Children's Theatre: The Pirate's Pearl

Senuga Ranmadugalas / 2023-10-24

This year's children's theatre will be displayed in multiple venues across Ottawa under the name, 'The Pirate's Pearl'. It was directed and produced by a group of grade 12 students and supervised by Nepean High drama teacher, Mr. Wright. It is a short play about two pirate crews who are on a quest to find a hidden treasure on the high seas. It will be a play that follows their journey across the seas, as they face each other and multiple challenges that stand in their way.

The shows will be displayed in venues like Dovercourt, Woodroffe Elementary, Broadview Elementary, and more, with one show that will be showcased for everyone interested at Nepean High School. 'The Pirate's Pearl' is a play that was created and produced solely by students from Nepean High School. Directors, the cast, backstage, and everyone who worked on the framework of the play, the sets, props, costumes, etc… Are all students of Nepean who have put in hours of their time into making this play a success. 

With the dedication and effort the students of Nepean High have put into the creation of this art piece, we hope to see heaps of support for this play and receive constructive feedback from you, to whom we will be presenting our work. We encourage you to show your support by spreading the word to your peers, family, neighbours, etc… And we will try our utmost to make this experience as enjoyable as we can through our display of this play. Once again, thank you to the students of Nepean High for the hard work and dedication you have put into the creation of this play.