoyed a performance by Nobu. The performance was filmed for the TV program "Giants of Beauty" (about famous art works). This photo was posted on Twitter with this text: "Giants of beauty. Nobuyuki Tsujii's Special GIG. Fusion of art and music. Kioi Hall." Among other works, Nobu played the opening and ending theme music that he wrote for the show, a favorite TV program of Nobu's father.







Music and it is a fusion of art

  毎週観ているテレ東の番組『美の巨人たち』のプレゼントにまさかまさかの当選!辻井伸行さんのピアノソロコンサート。純粋で清らかな音色を浴びて、心も身体も浄化されてきました。ホールはやっぱりいいなあ。帰ったらピアノ弾こう(≧∇≦)A gift from  the TV  program that I have been watching every week, "Giants of Beauty"! Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano solo concert.

 A pure, pure tone.  Mind and body also have been purified.  Hall 's still good. I played the piano after getting home ...  -tweet

きょうのコンサートすごく良かった〜( ´▽`)ジャンル的にクラシックを聞く機会あまりないし知識もないけど、ピアノ生演奏はやっぱり感動した!そして辻井伸行さん全盲のピアニスト…次元が違い過ぎて凄すぎてもうすごいしか言えなかった。Today's concert was really good.   ('▽ `)  A rare opportunity to listen to the genre of classical music. 

Genre manner no opportunity too or knowledge to listen to the classic.  Piano live music after all was impressive! And blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii ... he is amazing and awesome, a different dimension.  -tweet

December 7

I just came upon this Japanese webpage that is one of the many that makes use of Nobu's name, photos and videos to sell things that Nobu has nothing to do with. But it does have a photo from the days of the Cliburn Competition that I had never seen before, of Nobu holding up two Texas newspapers about his competition win -- the photo might have been taken at the home of the host family.

December 6

"Die Welt," major newspaper in Germany, published this article "Gergievs Mission."  Nobu is not mentioned, but the Asia Tour of the Munich Phil is  It says Gergiev quite cleverly brought with him a couple of journalists from Munich on the tour, and seems to have succeeded in projecting a positive image to divert the German's skepticism about his political tie with Vladimir Puten in Russia.  Gergiev's mission, the article states, is to strengthen the tie between Russia and Germany through music.

December 6

Nobu fan Shinobu posted this photo with a tweet

明後日はいよいよ美の巨人たちスペシャルコンサートですね。前半は伸君オリジナル、後半はショパンとリストだそうです。辻井伸行ファンには、たまらないプログラムですね。参加できる皆様が羨ましすぎます。たくさん投稿お待ちしています。The day after tomorrow it is finally Special Concert of  "Giants of beauty" (TV program). The first half is Nobu's original, the second half seems to Chopin and list.  To fans of Tsujii, this program is irresistible.  I envy everyone who can participate and hope they will post a lot.

December 5

it seems Nobu had a little fun yesterday. This tweeter was at a birthday celebration and it seems Nobu was seated at a table nearby -- you can see him in one of the photos in the collage photo posted with the tweet.


Asahi's birthday.  Celebrated with Senna.  It was fun all together three people after a long time.  Surprise great success of an evening; we both cried. And it became No. 1 awesome birthday.  We were celebrating together next to where pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii was seating.  Congratulations to Asahi. Et al.

December 5

I thought Nobu may be getting some well deserved rest after that arduous tour with the Munich Phil, but no, apparently today he performed on stage at some International Forum event in Tokyo, as Yura mentions in this tweet. The banner in the photo says "Nobuyuk Tsujii plays Famous Works by Chopin."

ひゃ〜突然のこんなコンサートしてたなんてホンマに〜ε-(´∀`; ) しかも「辻井伸行ショパン名曲コンサート」たぶん少人数の… 行った方たち羨ましすぎるぅ〜 ヽ(´o`; Hya-and Anε- ('∀ `;) This came up suddently,  "Nobuyuki Tsujii Chopin masterpieces concert"  -- perhaps a small number of  people were there... too jealous.