
75e ANNÉE: 1901-02


President: Théodore Dubois

Vice-Pres., 1r chef: Georges Marty (from 12 June 1901; vice-president from 28 June)

2e chef: Thibault (resigned 1 October 1901); Victor Gasser (from 22 October 1901)

Secretary: Pierre Chavy

Comm. pers.: Bernard

Comm. mat.: Girod

Agt. compt.: Mimart

Arch.-Caissier: J. Gaillard

Rép. chant: Samuel Rousseau (resigned 15 June 1901), Émile Schvartz (from 28 June 1901)

Memb. adj.: Veyret

Insp. Salle: Rose

Caisse de Prévoyance

Secretary: Victor Gasser (from 12 June 1901, replacing Taffanel)

Agt. compt.: Rose (from 12 June 1901, replacing Ch. Turban)

Treas.: Lafitte


20 concerts

Assemblée Générale: 12 June 1901 extraordinaire (to elect successor to Taffanel; Marty elected; see tally of votes; also changes in Com. of CdP), 28 June 1901 extraordinaire (election of Schvartz, rép. chant; Marty, vice-pres.), 22 October 1901 extraordinaire (election of Gasser, 2d chef), 28 May 1902; 3 June 1902 (unfinished business)


Sociétaires (1 June 1901): Aubert (violin, 575), Gaubert (flute, 576), Bleuzet (oboe, 577), Fauthoux (trumpet, 578); (12 June 1901): Marty (conductor, 579)

Separations: Samuel-Rousseau (chorusmaster, 520; resigned after losing election for 1r chef to Marty)



Minutes, Committee: D 17345 (14) to 22 October 1901, (15) from 25 October 1901

Minutes, Assemblée Générale:

Secretary's Report: