Candy Grams with Youth in Action

Anya Watson / 2024-2-2

Candy Grams with Youth in Action

Have a special someone? A student you secretly like? An awesome friend you want to celebrate? 

This February, Nepean’s Youth in Action club will be running a Candy Gram fundraiser. Students will have the opportunity to send a short message and a piece of candy, anonymously or not, to those they admire for only $0.50. All of the proceeds from this event will go towards The Royal Canadian Legion to support Veterans and their families.

Students wishing to purchase Candy Grams should know the recipient’s full name and homeroom teacher or Block A class. If possible, students should also indicate the recipient’s homeroom class number (e.g. Room 3211).

Candy Grams will be sold in the main hall during lunch on the 5, 7, 9, and 13th of February and will be distributed on the 14th of February.

Youth in Action is also offering volunteer hours for those who would like to help out with this initiative or with a book sale the club is planning for later this year. Reach them at nhs.yia for more information.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Nepean!