Remembrance Day Assembly 2023

Sophie Campbell / 2023-11-11

This November I had the important opportunity to participate in the Remembrance Day assembly, shown to the entire school. On Remembrance Day it is crucial to acknowledge those who served and fought for Canada and the sacrifices they made in the process. Brought together, Ms. Tobin’s grade 12 history and some of Mr. Hoogenraad’s grade 10s read accounts, poetry and letters from the war. 

The assembly included two periods, the first for the grade nines and tens, and the second for the elevens and twelves. It began with a brief introduction, slideshow, and land acknowledgement. Members of the grade 12 class, Hugh, Charles, and Jacob, started their reading and summary dedicated to the Boer War. Subsequently, Mathew, Rene, and Ellie talked about the First World War. 

Co-editor of Knightwatch, grade 12 student Annabelle Sadler states: “I think working on this assembly has been an important learning experience for us all. I feel participating [in the assembly] this year has given me a new level of insight into commemoration, and I feel as if I have taken away more [from this experience] than I would have if I had been sitting in the audience.” Annabelle, along with one of her classmates, started a reading called “Bomber Raids” dating back to the Second World War.

Seren Dube, a grade 12 student, shares her account of not only reading an original piece but also performing for the students of Nepean High School. “When first hearing about the details of Remembrance Day I took the opportunity to write a summary of the Second World War. Although this summary was meant to be short, I liked researching and learning new things about this topic. Being able to perform with some of my classmates was also a positive experience for me.” Seren and the Jazz Combo performed “I’ll be Seeing You”, a popular song during World War 2. In addition, grade 12 student Catherine Robson created a video which went along with the song. 

In addition, a piece was read regarding the Holocaust, which was led by a piece on the Korean War, which included the poem “The Guns in Korea” read by a grade 10 student. This would be followed by a segment retaining Canadian Peacekeeping. The final reading was about Afghanistan. 

The final portion of the assembly included the laying of the wreath, done by our Co-Presidents Anneke Goodwin and Hale Abbott. A moving performance of The Last Post was played by Catherine Robson. Myself and classmate Jonathon Milton read “In Flanders Fields”. To conclude everything, the Chamber Choir and the Vocals Class performed O Canada, bringing a close to the 2023 Nepean High School Remembrance Day assembly. 

In participating in this event, I have concluded that remembrance is crucial to be spread and taught, especially in schools. It is vital to take some time out of your day to remember those who fought and sacrificed themselves for peace. Even when most at this school step out of that auditorium this day of importance slips their minds until next year’s assembly.