The 2010 Prince Albert Sports Hall of Fame Athlete and Builder Inductee Ellen Grewcock, kicked off her involvement with the Saskatchewan Games in 1982 as a volunteer at the Saskatchewan Winter Games in Prince Albert. In 1990, Ellen co-spearheaded a group called “Friends of Track and Field” and fundraised around $265,000 to help support the construction of an all-weather track for the 1992 Games in Prince Albert. After the Games wrapped up, the group continued to fundraise for equipment which was used in their bid for the 1998 Western Canada Games. Further, she coached the Zone 8 track and field team for the 2002 Saskatchewan Summer Games in Yorkton, was Vice Chair for the 2014 Saskatchewan Winter Games and also contributed as a Board Member on the Saskatchewan Games Council. Ellen is currently President of the Prince Albert Sports Hall of Fame and clearly earned that role through her long standing experience as a coach in many sports, her dedicated volunteering abilities and incredible multi-sport event organization skills. She says she values the friendships she gained at the Games and applauds their legacy projected through young athletes who take their sport to the next level of play.