
''He who enters the city of unlawfuls? He's doomed from the start.''

Neverwinter, the largest and most dangerous of the currently existing cities, this city is ruled under a dreadful monarchy and provides no support to those who live within its dark, cobbled streets. Out here, individuals must make a name for themselves through any means possible: Crime, stealing, sometimes even incursion. Anyone can make a name for themselves in this city by any means, lawful or unlawful, and it's practically a requirement, but there's one unspoken law within this city:

''Get greedy, and so will the queen.''

The City

Neverwinter is a grim and foreboding city, large and stretching for miles to house its ever growing population of misfits, criminals and brutes. Located in the far reaches of Karkana, within the volcanic Grokdrul region known as the Blighted Plataeau, the city was built long ago by many dragonic, scorcher and heat elemental species, all of which wanting a mutual place people of their kind could live in some form of peace.

The city remained in peace for many years, thousands in fact, but the rising of a monarchy to take over the open democracy the city claimed would prove fatal to this peace. Now, the city is heavily driven by the queen which overlooks from the ancient castle, resting at the highest peak of the city. Only the most bravest and daring, or the most foolish as others would consider them, dare to traverse the streets of this darkened city without good reason.

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Neverwinter's population largely consists of Scorchers, Dragonics, Heat based elementals and Orcish individuals, though this isn't to say that's all the population is. Neverwinter surprisingly has possibly one of the most diverse populations in the world, a mixture of those brave and foolish who wish to either live in the city, are merely commuting through, or have business to attend to within its towering, ancient walls. There is a large, mutual distrust which every individual within the city holds when speaking to others, one which is consistent with everyone in the city, even if they're never experienced it for themselves before.

Visitors coming for innocent purposes are extremely rare, but it isn't unheard of. Sometimes, innocent individuals will come to Neverwinter viewing it as a place they'd enjoy to explore, and usually this actually goes well for them. The city holds many points of interest, relic museums, sectors and landmarks, as well as the six towers of the parliamentary leaders. Many who visit for tourism visit these sites, be it for its history or merely the sight of the architecture.

On the extremely rare occasions, individuals within the city may see a tier 3 and above aged scorcher. They are said to be magnificent and royal sights, seen as a mutual symbol of power and respect within the city, and a sight which even the most evil of individuals would stop to see. Only those who don't know what scorchers are would dare to oppose them.

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Neverwinter, like all locations in the world, is built from a mixture of ancient architecture (brick and mortar) and high technology and magitechs. This originates entirely from the city ageing with the ever growing and developing world, becoming one of the most technologically based ancient civilisations in the world. While many in the city still like to preserve the location's rich ancient culture and originality, the vast majority of the population still welcome high technology with open arms, and many trade it (and more illegal wares) on their markets for high prices.

The city is divided into six districts, each of which watched over by the six towers, though these districts aren't much different from each other. In fact, the entirety of the city looks quite similar at each point, with the only difference being the slightly different psychological feeling that comes with each district, or the slight hint in geographical change. The only reason the city is split like this is to prevent political feud. The castle (see below) sits at the peak of the hill in the centre of these districts, and in reality, the queen couldn't care about them fighting amongst themselves. A feud would put her wonderful castle at risk.

The city's most imposing structure is the Neverwinter castle, the first structure to have been built on the site. It's the most crumbled looking structure, but holds together well due to the constant maintenance and stress its put under by construction workers to keep it in the best possible condition for the queen herself. She lives within this ash black building, and likes to keep it within her fashion: Volcanic, engulfed in flamed, imposing and, best of all: impossible to navigate.

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History and Leadership

Not much is known about the rule or history of Neverwinter. A common theme around Neverwinter seems to the be the abnormal abundance of many ruins of ancient civilizations, leading to greater speculation about the history surrounding this city and just how those ruins ended up where they are; the most prominent of the ruins being the Gorgon Labyrinth.

It's an ancient city, approximately 10,000 years in it's life time, and for the majority of that time it has been held under the same ruling of queen Syresis, a dastardly Alpha female scorcher, a Nomo sub-adult. While not being the most grown or strongest of the female scorchers in the world, she has the two most important things one could ask for within Neverwinter: Power and Reputation. Her fearsome reputation among the city makes her more respected than feared by the residents of the city itself, but outside of the city she stirs up more fear than anyone presently known.

The city has 3 incursions in its history, all of which were initiated by her, all seeming to be out of personal feud or hatred. All three of the settlements she attacked are now lost to time, and anywhere else she didn't destroy entirely soon went down out of bankrupcy and inabiltiy to keep itself stable for its residents. Although the queen hasn't made a public appearance in 200 years, it's known she's still alive. She regularly keeps the city updated on her status as well as the status of her enemies, even actively encourages people from the city to go and scout them out and inform the city of anything which seems even slightly threatening towards the city itself.

Outside of the obvious biological reasoning of being an alpha Scorcher, it's unclear just why the queen is so pent on keeping the history of the city secret for her brutality- and why she always goes on the offensive against even the slightest of threats. Some have theorised her children may have involvement. Although not a proven fact, many believe she had sextuplets with a young male scorcher many years back, though all of them seem to have either disappeared, or are living under everyone's noses, unaware they are the children of this dastardly woman.