Heather Audette says her involvement with the Saskatchewan Games were two of the most intensely challenging, yet most fulfilling and rewarding opportunities she’s experienced to-date. In March 1986, she was hired as Office Manager for the 1988 Saskatchewan Summer Games. Eighteen years later, Melfort was successful in their bid to host the 2006 Saskatchewan Winter Games, and she was thrilled to Co-Chair the Protocol & Ceremonies Committee alongside Kathy Gray. Beyond the capital projects left by the Games, Heather believes the most important legacy is the spirit and pride that lives on in a community years after hosting the games. “In a small city like Melfort, hosting the games touches most of the citizens. It takes a vast majority of the community working together to make a Games successful, through a kinship created between the volunteers, the Saskatchewan Games Council and the city at large,” she said. Today, Heather continues to be an active volunteer in the community in several areas of sport, culture, recreation and the arts, many of which promote a healthy and active lifestyle.