
134e ANNÉE: 1960-61


President: Raymond Loucheur

Vice-Pres., 1r chef: none

Secretary-General: André Huot

Treas.: Lucien Wesmaël (new term)

Treas. adj.: Roland Ergo

Comm. pers.: François Lovisolo [sic.]

Comm. mat.: Gérard Pichaureau

Membs. adj.: (1) Lebon (new term) (2) Manuel Recassens

Contrôleurs aux comptes: Gitton, Lopez

Caisse d'Allocations de Post-Activité

President: Huot

Vice-Pres.: Clerget

Secretary: François

Sec. adj.: Geneste

Treas.: Thévet

Commission de contrôle: Logerot, Lopez, Faure


12 concerts Fall Season, 11 concerts Spring Season + Fest. d'Aix-en-Provence (July 1961).

Assemblée Générale: 8 January 1961 extraordinaire (future of the Société, recordings, nomination of a 1r chef), 27 May 1961


Aspirants (10 June 1960): Debost (flute, [830]); (10 March 1961): Masson (cello, [833], replacing Ladoux), Barthe (cello, [834], replacing Dechesne)

Sociétaires: [none?]

Separations (17 September 1960): Elissalde (viola, 721+; retired, m. h.); (10 March 1961): Seigneur (viola, 716; retired, m. h.)



  • Huot's summary to P. Moinot of the Direction des Arts et Lettres gives the following summary in fulfillment of the cahier des charges: Chefs français: 14; Solistes français: 21 (including Chorale de l'Université de Paris); Musique française: 307 minutes. Compositeurs vivants: 97' (Arvy, 12'; Tomasi, 15'; Milhaud, 15'; Jolivet, 25'; Loucheur, 15'; Bondeville, 15').
  • Financial results (see detail):
  • Debits: 341,149.30 [new] francs
  • Credits: 521,894.79 francs
  • For distribution:
  • 180,745.49 francs


Minutes, Committee: D 17345 (23)

Minutes, Assemblée Générale:

Secretary's Report: