Towns and Cities

Notice: Some of our locations are locked behind an '@Advanced' role. This role is available for everyone with a verified character to obtain at the top of our #apply-roles channel and is used as our dividing barrier for those who may not want to see a barrage of channels and categories.

Underlined text links to pages. Be sure to click it so you don't miss anything you might be looking for.

Characters can originate from anywhere accessible on the map. That means anywhere that isn't pending an update, coming soon or is considered 'uncharted'. Until it's complete, characters cannot come from space, either. Additionally, characters cannot travel to uncharted locations until they're revealed in story.

Ergo Wilds

  • Traiford | The only currently known city to inhabit the Ergo Wilds, Traiford is a predominantly tenter society, built upon fishing, farming and medical testing. It's most famous for it's fish and medical expertise.
    [Core Lore] [Not @advanced]




Albor Valley

  • Far Peaks | A large mesa region in the far north of Albor Valley, Far Peaks is host to the Aily Reach settlement, famous for its wildlife and farming. This is an extremely hot desert region, with inverse seasons (December summer, August winter.)
    [Core Lore] [Not @advanced]