Colleen Sostorics first competed at the 1996 Saskatchewan Summer Games for Athletics, and says the experience gave her a whole new perspective on multi-sport events as it allowed her the incredible opportunity to compete as an individual athlete. Colleen went on to win bronze with Team Saskatchewan for Hockey at the 1997 National Championships and played extensively for Canada at the international level - including three Olympic gold medals in 2002, 2006 and 2010. Additionally, Colleen helped Canada to three gold and three silver medals at the Women's World Championships. After retiring from competition a number of years ago, Colleen remained involved in hockey as a coach at many levels from minor hockey, through Team Saskatchewan, to USport with the University of Regina. She is currently partnered with Hockey Saskatchewan and Hockey Canada to complete her Master Coach Developer designation, aimed at supporting and encouraging women on their coaching journey. Looking back on her career to-date and the Saskatchewan Games, she says the Games’ legacy is propelled by the pursuit of excellence and carried by the athletes as they improve and grow toward reaching their sporting potential at national and international competitions.