Our Team

Here you can find the people behind Nepean Highschool's School Newspaper!

2023/24 Team

I'm Annabelle, one of the co-editors of Knightwatch! I love reading and especially writing in my spare time, and Knightwatch let me do both! What I love about Knightwatch is: It allows for a lot of creative freedom for the writers; it allows editors to look at lots of different works and see so many styles of writing! I only worked as co-editor for one year, but what a year it was!

I'm Anya, one of the co-editors for the 2023/2024 school year. It has been my great pleasure to serve on the Knightwatch leadership team this year and I look forward to supporting the club and its members in the future! When I'm not interviewing others for articles, I enjoy tutoring and printing t-shirts. Feel free to reach out to me at awats15@ocdsb.ca if you are ever looking for a bit of support in your writing process!

I'm Sophie, a third of the Knightwatch editors this year! Helping to run the school newspaper this year has been lots of fun. When I'm not updating the Knightwatch website I'm managing our Instagram. I love to write and read, the newspaper has provided me the opportunity to do both. My only regret this year is that I didn't join the club in early years. I'm very excited to see what the team comes up with next year!