31e ANNÉE: 1858


President: Daniel F.-E. Auber

Vice-Pres., 1r chef: Narcisse Girard

2e chef: Tilmant

Secretary: Sauzay

Comm. pers.: Seuriot

Comm. mat.: Altès aîné

Agt. compt.: Sangouard

Arch.-Caissier: Duvernoy

Rép. chant: Vauthrot

Memb. adj.: Desmarets

Insp. Salle: Guignot

Caisse de Prévoyance

Secretary: Tilmant jeune

Agt. compt.: Desmarets

Treas.: Leplus


10 concerts

Assemblée Générale: 21 November 1857 extraordinaire (raising number of sociétaires to 118), 9 May 1858.


Sociétaires (23 November 1857): Cras (oboe, 293), Rose (clarinet, 294), Marzoli (bassoon, 295), F. Dubois 1r (trumpet, 296), Émery (timpani, 297); (1 December 1857): Dumas (violin, 298), Mangeant (violin, 299), E. Altès (2e) (violin, 300), Verrimst (doublebass, 301), Toutain (doublebass, 302); (8 December 1857): Allais (tenor, 303); Boule (tenor, 304 [22 December]), Coulon (bass ch., 305 [3 November)), Delahaye (bass ch., 306), Boussagol (bass ch., 307), Cailleteau (bass ch., 308), L. H. Adam (bass ch., 309), Marin (tenor, 310), Archaimbaud (bass ch., 311), Lourdel (tenor, 312); (10 January 1858): Mme Archaimbaud (soprano adj., 313); (9 March 1858): Mlle Ménéray (soprano adj., 314).




Minutes, Committee: D 17345 (6)

Minutes, Assemblée Générale:

Secretary's Report: