What's the name of this school again? Here you can catch up on all things school news related. This ranges from club events, dances, and more!

Senuga R.

This year, the Nepean theater department is set to present their riveting adaptation of the iconic film "Clue" brought to life on stage. Clue will be the spring production for 2024...

Winter Dance 2023

Sophie Campbell

On a chilly Thursday night, the students lucky enough to get a ticket in time rushed themselves to school at 7 o’clock to an event of dancing, laughing, and fun! Decorated generously, the usually active gym in the basement of Nepean High School was more prominently filled with happy students. Ever since COVID-19 many senior students. . .


Nepean All-City Concert

Seren Dube

See live jazz music Monday, December 11th in the Nepean auditorium! 

The Nepean All-City Jazz Band (known to many as 'NACJB' or simply 'All-City') comprises musicians between the ages of 15 and 19 drawn from all over the greater...


Sasha LeFrancois De Beer

The Nepean Drama department is made of so many classes and clubs...

Anya Watson

Have a special someone? A student you secretly like? An awesome friend you want to celebrate? This February, Nepean’s Youth in Action club will be running a Candy Gram fundraiser. Students... 

Anya Watson

101 years ago, a young man named Joseph Stalin was appointed General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviety Union. The British Broadcasting Corporation was established. Egypt gained....

Spaniel's Tale Book Sale

Maya G.

On Tuesday, December 5th, we had a book sale from 8:30am-3:30pm in the Nepean library to support one of Ottawa's amazing independent bookstores, The Spaniel's Tale. There was lots of selection, fiction and nonfiction, new and older books. . . 


Sophie Campbell

This November I had the important opportunity to participate in the Remembrance Day assembly, shown to the entire school. On Remembrance Day it is crucial to acknowledge those who served and fought for Canada and the sacrifices they made in the process. Brought together, Ms. Tobin’s grade 12 history and some...

Maya G.

For those who don't know, the Transgender Day of Remembrance is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of all those in the trans community whose lives were lost due to transphobic violence. This year the 20th fell on a school day, which...


Nepean’s sports division is diverse, we have teams dedicated to rugby all the way to golf, including wrestling. The team is currently coached by Mr. Menard, who worked with students during practices and tournaments. . .

Ashley Sutherland

 The auditorium, usually dim and empty in the evenings, was filled with light and laughter this past Monday. Why? The Nepean Children’s Theatre production was finally underway, holding their second performance and first to the...

Senuga Ranmadugala

This year's children's theatre will be displayed in multiple venues across Ottawa under the name, 'The Pirate's Pearl'. It was directed. . .