
What's New?

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                                                YEAR THREE                                              

(In Progress)

10 Updates. 881 Changes. 

2,111 Names. 2,752 Documents. 1,393 subpages. 2,100 pages long.






Extraordinary Women

Historical and Other Events

"I Can't Find My Female Ancestor" added to FAQ.

Cache Valley Daily Article and KVNU radio interview about me added to About.




Website name changed from Richmond's Encyclopedia to Bryce's History Project: Richmond Encyclopedia.

All pronouns of Richmond's Encyclopedia (We/Us) have been changed for Bryce's History Project: Richmond Encyclopedia (Me/Mine).

Logo Updated.


Historical Events:


Mayors & City Officers:

Historical Figures:



Historical Documents:







                                                        YEAR TWO                                                       

(Aug 2022-2023)

24 Updates. 502 Changes. 

2,046 Names. 2,605 Documents. 1,300 subpages. 2,000 pages long.






To prepare for Memorial Day, we did some touching up in the Patriots page with the following edits:




















                                                                  YEAR ONE                                                                 

(Aug 2021-2022)

21 Updates. 185 Changes. 

2,000 Names. 435 Documents. 159 subpages. 1,200 pages long.  






















Richmond's Encyclopedia was launched.