In 1977, Bob King curiously attended a Saskatchewan Games meeting in Stoughton, not knowing much about the multi-sport event; however, it didn't take long for him to get involved. He coached women’s basketball at the 1978 Games in Moose Jaw and eventually became chairperson for the Zone 1 Sports Council - a position he held for nearly 20 years. According to Bob, he has attended about 18 Games, mainly as Mission Staff but also once as a VIP and host committee member. He says he quickly grew to enjoy the events, especially the friendship among competitors and volunteers. Bob says he still marvels at the hard work put forward by host committees and volunteers. He is very proud of the Games’ legacy found in the incredible facilities built in host communities. He still looks forward to helping out with Team Southeast (and the Games in general) and says he will always cherish the friendships and memories he gained through his experience.