To you, my dear friend

Woiler, October 16, 2023


I recovered definitely from my depression a little over a month ago and have had a period of intense activity, except for last week, when I had a moment of despondency following some invasive health tests, the results of which were not good. I too easily fell back into procrastination.

It lasted a whole week, but I'm feeling better this morning, and I've made some decisions that I believe will lighten my mental load: avoid being exposed to the misery and violence of the world that stupefies me, distance myself from Second Life. I haven't lightened my workload, but my psychological load. More freedom of mind, and more active days.

Do I have a choice? Yes, I have the choice to act or to lament. I have the choice to try to accomplish something useful on earth, or to stay by the wayside and let myself go. Today I want to do more, to help better, if God allows. As the period ahead is uncertain due to a possible surgery which, if confirmed, will totally shatter the end of this year, I prefer not to make any plans.

Every day is the happiest day of my life: we'll see day by day how my immediate future shapes up. For the moment, I'm holding my line: the only thing that makes sense for a living being is to contemplate the beauty of the universe and to take care of others.

My dear friend, tell me how you are, where you are, where you want to live.

With love,

Milena Carbone