
Partnership status: OPEN

Quiazal: Legacy is open to accepting partnerships, both SFW and NSFW, however we have a few guidelines we request of servers who wish to partner. See below:

To partner with the server, place a request in the #partnership-request channel once you have been verified. All partners MUST be verified through our age gate and writing check. If your request is accepted, whoever accepted it will then DM you and request your advertisement for a full server review to ensure it meets our standards. They will then paste your partner link into the suitable partners channel for your server and give you the partnered role. You should in turn do this in your own server with our link. Owners of either partnered server should be in either server, but if you or either one of us doesn't have enough room in our own server list, sending someone to be there on your behalf is allowed.


  • At least 35 active members (This can't be 30 members and 5 bots, this must be 35+ members and any amount of bots.)

  • Have no involvement with committing raids.

  • Understand that anyone under the age of 16 who comes in through your server is your responsibility and you will be held accountable for them

  • MUST Follow the Discord TOS

  • Have at least 1 partnership channel that is visible to everyone

  • Servers with 100+ members get a channel made individual to their server.

  • We will not partner with servers which require us to change our server in any way

The owner or partner managers of the server will likely join to see if your server reaches these requirements before placing the server in the partners channel.

Quiazal: Legacy may choose to cut their partnership off with your server at a moment's notice. This decision should not be met with hostility.


Affiliated servers are servers which are owned by either the owner (secondary server), staff members or are sister servers. Staff members have full clearance to add and remove affiliates as they please. Affiliates can be applied through the owner or a head staff member (Co-owner). The difference between affiliates and normal servers is that they don't need to follow the guidelines, and they have a channel designated to only their link and any other server information.

Official Affiliations: