1.3 Organizational Objectives 

Keep a Personal Checklist: 


Think: Why are Vision and Mission Statements important?

Ikea's Vision Statement: ‘To create a better everyday life for the many people’ 

Aims, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics

And Organizational Needs to Change Objectives

Starbucks aims to become ‘resource positive’ in climate push. Click link to read article

1.3 - internal and external environment.pdf

CUEGIS Alert: Examine internal & external factors that impact organization's needs to change objectives

1.3 - Business Objectives 1

The Role & Evolution of Ethical Objectives & CSR

The Dilemma: Ethical or Unethical? 

What a company should do is easy to judge from an audience perspective. But the decision is not always a simple black or white.

Put yourself in management shoes and contemplate: 

The Ethical Dilemma Debate Topics

An Ethical Dilemma 1: Tracking employees & collecting consumer data

Considering the questions above, this debate should examine issues relating to developing technologies which collect data on employees and consumers

Facebook Health Partnership On Hold On Concerns Of Data Privacy

ID Badges Designed To Track Employees

How Employers Could Be Spying On You While Working From Home

The social responsibility of business | Alex Edmans 

An Ethical Dilemma 2: Disposing of consumer return items

Considering the questions above, this debate should examine issues relating to disposal of unsold retail inventory in both fashion and electronics industries

Dealing with unsold inventory in Amazon & H&M

The true cost of fast fashion

The rise of the Secondary Market

The social responsibility of business | Alex Edmans 

Visit the Ethics Page for more case studies

1.3 - Business Objectives 2
1.3 - Business Objectives 3 - Ethical Dilemma

BM Tools: SWOT Analysis & Ansoff Matrix

Tool for setting Business Objectives

1.3 - Business Objectives 4 - SWOT

Tool for Growth Strategy

1.3 - BM Tool - Ansoff Matrix