Jesse Hobson


Jesse Hobson was born Jan 26, 1812 in Randolph, North Carolina to Nathan Harvey and Rebecca Freeman Hobson.

Mayoral Term (1872 - 1876)

Jesse Hobson served as the second Mayor of Richmond from 1872-1876. Due to pore recording, not much information was preserved about Jesse Hobson's Mayoral Term. An interesting fact is that in his first City Council Meeting in 1876, they motioned to hold the Meetings every Saturday evening of every week instead of every first Monday of the month. 

Mayor Hobson was a key in building the foundation of education for Richmond. On October 12, 1872, "it was moved... that one man be elected from each division and one appointed by the city council to form a board of education." On November 16, 1872, the City Council divided up the land into four school districts or wards.1 A week later, School Trustees for each ward were created.2 On December 16, 1872, a tax was created for educational purposes.3

On the City Council of December 16, 1872, Henry Standage was appointed the first Attorney at Law for the city.

Jesse Hobson was succeeded by William Beers.


Jesse Hobson died June 18, 1883 in Oxford, Idaho. He was buried in the Richmond Cemetery.

Photo located at the Cache Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Source
