
Early History of Richmond's Schools

As early as 1860, education was taught to young children in Richmond. However, due to cost and the pioneering life, education was not at its fullest as it could have been. In 1852, the legislature established local school districts with a governing board of trustees. On October 12, 1872 in the Richmond City Council Meeting, "it was moved... that one man be elected from each division and one appointed by the city council to form a board of education." On November 16, 1872, the City Council divided up the land into four school districts or wards.1 A week later, School Trustees for each ward were created.2 On December 16, 1872, a tax was created for educational purposes.3

Due to a lack of buildings to hold classes, early church and government buildings were used. Known simply as the "Double-Log School", the building was a school, church meeting house, civic center, and social center as early as 1860. After the school wards were established, two schoolhouses were built to serve two different wards while the Relief Society Hall and the Scandinavian Meeting House buildings served the other two wards.4

Every community in Cache County had their own schools and school districts. Due to this separation and confusion, some schools had high schools while others only went as high as 5th grade. In March of 1908, the Utah State Consitution called for all public schools to be consolidated and made into districts, thus creating the Cache County School District.5 6 After this, all school property was given to the School District.

2000 - Present Day

1999 - Present Day

1921 - Present Day

1930 - 2018
