Unique Study Hacks for Exams!

Ashley S. / 2024-02-02

Finally, the first semester is over with, and we all get to enjoy a fresh new start. I can say, without a doubt, that exam/summative season was incredibly stressful for everybody! Complete long projects, studying intricate concepts and trying our very best to understand math, who wouldn't be stressed? Today I am going to be listing 5 unique and effective study hacks that you can put to use for not only term two, but the rest of your life.

First of all, scrap the electronics! One of the biggest struggles, especially for teenagers when they are studying, is the immense distraction that is their phone. I can assure you that I relate. Even if my phone is stowed away in my drawer I  can sense its presence, and I cannot resist grabbing it when I’m bored. The best thing to do is actually store your phone in another room in your house, maybe even another floor! This will make retrieving it much harder and motivate you to complete your work before using it.

Also, try to use hardcopy prints of textbooks and worksheets, rather than doing it on a computer. People who read books in person absorb and remember more of the plot than readers of online books do, according to an Italian study in 2014. This can be related to fatigue from bright screens, easy distractions online, or simply the sensation of hold a book/sheet in your hands.

Next, listen to music! I'm sure you have heard of this before, whether youve been advised to do or not to do it. Calm and soothing music can help a student that is stressed about studying relax and focus on their tasks. It provides stimulation, keeping the student active for longer than they would have been in silence. Plus, there is something called the Mozart effect that proves that listening to music aids memory. This is due to the enjoyement and appreciation of the music, which again, calms you down and makes you more aware.

While studying hard is important, giving yourself free time is absolutely necessary. Sleep, eat, exercise, practice your hobbies. Avoid dedicating your entire soul to studies, or becoming lonely and depressed during exam season. Bad mental and physical health will absoloutely have a negative effect on your performance in school, due to fatigue, burn-out, lack of motivation and more. If you feel energized and happy while studying, you will complete a lot more work, and do it well!

Finally, set up a reward system. I know it sounds a little strange, but giving yourself something to look forward to and motivating yourself  to complete the work does nothing but help! This can be a piece of candy, some time on your phone or even just a minute long break. You can choose to do this using the time you study, how many paragraphs you write, etc. It is completely your choice. This is an excellent strategy to keep you responsible and on top of your work all of the time.

In conclusion: Distance yourself from your phone, use physical textbooks and worksheets, listen to music, give yourself free time and set up a reward system. I truly hope these tips will help you with future schoolwork and exams, I know that they helped me! Good luck and have great term.