Michael Suchan’s longstanding involvement with the Saskatchewan Games allowed him to embrace sport as an athlete, parent, coach, fan, volunteer and organizer. His experience began at the 1974 Winter Games where he competed in singles bowling. He went on to help coordinate the 1976 Summer Games as a summer student, and also competed in the baseball event. In 2000, he returned to coach the Zone 5 male soccer team, where he proudly watched his son, who played on the team, carry the Zone 5 flag for the opening ceremonies.

Further, Michael served six years on the Saskatchewan Games Council Board from 2003-2009 as Co-chair, Chair and Director - each for two years respectively. He says he feels honoured to experience the Games from different perspectives and recognizes the incredible amount of work that is required to host each event. When it comes to the Games’ legacy, he believes it is defined through the opportunity for athletes, coaches and teams to showcase their talent, as well as providing a chance for each host community to come together and create something amazing.

Michael extended honourable mentions to his family for their incredible support throughout his career and the special memories they created attending a variety of multi-sport events.