
The first Maverik was opened in 1928 by 20-year-old Reuel Call in Afton, Wyoming. Maverik Inc. is owned and operated by FJ Management Inc. (Flying J Inc.). The Maverik station in Richmond was opened sometime in the late 20th or early 21st century. Monica Merrill served as the manager of the Richmond Maverik for nearly 30 years, and in 2022, she retired with Jess Roberts taking her place.


The original Maverik station was opened sometime in the late 1900's to early 2000's. The original building was a small, convenient store that was cramp and served nearly no food except for donuts and hotdogs with one checkout till. The original station only had eight pumps with no ethanol-free gasoline. In early 2010's a RedBox was added to the north, outside wall of the store.

In 2012, Maverik was purchased by FJ Management, which was worth $18 Billion dollars in 2008. With the idea of expanding Maverik's across the western United States and upgrading older buildings, the original Maverik store and station was demolished in early spring of 2015. To make room, they purchased two empty lots to the west and south. The new Maverik store and station were completed in early summer of the same year, with a spacious lounge, kitchen to serve fresh food, four check out tills, and clean and comfortable bathrooms. The station was expanded, though the pump number stayed the same, it now had the option of unleaded (red), diesel (green), and ethanol-free (blue). Maverik hosted a party with free food samples, rock climbing, and discounted items at the opening of the new store. 


Address: 10 South 200 West, Richmond, UT 84333

Phone: (435) 258-5120