Palace Divinio

A huge, ancient palace crafted entirely out of polished limestone, gold and raw gemstone minerals, Palace Divinio was once the home of a rich, greedy miner, now host to the Gold Sanctuar.


The man who had the Palace built was not just rich, he was disgustingly rich. Obtaining hundreds of thousands of deposits of gold, limestone and gemstones every month, the man was rolling in his money, but he never intended to use it with greed in mind.

Palace Divinio was built as a place of community gathering out of the limestone, gold and gemstones he would obtain from mining efforts. He kept the palace open to the public indefinitely, with the only access limitations being the private suites and his own personal rooms. People could go anywhere they wanted within the palace, but unfortunately this drove the attention away from the heart of the builder.

He died alone in his throne room to be forgotten by the world with only his palace standing. It still stands today, still used as a foundation for community gatherings and is host to the Gold Sanctuar, a preservation organisation devoting itself to gifting to the gods for rewards and protection over the entire Albor valley.


The Palace Itself


Located in the far south of Albor Valley, many would think that the journey to this ancient palace wouldn't be worth it, but from everyone who have completed the journey: it is, and they would do it time and time again. They claim the inside of the palace to be the most beautiful place, lined entirely by gold, bronze and smooth, polished limestone tiling.

The rooms are all open and provide a lot of space between individuals. The high concentration of people within the palace never actually feels that high in concentration. There's always more than enough space for the inhabitants to freely move between each other.

Some people have made this palace their homes. Hundreds, if not thousands of personal suites are open for people to claim as their homes within the palace, temporary or permanent. While the vast amount of the population are transient, some people live in the palace indefinitely; were even born in it.