Corrupted Mind

Kiandra Reddie / 2023-10-17

Oh god.

What have I done?

I killed someone in the backyard at a halloween party.

All this just because he stole my great grandmother’s ring that I wear on my finger in memory of her.

What should I do?

Tell someone?

Call the police?

(Why would you do that?) 

Because that would be reasonable!

(And you would want to spend the rest of your life behind bars?)

(Didn’t think so.)

What would you do?

(I’m you!)

(But since you’re asking I would hide the body.) 


(You heard me.)


(Hurry up, I hear people coming.)


You threw the very much dead body over the fence and hopped over before anyone could see you.

(Dragged the body somewhere.) 


(I don’t know, a lake?)


(Oh but that would be too obvious.)

Where then!?

(You decided to kill this person, you choose!)

You told me to hide the body!

(Well excuse me! You looked like you were going to cry!)

(Are you crying?)

Of course I am!


What do you mean?!

(Hide the body further, there’s people coming around.)


You dragged the body in plain sight of the street.

(Go in an alleyway, you idiot! You want people to see what you did!)

You followed your thoughts and dragged the body in the alleyway. There's blood all over your hands and your brand new costume. This isn’t what you hope your halloween night to be.

I’m a murder.


Why do you mean “CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS”?!

(You killed someone. Congratulations.)


(You’re welcome.)

You’re so annoying.

(I’m you..)

(And I’ll always be you.)

You’re sick.

(No, try that again.)

You are sick?


…I’m sick?

(There you go.)

What is wrong with me!

I mean he did try to steal my great grandmother’s ring and that’s not fair, but was it really worth killing someone?

Was it?

(I dunno, you killed him so maybe?)

Would you just be quiet!

(Just stop thinking, it’s that easy.)


(I hear sirens.)


(Oh won’t you look at that! Some nice old lady saw you holding a dead body in your stupid hands from her apartment and called the police.)




What do I do now?

(Run from the cops? Accept defeat? It’s your choice really.)

You decided the best option for you to do was to run from the cops. I mean, how far do you think you could run to escape the cops, hm? You just killed someone with your own two hands. Why don’t you turn yourself in already? Saving sometime for the world. :) 

(Watch the wire.) 

You ran straight in the wire, a tangled mess. 

(You idiot.)



I panicked!


I did!

(What? I believe you.) 

Oh. Good.

You managed to escape the cops from a chase that never began. You brought the body to a……

(A trash compactor?)

I don’t know! I panicked again, okay!

(Alright, I’m not judging.)

It sounds like you are. 

(You’re just afraid.)

Maybe I am.

(You are.)

You opened the trash compactor and threw the body inside. You did it. You disposed the body in a trash compactor.

Are you proud? 

Should you be proud?

(Are you happy?)


(You’re crying again.)


(Why? You should be proud of yourself.)


(He’s gone.)

(You should be glad.)


(You did this.)

(She would be proud.)

No she wouldn’t!

(Be proud.)


(He tried to take something that’s yours.)

(I hear sirens, hide.) 

You listened to your mind and ran far from the trash compactor, you listen to your mind more than your heart no matter how hard you try. Who am I kidding? You always listen to your mind, you’re scared to follow your heart. 

Am I a killer?

You did feel better once he was gone.


I’m proud.

He deserved it.

He deserved every stab wound in his stomach.

He deserves to die. 



(Kill them all.)