Lake of Life

Located centre to the south of Albor Valley, the lake of life is a huge and beautiful bioluminescent mana lake and the heart of all life found within the far deserts of both the valley and the neighbouring Hakemian Desert. Its rivers flow long and carry many types of magical energy with them.

The Mana Waters


The lake of life is the largest and most mysterious site of the entirety of Albor Valley and is extremely important not only to the ecosystem of the desert but for the farming economy within the entirety of Far Peaks as a whole. Many animals, plantlife and just the landscape in general rely on the magical waters of this lake for their survival, which is what earned it its name.

The mana within the lake serves as a bioluminescent skin over the top of the lake, causing it to glow different colours in the dark depending on the type of magic which is glowing. Its most common colour is blue. Digesting this bioluminescent skin has no effects.

Testing on the waters have shown that mana water of every known type of mana, and even some unknown, yet to be inestigated ones, is present within the water. This makes it the world's largest mana water deposit.


Harvesting and Selling

The bioluminescent skin on the surface of the lake can be harvested in large collections and sold for many different purposes. This mana is popular in mana lava lamps (in which the mana constantly flows upwards in glowing pockets and gets dragged back down through a pipe, before looping the cycle), magical lamps and can even be consumed.

It's a vital ingredient in many different potions, most of which depending on a corresponding mana type. The Lake of Life is useful for this purpose due to its seemingly infinite amount of mana fluids constantly bubbling up from deep within its blackened waters.

It's unclear just where the viscous mana fluid comes from as no one's been able to get deep enough within the lake to find the source. All of it appears to flow out in one clump from a single vent in the deepest part of the lake, towards the centre, before spreading outwards to join with other fluids of its mana type. This creates a swirling phenomenon on the surface of the lake, and makes it look constantly kinetic, even if there are no waves present.


Mana types and their corresponding colours

Elemental - Varies depending on element (Water // blue, fire // red, nature // green)

Light - Yellow // white

Cosmic - Glittery and typically deep blue/purple (see images above)

Atomic - Green/silver

Dark - Black/grey and often thick like tar

Deceptive - Green and black, swirling in hypnotic patterns like the skin of a cuttlefish

Etherelium - Numerous different colours, usually hard to distinguish from other mana types

Arcanus - Deep red

Corrumpere - Unknown

Void - Deep purple