To you, my dear friend

Woiler, October 17, 2023


You shared some uplifting words and I felt a great sense of empathy. You were stressing out how blessed we are to be in this world, this "ticket" like a lottery ticket that gives us access to where we are. And it's true. Perhaps through how I'm expressing, this objective fact, perhaps the only objective fact there is, wouldn't be present in my mind. But it is, and it is present to the point where I can feel bitter at seeing what mankind is doing with this chance. This morning brought another round of murders, and I couldn't help but hear the indignant or hateful rantings. I realized that it couldn't be the grief for the murdered person and their loved ones that cut across all layers of our society. Every day, around a thousand people are killed around the world, and one in ten of them is a woman killed by someone close to her.

Grief is an immeasurable dimension, like zero or infinity; like the hidden dimensions in the quantum particles; it's something we don't "com-prehend" and can only sink into. On the other hand, yes, the gift of being here, of being alive, if we can't understand it, at least we can cherish it. Perhaps I tend to forget myself between contemplating the beauty of the world and caring for others. Perhaps I need to focus on myself - not my ego, but my senses - because, in the end, I'm the origin of my world, the sole witness to my observational point of view.

And this brings me back to what you, my friends who lives in the mountains, closer to the stars, were telling me, which I link to Bruno Latour's question, which fascinates me: "Where do we want to live? In mathematical language, sense is defined by an origin and a direction. The origin is the ticket. The direction is free will, and all in all, the vector is the question "where do we want to live? Thank you Pieter, thank you Bruno, you are the foam of the waves above the ocean that difracts the sunlight.

My dear friend, tell me how you are, where you are, where you want to live.

With love,

Milena Carbone