
116e ANNÉE: 1942-43Committee

Président d'honneur: Claude Delvincourt

President: Charles Munch

Secretary-General: Jean Savoye (year 2 of term)

Treas.: André Huot (year 1)

Treas. adj.: Pierre Lepetit (completing Huot's term)

Comm. pers.: Georges Guérin (term extended; formally extended 27 December 1942 until the end of the war)

Comm. mat.: Alphonse Morin

Comm. pub.: Felix Passerone

Memb. adj.: Jean(?) Lespine (new term)

Contrôleurs aux comptes: Logerot, Delacourcelle

Insp. Salle: Jean Sarraillé

Caisse d'Allocation et de Post Activité

Secretary: Jean Saraillé

Agt. compt.: Pierre Lepetit

Treas.: Victor Cœur


25 concerts

Assemblée Générale: 27 December 1942 extraordinaire (Caisse d'Allocations de post-activité; status of Comm. pers.; affaire Oubradous); 26 June 1943.


Sociétaires (7 January 1943): Sabarich (trumpet, 760), François (oboe, 761), Barthélémy (violin, 762), Denayer (viola, 763)

Separations (29 June 1942): Gasparini (doublebass, 619), Drouet (viola, 626), Gobert (oboe, 649), Cœur (harp, 651)



Minutes, Committee: D 17345 (21)

Minutes, Assemblée Générale: D 17342 (2), pp. 228-35; D 17342 (3), pp. 1-10, with published agenda tipped in at p. 1; D 17343 (1 typed copy of each)

Secretary's Report: