
Nepean High School's Newspaper

Bringing you news, knight and day. 

Did you know? Any student can write an article on Knightwatch! Submit yours here!

We have news articles, artwork, writing prompts, recipes, creative writing, club pages, and so much more! Have a look around! 

Submissions are closed for the 2023-24 school year. Have a good summer :)


Maya G. 

Since summer is right around the corner, one of the many things we have to look forward to are slow mornings where you aren't in a rush to get to school, which means more opportunities to...

Phones No More in Classrooms in Ontario

Anya Watson

Phones have become an indispensable tool in teenage life. Their use for communication, entertainment, and work have made them so addictive that it is impossible to look away — even at school...


Senuga Ranmadugala

On May 16th, NHS Studco hosted a memorable barbecue for all students during lunchtime. To accommodate this special event, all classes on the day of the barbecue were shortened by 15 minutes, allowing students to enjoy a generous two-hour lunch. . .

Maya G.

Nepean High School recently had the pleasure of hosting The Spaniel's Tale once again, on Thursday, May 23rd. Luckily the sale went on for a while - from 8:30am to 3:30pm - so students, teachers and staff were all able to browse the store's varied spread, right in the convenience of our own school library. Ranging from the expected books. . .

Ashley Sutherland

Maturing in some way is inevitable.  As time passes, we humans grow mentally and physically, changing from our previous selves and becoming the adults we were destined to be. However, there’s something so painful about this process, saying goodbye to an innocence we should be striving to protect. The Catcher In The Rye by J.D Salinger is an excellent representation. . .


Childhood Scars

Kiandra Reddie

I can’t remember the last time I played around in dirt and mud until my clothes were covered in nature’s stains. Who knew an intense game of Uno would lead to badminton, long jump, cartwheels, and handstands. . .

Lonesome Room 

Kiandra Reddie

The sun barely seeps through my dark room, there’s nothing but me melting in my bed, not wanting to get and live. The sunlight bleeds through my blackout curtains and wakes up my eyes. Another day, another 24 hours to dread life. . . 


Ashley Sutherland

National Women's Day took place on Friday, March 8th, 2024. A day to celebrate women, their creations, their incredible talents and their progress through the years, it was created by the Socialist Party of America, in honor of the 1857 garment workers' strike in New York, where women protested against working conditions. Thousands of women. . .

Join History Club!

Nepean History Club

Are you interested in history? Do you like to compete for fun prizes and candy? Do you like trivia? Or do you just want to sit around and chat with friends? If you answered yes. . .


I have never been a winter person. The slushy grey snow at the end of February and the bitter cold that bites at my ears are what I dread most going into the new year. But then the weather starts to creep up, and suddenly I hear birds. . .

Nepean's Ideas for March Break

Maya G.

Since March Break is coming up, I’d like to suggest some activities to occupy your time if you aren't out of town and are in need of some ideas. This applies to students, teachers, staff, as well as anyone you'd like to pass this onto! Now, for the list…

Sophie Campbell

To make sure that a website is giving you reliable information, these are eight things to look out for. Firstly, looking out for reputable institutions, such as governmental sites or university studies is considered. . .


An Inquiry Into the Original Broadview Public School Building

Anya Watson and Annabelle Sadler 

It was 2014. I was eight years old and I had classes in the part of the original Broadview Public School known as “The Tower.” I remember the old building well, the feeling of heat that was omnipresent in the music hall, even if the rest of the school had a chill in the air. . .

Senuga Ranmadugala

Earlier this year, during the month of January, the senior drama class of Nepean High School presented the 2023–2024 school year One Acts. With the help of several talented students . . .


Ashley Sutherland

Finally, the first semester is over with, and we all get to enjoy a fresh new start. I can say, without a doubt, that exam/summative season was incredibly stressful for everybody! Complete long projects, studying intricate concepts and trying our very best to understand math, who wouldn't be stressed? Today I am going to be listing 5 unique. . .

Jenna Lynsey

Finally exam season is over and it feels like life is good again. The sun is shining on my skin, the birds are chirping and I feel like life is light and breezy once again. Smiles in the hallways become three times bigger, a weight the size of human history... 

Senuga Ranmadugala

This year, the Nepean theater department is set to present their riveting adaptation of the iconic film "Clue" brought to life on stage. Clue will be the spring production for 2024, a production that is molded by the theater department each year. Auditions have. . .


In my opinion, all the worst parts about being a woman don't actually have anything to do with physically or mentally being a woman. Instead it's all of the expectations, stereotypes and restrictive laws men force on us that make it a negative experience. This artwork that I did for Gender Studies class shows how suffocating gendered expectations. . .  


Sophie Campbell

On a chilly Thursday night, the students lucky enough to get a ticket in time rushed themselves to school at 7 o’clock to an event of dancing, laughing, and fun! Decorated generously, the usually active gym in the basement of Nepean High School was more prominently filled with happy students. Ever since COVID-19 many senior students. . .


Maya G.

On Tuesday, December 5th, we had a book sale from 8:30am-3:30pm in the Nepean library to support one of Ottawa's amazing independent bookstores, The Spaniel's Tale. There was lots of selection, fiction and nonfiction, new and older books. . . 



“Show of hands, how many of you would drop the case.” A sea of hands was raised in the drama class, two people sat isolated. In a world driven by money and greed, I can’t help to wonder how many of my classmates were genuine, myself included. Benevolence by Fanny Britt is a dark comedy play shown. . . 




On a daily basis society turns to movies and plays for entertainment. Most media is targeted towards escapism and overall enjoyment. Forever Young: A Ghetto Story by Darrah Teitel and directed by Sarah Kitz has such an. . . 


Seren Dube

See live jazz music Monday, December 11th in the Nepean auditorium! 

The Nepean All-City Jazz Band (known to many as 'NACJB' or simply 'All-City') comprises musicians between the ages of 15 and 19 drawn from all over the greater...

Ashley Sutherland

 The auditorium, usually dim and empty in the evenings, was filled with light and laughter this past Monday. Why? The Nepean Children’s Theatre production was finally underway, holding their second performance and first to the...

Sophie Campbell

This November I had the important opportunity to participate in the Remembrance Day assembly, shown to the entire school. On Remembrance Day it is crucial to acknowledge those who served and fought for Canada and the sacrifices they made in the process. Brought together, Ms. Tobin’s grade 12 history and some...

Sasha LeFrancois De Beer

The Nepean Drama department is made of so many classes and clubs...


Maya G.

For those who don't know, the Transgender Day of Remembrance is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of all those in the trans community whose lives were lost due to transphobic violence. This year the 20th fell on a school day, which...


Senuga Ranmadugala

This year's children's theatre will be displayed in multiple venues across Ottawa under the name, 'The Pirate's Pearl'. It was directed. . .

Maya G. 

Since it's now officially fall, I thought it would be appropriate to kick off the season by sharing my favorite fall recipe - pumpkin pancakes. They're a nice treat to have in the mornings, while not being too sweet, and can be topped off with fruits, nuts, butter, syrup, or whipped cream. . . 

Kiandra Reddie

Oh god.

What have I done?

I killed someone in the backyard at a halloween party.

All this just because he stole my great grandmother’s ring that I wear on my finger. . .


As fall arrives, there's one signal that truly ushers in fall’s presence – the Pumpkin Spice Latte. Some adore its return while others rue it, but regardless it’s an undeniable sign that the weather is turning, cold beverages are out the window, and it’s time. . .

Ari Viner Lemelin 

I saw the play Bear Grease on 12/10/23 at the NAC. This was a very interesting play to watch. Firstly, there were no main sets. This made it very interesting to watch. The use of a screen at the back of the stage was compelling. Secondly, although. . .


Nepean’s sports division is diverse, we have teams dedicated to rugby all the way to golf, including wrestling. The team is currently coached by Mr. Menard, who worked with students during practices and tournaments. . .

Sophie Campbell

On a dark October evening children from across the continent will take part in a lively tradition dating back to the time of the Celts. Halloween is so important to many North Americans, with some spending thousands of dollars on decorations alone. So this begs the question, why. . .

Kiandra Reddie

I was born on January 7 in the night.

I hear that makes me a criticizer.

I am in fact not a criticizer, I am afraid to give others my own. . .