Double-Log School


The Double Log school house was used as a multipurpose building for some years before an adobe building was constructed. It was used as a school, church meeting house, civic center, and social center. It was about 20 feet wide and 22 feet long, and was located behind were the current Relief Society Hall now stands. It had a fireplace on each end of the building. Benches were in place, made of split logs that had been smoothed down.1 2

School Activities

"According to the recollection of Francis Bair, son of John Bair, there were two classes of school held in the building at the same time, and it became quite a problem to maintain order with both going on at the same time."1 2

There were two teachers for the school: John Robinson taught the alphabet and how to read, and James Freeze taught upper level grades.1 2

Parents would pay for their children's tuitions in produce.1

Church Activities

Records owned by the city of Richmond indicate that as early as July 1, 1861, a ward choir being organized.1

Social Activities

City dances from 1860-1865 were held in the building. Though the ground was made of dirt, it did not cause any problems to the dancers and attendees.


  1. History of Richmond, Utah, Amos W. Bair, Richmond Bicentennial Committee, 1976.

  2. A Few Experiences of F.A. Bair Sr., unknown author; Cindy Marie Fellows,, June 27, 2020.