
69e ANNÉE: 1895-96


President: Ambroise Thomas

Vice-Pres., 1r chef: Paul Taffanel

2e chef: Thibault

Secretary: Chavy

Comm. pers.: Charpentier

Comm. mat.: Bouvet

Agt. compt.: Ch. Turban

Arch.-Caissier: Rabaud

Rép. chant: Samuel-Rousseau

Memb. adj.: Gasser

Insp. Salle: A. F. Girard

Caisse de Prévoyance

Secretary: Paul Taffanel

Agt. compt.: Rabaud

Treas.: Lafitte


18 concerts

New Works: Bach: Cantata 21.

Living French composers: Franck: Psalm 150, d'Indy: Symphonie sur une thème montagnard

Guest soloists: Saint-Saëns, Sarasate, Pugno, Mlle Landi

Assemblée Générale: 28, ?30? May 1896


Sociétaires (4 June 1895): Lafleurance (flute, 545), Bêle (trombone, 546), Belville (violin, 547), Toussaint (violin, 548)

Separations: Vasseur (tenor, 423; resigned for illness, m. h.), Brémont (horn, 434; resigned, m. h.), Teste (trumpet, 418; retired, m. h.), Blachère (trombone, 440; resigned for illness, m. h.), Grisez (clarinet, 495; resigned), Hayot (violin, 472; resigned), Laforge (viola, 485; resigned)

Deaths: Gout (violin, 347), A. Turban (violin, 411)


Minutes, Committee: D 17345 (13)

Minutes, Assemblée Générale:

Secretary's Reports (Chavy): D 17341 (rapport moral, 30 May 1896)), D 17340 (for AG of 30 May 1896, on proposal to make equivalence of Dir. Conserv. and pres. of SdC statutory; passed).