19e ANNÉE: 1846


President: Daniel F.-E. Auber

Vice-Pres., 1r chef: François-Antoine Habeneck

Secretary: Vény

Comm. pers.: Tilmant aîné

Comm. mat.: Louis Mathieu

Agt. compt.: Hyacinthe Trévaux

Arch.-Caissier: Charles St.-Laurent

Rép. chant: François Benoist

Memb. adj.: Henry Deshayes

Insp. Salle: Leborne

Caisse de Prévoyance

Secretary: Henry Deshayes

Agt. compt.: Auguste Seuriot

Treas.: Dauverné


10 concerts + command performance for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Guizot)

New Works: Josse: La Tentation (part I); Deloffre, Pillet: Symphonie concertante; David: new symphony; ?Onslow:? Symphony No. 1 in F Minor.

Assemblée Générale: 26 October 1845 extraordinaire (placement of funds of Caisse de Prévoyace), 10 March 1846 extraordinaire (lottery of Assn. des Artistes-Musiciens), 17 May 1846.


Aspirants: Barbot (tenor, [232]), Bussine (bass ch. solo, [217, 338]), Sangouard (tenor, [256], Mme Sangouard (soprano, [286]), Charmont (violin), Porthéhaut (violin, [287]), Déledicque (viola, [316]), Jacquard (cello, [379]); en cas: Vital (violin, [315]), Dumas (violin, [298]), Mageant (violin, [299]). Picard (bass, [234]) named externe.

Sociétaires (27 November 1845): Henricet (viola, 212), Chaix (bass ch., 213), L. Henry (soprano adj., 229); [Audan (tenor, 214), see 1843); (13 January 1946): Guinot (tenor, 215)

Separations: Bouvenne (bass ch., 012; age, m. h.), Mme. Bouvenne (soprano, 114; resigned)

Deaths: Urhan (violin, 90)


Minutes, Committee: D 17345 (4), pp. 1-29

Minutes, Assemblée Générale: D 17345 (4), pp. 2-5, 28-29

Secretary's Report: