1871 - 1880

March 31, 1871

City council met and was called to order by the Mayor. The Mayor and council were all present. Opened by prayer by N. Lewis.

It was motioned by Wm. D. Hendricks and recorded by D. P. Rainey that the city taxes for the years ending 1869-70 be remitted to the mayor, and city council, also to the Marshall, and Recorder, motion was put and carried unanimously.

Resolved. That the city pay Edwin Smith, and A. Kerr, two dollars ($2.00) per day for their services in the Quarantine Hospital,  during a case of small pox that occurred with the person of ?V. K.? Hillman, motion was put and carried unanimously., that an appration be made by the city to pay, one half of the expenses incurred by the city on account of the preceding case of small pox. And resolved that ?J. K.? Hillman be required to pay the other half of the expenses into the city treasurey. Resolved, that the Assessor and Collector be paid 1 ?$? for Assessing & Collecting city taxes & all other taxes that he may have in his official capacity to collet. Resolved that the following Ordinances be passed. 

?L.S? No. 1. An Ordinance in relation to ?fowls.?

No. 2. An Ordinance in relation to trespassing.

No. 3. An ordinance in relation to diseased animals.

Resolved. That the city taxes of the city Street Supervisor, and ?jexton? be remitted for the years 1869 - 70.

It was motioned and carried unanimously that the council adjourn ?Sine die?

Meeting dismissed by S. Pond.

April 3rd, ?1871?

Editors Note: This page is heavily faded, so bear with me here.

City council met and was called to order by the Mayor W. D. Hendricks. Opened by prayer by D. P. Rainey.

Present, Mayer W. D. Hendricks.

?Authorised? S. Pond, D. P. Rainy, N. Lewis, H. E. Gibson.

Minutes of the proceeding meeting read and accepted. Resolved that an ?apporpration? be made of six dollars to pay ?coletion? expenses for the year 1868. Passed. An Ordinance ?acting? the office of city water master and ?depiny? the ?cities? thereof.

It was motioned and carried unanimously that A. F. Stewart be appointed Water Master of this city of Richmond. 

Resolved by the city council that the ?Richmond? to operation ?store? pay five dollars $5.00 per master for city license. 

In motion the meeting adjourned until Monday April 10, 1871.

April 10, 1871

City council met ?permint? to ?adjournesory? 

Present ?one? mayor W. D. Hendricks. Councilors S. Pond and D. P. Rainey. Not being a quorum the council adorned ?Fine Die?.

May 3, 1871

City council met and was called to order by the mayor Wm. D. Hendricks, opened by prayer by W. L. ?Fanney?. Present Mayor W. D. Hendricks. Councilors, S. Pond, D. P. Rainy and N. Lewis.

Passed an ordinance in relation to ?diying? in the public streets.

Resolved by the city council that there shall be and herby is located a public road  ?aorth? of L. H. Durney field, to run from the county road east, until it intersects the High Creek Kanyon road. Said road to be for the benefit of the settlers of the City of Richmond, and to be four rods in width.

On motion the council adjourned ?Sine Die?.