To you, my dear friend

Woiler, March 14, 2023


Life intrudes on our small planet inside a tiny layer of gas, itself produced by the very first life, patiently, for hundreds of millions of years, a layer the thickness of a pen stroke between the depths of the earth with its heart burning like the reassuring fireplace of a house lost in the countryside, and the almost empty, the almost black, vibrating with all its strings, totally dead.

There, in this uninhabitable in-between, I live and have everything I need to be happy: miraculous places and souls. That's where I am, that's where I live, in a tiny layer of reason and love, pierced by vain words and unpunished crimes.

Sound, agitation, cries of fury and panic swell on this thin skin that surrounds the earth like boils. I can't take it anymore, really, I can't stand reading newspapers, watching news channels, swallowing insipid Netflix series, always the same patterns, ad nauseam, the same words banging against the walls of our stupidity, of our inculture, of our obstinate egocentrism.

All of us, collectively, are proudly putting the center of the world in the worst possible place. I don't want to see you anymore, I don't want to hear you anymore, I can't even feel you anymore, feel the moist tepidity of your fever near me.

Don't touch me anymore! I slam the door on your rotten myths, your carnivorous smiles, your sour politeness, the contempt you try to hide is so big, so fat, that it oozes out of your eyes, like oily tears. You stink.

"Eulogy of leanness - Somewhere on the edge of an African village - A photojournalist photographs a very young, emaciated woman nursing her newborn baby with the strength of despair, the courage to live and care for the little one she has given birth to. She looks at the lens with her big black eyes. The man sends the photograph to his editor, goes home and gets a big payoff: the photograph is very successful."

My dear friend, tell me how you are, where you are, where you want to live.

With love,

Milena Carbone