
128e ANNÉE: 1954-55Committee

President: Marcel Dupré

Vice-Pres., 1r chef: André Cluytens

Secretary-General: André Huot

Treas.: Marcel Roche

Treas. adj.: André Chandor

Comm. pers.: François Lovisolo (new term)

Comm. mat.: Marcel Benedetti

Membs. adj.: (1) Henri Lebon (winds), (2) Paul Bernard

Contrôleurs aux comptes: Cordier, Delacourcelle

Caisse d'Allocations de Post-Activité

President: Marcel Dupré

Vice-Pres.: André Huot

Secretary: Eugène Geneste

Sec. adj.: André François

Treas.: Lucien Thévet

Commission de contrôle: Gaston Logerot, Georges Moulinié, Jacques Boucher


11 concerts Fall Season, 12 concerts Winter Season. Fest. d'Aix-en-Provence (July 1955); Fest. de Besançon (September 1955).

Subscription prices: click here

Assemblée Générale: 18 December 1954 extraordinaire (revision of statutes); 5 June 1955


Aspirants: Blanc (violin, [815]), Ganot (violin, [816]), Geyre (violin, [817); all appointed for 1955-56

Sociétaires (9 March 1955): Doukan (violin, 809), Gaunet (violin, 810), Casier (oboe, 811)

Separations (14, 22 April 1955): Franquin (violin, 746; retired, m. h.) Séru (violin, 698; resigned for illness, m. h.)

Deaths: Gasparini (doublebass, 619), Couillaud (trombone, 637), Le Métayer (viola, 588), Clamer (bass, 628)


Minutes, Committee: D 17345 (22)

Minutes, Assemblée Générale: D 17342 (3), pp. 174-80, with agenda tipped in at p. 174; D 17343 (5)

Secretary's Report: