To you, my dear friend

France, February 11, 2024


Thank you for your message, which means a lot to me. I share your concern for the future and the threats of the worst human stupidity hanging over my country, Europe. I say Europe, because as born in Alsace, a region that has endured an incessant back-and-forth of warlike storms, the echoes of which rise from the memories of my grandparents and their own grandparents to run aground on the beach of peace from which my parents and my generation have benefited, I feel close to their former enemies who have become cheerful, generous and hard-working comrades for over half a century. Where I live, my friends are German, English, Spanish, Italian, African, Jewish and Arab, and we form a colourful and friendly community.

But yes, we know the threat that hangs over us and, for some, over their children. Exactly yesterday, France signed a military security agreement with Ukraine. In recent weeks, Europe's environmental ambitions have been scaled back. I believe that life always comes out on top on this planet, and stupidity only kills idiots. It takes other innocent lives with it, including perhaps me and my friends.

Few people of my generation seriously believe that they will die a natural death. But there's still an indestructible glimmer in my heart that somewhere there's always a small path to salvation. This is really what I wish to express with the vigor of my testimony on earth, through the expression of my artistic work, which is considered to be full of suffering, but which, deep down, speaks of what is eternal in life, and which ignorance cannot erase. 

My dear friend, tell me how you are, where you are, where you want to live.

With love,

Milena Carbone