
38e ANNÉE: 1864-65


President: Daniel F.-E. Auber

Vice-Pres., 1r chef: François George-Hainl

2e chef: Deldevez

Secretary: Lebouc

Comm. pers.: Baneux

Comm. mat.: Lamoureux (resigned), then Ferrand (elected 28 January 1865)

Agt. compt.: Jancourt

Arch.-Caissier: Ern. Altès (jeune)

Rép. chant: Vauthrot

Memb. adj.: Sauzay

Insp. Salle: Chazotte

Caisse de Prévoyance et Secours

Secretary: Tilmant jeune

Agt. compt.: Altès jeune

Treas.: Lecointe


12 concerts (1st concert in memory of Meyerbeer, d. 2 May 1864) + concert at Opéra

New works: Meyerbeer: Le Pardon de Ploërmel ov., Marguerite d'Anjou excerpt. Lassus: Salve regina; Halévy Ave verum

Assemblées Générales: 28 January 1865 (resignation of Lamoureux from committee; succeeded by Ferrand), 24 March 1865 (statutes), 7 May 1865


Sociétaires (25 October 1864): Gout (violin, 347), Lebrun (violin, 348), Dupont (horn, 349), Fréret (bass, 350), Schlotmann (horn, 351), Lallement (trumpet,352); (31 October 1864): Dupuis (tenor, 353), Brégère (tenor, 354).

Separations: de Rivals (violin, 097; retired, m. h.), Leborne (tenor, 053; retired, m. h.), Duvernoy (horn, 281; retired, m. h.), Toutain (doublebass, 302)

Deaths: Schneider (tenor, 270)


    • Total receipts: 103,574.35, up 900 francs from 1863-64.


Minutes, Committee: D 17345 (6)

Minutes, Assemblée Générale:

Secretary's Report: D 17341 (Lebouc)