To you, my dear friend

Woiler, October 18, 2023


Yesterday afternoon the doctor called to tell me that my surgery would be much lighter than expected, and that I would only be hospitalized for a day and a night, if all ended well. I was relieved, even though the results of the previous week strongly indicated that the initial diagnosis had been too alarmist. I figure it's not so surprising, after all, to have spent two weeks in a state of disarray. Besides, I probably can't afford the luxury of carrying a sense of guilt on my shoulders.

Today, I've finished some "sequences". I need to put periods at the end of my actions, just as I put a full stop after a sentence. I put a period to the sentence "I panic at the thought of someone slicing my head open with a knife", which ends the paragraph "There's something not right in your skull", which is at the beginning of the chapter "This fragile body". Now I'm back on track with this volume of my life, called "To put an end to depression once and for all". Chapter three: "Growing up, always".

My dear friend, tell me how you are, where you are, where you want to live.

With love,

Milena Carbone