Time to get creative Nepean! Here you can find pieces that go outside of the bounds of professional forms of writing and let your creative side free!

New Semester, New Me?

Jenna Lynsey

Finally exam season is over and it feels like life is good again. The sun is shining on my skin, the birds are chirping and I feel like life is light and breezy once again. Smiles in the hallways become three times bigger, a weight the size of human history... 

Sophie Campbell

On a dark October evening children from across the continent will take part in a lively tradition dating back to the time of the Celts. Halloween is so important to many North Americans, with some spending thousands of dollars on decorations alone. So this begs the question, why. . .



Kiandra Reddie

I was born on January 7 in the night.

I hear that makes me a criticizer.

I am in fact not a criticizer, I am afraid to give others my own. . .


Kiandra Reddie

Oh god.

What have I done?

I killed someone in the backyard at a halloween party.

All this just because he stole my great grandmother’s ring that I wear on my finger. . .