Nepean's Ideas for March Break

Maya G. / 2024-4-1

Since March Break is coming up, I’d like to suggest some activities to occupy your time if you aren't out of town and are in need of some ideas. This applies to students, teachers, staff, as well as anyone you'd like to pass this onto! Now, for the list…

1. Spending time with friends and family - This seems like sort of a given to do during any time not taken up by school, however this time of year can get particularly hectic at work and school, so taking the opportunity to relax and socialize can be especially helpful in relieving stress and recharging your battery.

2. Catching up on work and schoolwork - No doubt the weeks leading up to March Break were incredibly frantic, trying to finish up work and schoolwork while still hopefully keeping up a healthy balance. To continue that difficult balancing act, it may be helpful to take the time, while you have it, to catch up on, and even possibly get ahead on work and schoolwork, so you aren't immediately overwhelmed when getting back.

3. Fixing your sleep schedule - Look, I know just as much as the next person that sometimes an all-nighter is bound to happen to try and catch up on work and schoolwork, but now that school is out, sleep is what you need to catch up on more than anything. Look up the recommended number of hours for your age group, and try not to go too over or below that number during the break. Absolutely sleep in if you're able to on the first day, but going forward, your mind really will be closer to 100% if your body is already there.

4. Hiking - Since it's finally warm out, profiting off the temporarily nice weather is vital, as spring tends to switch around the temperature a lot. Of course, just walking around the neighborhood, enjoying the weather while it lasts comes to mind, but if you'd like to change the scenery a bit and benefit from all the beautiful greenery defrosting, taking a hike in one of Canada’s many beautiful forests might be what you're looking for. (I personally would suggest the Mill of Kintail trail in Almonte, and stopping in Ottawa Valley Coffee afterwards for one of their excellent warm drinks isn't necessary, but recommended.)

5. Skiing - Believe it or not, even though the weather has been nice lately and basically all of the snow has vanished, if you find yourself more on the Quebec side, skiing is very much still going on! So, if you aren't quite done with winter or would just prefer to exercise in a way that isn't just walking around for once, skiing could be a great option.

That's it! Hopefully you found this helpful, or at least good for a quick read, and I hope you have a calming and refreshing March Break! See you next week, Nepean.