Nicole Cripps competed in triathlon at the 2008 Saskatchewan Summer Games in Lloydminster. She says she was elated to participate at the Games because they promote an environment that celebrates and encourages athletes to be the best in their sport. According to Nicole, the legacy of the Games is to focus on fun through sport, allowing young athletes to compete for themselves and not be pressured to win or feel discouraged if the competition doesn't go as planned. She says this perceived legacy taught her to not be discouraged by failure and instead see it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and do better for herself into her adult life. After the Games, Nicole continued in triathlon until 2012, and transitioned to road cycling in 2013 where she had the opportunity to race at the Canada Summer Games and Western Canada Summer Games. As Manager of the Saskatchewan Cycling Team at the 2019 Western Canada Summer Games she said she enjoyed being able to give back to her sport by trying to provide athletes with a positive Games experience similar to her own.