U.S. Post Office's


The object that is described in this article is located on private property. Trespassing is punishable by up to six months of prison time. Permission should be granted before passing on private property.

The First Post Offices (1864 - 1960)

The U.S. Postal Service was established on June 15, 1864 with Marriner W. Merrill as Postmaster General. A small building was erected on 100 E and Main. This building served for a few years before business was moved to a small building that is now attached to the west end of the ZCMI Co-Op building.1 This post office served for many years until it became too old and unusable. Operations were most to the west wing of the Community Building across the street and served until 1960.

Todays Post Office (1960 - Present)

The current post office was constructed in 1960.

Original Post Office

(Colorized) USU Digital History Collections

Remains of the Original Post Office are now part of the ZCMI Co-Op building.

Lerretta Elsa Merrill, Postmistress, inside the original Post Office.

(Colorized) Source

S. Milton Webb, on the west wing of the Community Building.

(Colorized) Source

"1976 - This is a view of the United States Post Office in Richmond which was erected in 1960. The Frist Security Bank and Theda's Beauty Salon may be seen in the background." 

(Colorized) History of Richmond, Utah, Amos W. Bair, pg 26, photo captured by Thomas Stoddard.

"The Richmond City post office is located on the southeast corner of State and Main streets."

Photo property of Sara Neave on Google Maps. Source

Post Masters

William Harris

1884 - 1898

Clarence L. Funk

1898 - 1906

Lerretta Elsa Merrill

1906 - 1919

Aroet L. Harris

1919 - 1935

S. Milton Webb

1935 - 1972

H. Elaine Price

1972 - 2000
